Chapter 1

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I threw my fist at Ace but he ducked. He made a smug expression and threw his leg up, thrusting it forward and knocking me onto the hard concrete floor. I haven't trained for days and camp was the next day, I didnt wanna get hurt before it even started! I tried to climb to my feet but he pushed me back down and my head hit the ground with a loud "THUMP" I let out a high pitched scream and got up fast before he could stop me. A crowd started to form around us. People screaming "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

Ok. let's start from the beginning...

It was just the beginning of the summer and my mom signed me up for a camp to get back on track with things. I haven't gone to the camp in about 3 years and I was starting to lose power and it's not some fun summer camp where you do arts and crafts and get to tell scary ghost stories. It was the end of school and of course I had to get a goodbye from my bully but it wasn't a goodbye more like a good swing of his fist. He always makes it difficult for me. I literally can't do anything without him interrupting and us getting into a fight! I could win, but I didn't want to expose myself and here I am standing in front of Ace ready to explode.

My hands went cold as I went to shut my eyes to focus. But before I closed them I saw a blue light at the corner of my eye through the crowd letting Ace punch me again. My nose started to bleed but I ignored it. I pushed him down then ran out the crowd towards were I saw the blue light

"Awww! COMMON! FIGHT!" Someone yelled out of the crowd as I ran pushing everyone out of the way but when I finally got out of the mess I slipped on something and landed on my butt. What I slipped on happened to be ice! WHAT-?! How was ice randomly on the ground it wasn't even cold outside and it hasn't rained in which felt like years! I got up and walked away like nothing happened running into my best friend

"Hey Eve" I greeted as we walked towards our house. She punched me playfully, "Hey!" I complained rubbing my shoulder

"Commonnnn! You just beat up Ace Petson! You gotta have some victory in your depressed attitude!" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, YAYYY I JUST BEAT UP ACE PETSON LIKE I COULD HAVE DONE ALL THESE OTHER YEARS! AND PROBABLY GONNA GET DETENTION WHEN I ARRIVE AT SCHOOL NEXT YEAR!" I sarcastically said throwing my hands up in the air. She ran in front of me and stopped.

"UGH! I think you deserve to go to that camp" she darted me a look as I pushed passed her walking again.

"Camp should be interesting don't you think?" Eve asked, determined to bother me.


"Maybe there'll be some cute boys!"

"EW. NO."

"You are sooo boring"

After a while of this we finally got home after stopping every second to Eve complaining about my "depressed attitude"

Eve waved goodbye and left.

"Hey mom," I said, swinging the door open.

I stopped, staring, I swear my eyes were coming out of my head.

That was definitely not my mom.

A wolf with fur as pure white as snow was helping herself to a bit of last night's leftovers. A puppy no doubt.

I took a closer look at the strange thing and let out a shriek as I realized the tiny thing had large feathery wings sprouting from her back.

"OMG. OMG. OMG" I freaked, waving my hands wildly as if trying to cool myself down.

The puppy had somehow opened the fridge and got to our spaghetti from the night before, an empty container sat at her paws and her fur was stained with red sauce.

The pup lunged forward, going for the pizza next.

"WAIT, NO, NOT THE PIZZA!" I cried out, trying to grab her. As soon as my hands met her fur it sent out an electric shock that made me wince and pull my hand away, "Ooookay"

The wolf pup turned to look at me with large innocent cyan eyes, fluttering her lids.

I couldn't help but break a grin, "aw, your so cute," suddenly a glint caught my eye, "huh? DO YOU HAVE A THIRD EYE?!" I looked closer, "Oh. never mind it's just a gem stuck in your forehead-" I paused, "WAIT WHAT-?!"

I closed the fridge while she was distracted and pulled some oven mitts from a drawer.

I slid them on my hand and tried to touch the tiny cub again. This time there was no shock thankfully and I reluctantly picked her up to get a closer look.

The cub had a light blue halo the same color of her eyes hovering over her head, it was faint and I had thought it was light coming from the fridge at first but now it was clear.

"You're full of surprises..." I murmured breathless, she was beautiful.

Erruptly the pup let out a high pitched scream and ran out of my door.

I watched her go with a blank expression, was I feeling okay? Sighing I waited for my mom to get home from work, it turned out she had to stay longer for some reason. With a shrug I went to my room, a little youtube wouldn't hurt.

The next day I decided to go to that camp, maybe I can learn more about the animal I saw. My mom happily drove me there but when we were at the borders I had to walk the rest of the way

"Ally?!" I heard a voice say I looked around but didn't see anyone.


"Whoops I forgot" the voice said, just then a girl about my height was standing right infront of me she had a big smile on her face

"Is that really you?! I MISSED YOU!" she yelped with excitement and pulled me into a hug

"Arrs?!" I let a big grin slip through and she nodded, her red hair was in the messiest ponytail I ever saw and she wore her blue camp T-shirt that said Camp Arksy.

"It's been 3 years! Where have you been?!" she exclaimed, pulling out of the hug and looking up and down at me. She brought her eyes back to mine "everyone thought you were dead!" I shook my head to the side and took a deep breath trying to remember why I left

"Well everyone hated me so I thought I would just leave" I looked to the side and saw a boy running towards me

"Not everyone" Arrs said a smirk growing on her face

"ALLY?!" the boy said, still running towards me. I focused on his face trying to remember who he was. He had brown hair and blue eyes, wearing another one of the blue camp Arksy T-shirts

"Al-Al-Alex?!" I said as he pulled me into a hug I blushed while he pulled back.

"Ah thank god you're here, you have to see this!" he grabbed my hand and I looked back giving Arrs a look saying help but she just smiled. When we arrived at camp my eyes widened with shock the animal that I was looking at looked like the wolf I saw in my house.

I looked to the side to see Hannah holding up her bow and arrow in perfect position aiming right at the wolf. Of course Hannah still has to be here. my worst enemy! Even worse than Ace! The wolf looked startled and scared, but she also looked fierce and protective of something, she stood in a lunge position. I swear she looked intendecul to the wolf that was in my house. She had the same white fur and wings, and also had the halo!

Everyone was crowding around her, she was a decent size, about the size of a horse. Her piercing blue eyes darted at me with worry. I looked around helplessly and ran over to her and turned my back towards her.

"Everyone stand back!" I shouted at everyone but just then I saw Hannah get her bow and arrow in position, but before I could stop her she shot.

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