Getting To Know Them

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Hello! It's me, Ren! I've come to tell you who these people are cuz you very probably don't know them, lol

music note: Amity 

beanie: Chris

China: Sanya

yuki: Yuki

Starbucks: Stella

chalk: Charlotte

Sirius: Halsey

I hope this isn't confusing! I'll also explain the nicknames!

Sanya : China: There's a city in China called Sanya (I think). Sanya's real name is Spencer, but they hate it. Instead, they nicknamed themselves 'Sanya', because they thought it was cool.

Charlotte : Chalk: Charlotte likes using chalk. It also sounds like Charlie (according to Amity.)

Chris : beanie: Chris ALWAYS wears a beanie. Always. He is never seen outside his house without one. Also, he never washes them :D.

Yuki : yuki: Amity honestly had no idea what to nickname her, so boom, her name in lowercase 😀👍

Halsey : Sirius: Halsey is the most serious person Amity had ever met, and since her Harry Potter phase, Amity has been unable to spell 'serious' right.

Stella : Starbucks: she loves going to Starbucks. Do I need to keep explaining?

Amity : music note: this is Amity's symbol in Bill's zodiac. She actually likes it because she loves music.

Hope this helped! Also, I'm super super sorry for not adding this at the beginning!

Thank you, and have a nice year,


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