Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"We're here," said Annabelle.

I looked out the car window and my jaw dropped.

They had used the Museum of Ancient History as the venue. A red carpet had been rolled out for the guests and men were standing around with cameras hanging from their necks, snapping pictures when a new guest walked by or arrived by limo.

Annabelle smiled. "I'm going to go park the car. If I don't see you inside, let's plan on meeting back here at 11PM, okay?"

"Thank you, Annabelle. Thank you for everything!"

I followed Shayla down the red carpet. Smiling as my picture was taken.

Everything felt surreal as I walked through the open doors. My senses immediately became overwhelmed as music and the chatter of guests flooded the space.

"Who's that?" exclaimed one guest.

"Look at her dress!" said a woman in a turquoise dress.

"Those shoes though," said the young woman standing next to her.

My cheeks felt warm. My mother had always told me I was her beautiful princess, but I had never felt quite like this before.

I made my way to a table with small glasses filled with a golden liquid. As I sipped the liquid, I watched guests mingle and laugh with one another. Everyone seemed so happy. I guess parties like this one had that effect on people.

"MOVE!" demanded a familiar voice. I spun around and came face to face with Rima.

"Where did you get that dress?" she demanded.

Worried I had been caught; I looked down and didn't respond.

"RIMA!" called Aunt Fatima's voice. "Come, the Ambassador's son is over here."

Rima practically ran in her stilettos toward my Aunt Fatima.

Does that mean she didn't recognize me? I stayed still, frozen with fear.

I didn't relax until she had fully disappeared into the crowd.

"Excuse me," said someone over my shoulder. I turned around and gasped.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"You're sorry for what?" asked a guy with deep brown eyes and skin the color of mahogany.

My cheeks burned. "I don't know," I admitted.

He smiled, revealing perfectly straight pearly white teeth. "You're funny, you know that?"

The corners of my lips twitched.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked, staring deep into my eyes.

With weak knees, I accepted his hand and followed him on to the dance floor.

Hours flew by as we twirled around the dance floor. My stomach flipped and flopped every time he smiled at me.

"Would you like a glass of punch?" he whispered into my ear. An involuntary shiver snaked down my spine.

"That would be lovely," I answered. "Do you mind telling me what time it is first?"

He raised his arm and checked his watch.

"It's one minute to eleven," he said.

"Eleven?" I gasped. "Already?"

He laughed. "You know how the saying goes, 'Time flies when you're having fun.'"

My heart sank. "I have to go." A knot formed in my stomach immediately after the words left my lips.

His expression fell. "Why?"

"My ride, it's leaving now."

He frowned. "I can call a car for you."

"No, it's-," I paused. I certainly couldn't admit to him I needed to be home and in bed by the time the ball ended. I also couldn't tell him that my aunt and cousins absolutely could not know that I had been spinning around on the dance floor all night with the most handsome young man I had ever laid eyes on. On top of all of that, I certainly couldn't be late and take advantage of Annabelle's kindness and show up late for my ride. "I just can't stay any later. I really must be going."

"Wait," he said, grabbing my hand. "I don't even know your name!"

"I'm sorry," I apologized again. "I have to go."

"Wait!" he called again, this time louder. "Please, at least tell me your name!"

Without looking back, I spun on my heel and ran toward the door. In the process, one of my shoes accidentally slipped off. Bending down to pick it up, man accidentally bumped into me and sent me flying to the ground. By the time I got back on my feet, my left shoe was missing and the clock started to signal eleven. My shoulders slumped as I slid off my other shoe and raced to the door.

Annabelle and Shayla greeted me at the door with huge smiles.

"Are you sure you want to leave?" asked Annabelle.

"Yes, thank you for brining me. I had the most magical night," I said in a singsong voice.

As soon as we reached the car, Shayla grabbed my hands. "Spill it!"

"What?" I asked in a confused tone.

"The Ambassador's son, you danced with him all night! Do you know him or something?"

"The Ambassador's son?"

Shayla nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, that's who you were dancing with all night! Didn't you know that?"

My jaw dropped. "Oh my gosh! I had no idea!"

Annabelle and Shayla took turns asking me questions all the way home.

"Please, give us a call soon," said Annabelle as she put the car in park. "We'd love to see you again!"

I smiled. "Thank you, Annabelle. I definitely will!"

As I let myself into the house, I jumped in the air and squealed. "I just danced with the Ambassador's son ALL NIGHT LONG!"

By the time Aunt Fatima and my cousins made it home, I was tucked into bed and had told my furry little friends all of the details of the night.

For the first time in a long time, I fell asleep with a smile on my face.



Aw! Wasn't this chapter magical? I'm so happy for Amira!

Do you think she'll ever see the Ambassador's son again?

Leave a message in comment below!


Kelly Anne Blount xoxo

P.S. You know the drill! ;) If you <3'ed this chapter, please click on that little star and leave me a comment!

P.S.S. Here is the inspiration for Amira's dress. What do you think? :)

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