Ammu wants to play

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Though Bhalla was aware of the truth, he still didn't show any resentment towards Ammu and continued to treat him as his own until one day,

Sivagami gets food to feed her sons and whenever she brought the food to Bhalla's mouth, Baahu playfully went in between and ate the food meant for him irking Bhalla.

Bh: Amma ! Why is it that you are only giving him ?? What about me ??

Si: I am feeding both of you equally.. Baahu is smart, he knows how to get what he wants you too try to win him.

Challenged by her, Bhalla tries to defeat Ammu but he keeps winning all the time and finally taking pity on Bhalla, Ammu gives in. Bhalla gets to taste the food.

Si: Ahaan ! Baahu, not fair! Why did you give in ?

A: It's ok amma Bhalla is paapam.

Sivagami smiles proudly at her son who was sacrificing at such a young age.His ego hurt, Bhalla spits the food in his mouth and walks away in a huff inspite Ammu and Sivagami pleading him to return.

This was watched by Bijjala who calls his teary eyed son aside and in the pretext of consoling him, injects hatred towards Ammu and Sivagami.

Bi: Saw that Bhalla.. when I told you you never believed me now you see things happening right before your eyes. Your mother loves him more than you and when it is time she will make him King and then you will have to serve him all your life. Is my Bhalla so worthless that he has to survive on a wretched boy's mercy ? Whatever he is enjoying now is actually yours Bhalla, you deserve those. Listen to nanna, I know the best for you.

Brainwashed by his father Bhalla developed hate for Ammu. He made sure his evil intentions were masked by his benign facade.

A: Kattappa, Bhalla doesn't talk as much or play with me like before. He joins his other friends I feel so left out.

Ka: Don't worry Yuvaraja, maybe he doesn't want you to mingle with all those big boys who will push you down. He will come to you.

Bhalla meets them midway. He feigns a smile at Baahu.

Bh: Come Baahu, let's play.

Ammu's face beams with happiness and he looks up to Kattappa who lets him go with Bhalla. Bhalla takes him to his friends.

"Oh no the ball fell into the pond, Baahu can you go and take it?"

Shaking his head he runs to get the ball when one of them pushes him into the water and presses his feet against the back of his neck. Completely submerged in water, Baahu struggles for air. This is watched by Bhalla with an evil smirk on his face. Kattappa sees this and runs to rescue Baahu. Seeing him the other boys run away. Kattappa lifts him up. Coughing and spurting water, Baahu gasps for air.

Ka: Baahu, are you ok ??

Bhalla pretends to be concerned and crouches down beside Kattappa removing his shawl off and wiping Ammu's head and face.

Bh: Oh dear, Baahu.. are you alright ? Sorry da I didn't notice I was lost in some thoughts.

A: I..I am fine.. It's ok Bhalla..

But Kattappa understood. When he brought up this matter to Sivagami,

Bh: Talli, yuvaraja Bhalla is a nice boy but I am afraid he is being badly influenced by his father. You have to do something so that it doesn't repeat again.

Si: Kattappa, relax. I think it was just a game besides this was not done by Bhalla but some other boys. You do know how protective Bhalla is over Baahu. Probably it missed his eyes this time. I know my sons better they can never hate each other.

Kattappa realised it was pointless talking to her. Safeguarding Baahu from the vile Bijjala and Bhalla was his priority so he too played smart instead of complaining he took matters into his own hands and watched over Ammu vigilantly.

Bh: Come Baahu, lets go and play !

A: Ok Bhalla !!

Ka: Yuvaraja Baahu.. pls stop ! See, I'll take you to the horse shed now you love to ride horses don't you ??

Ammu yanks his hand from Bhalla's
hold and runs to Kattappa who carries him. Kattappa throws a victory smirk at Bhalla.

Bh: (Gritting his teeth) Kattappa!!

Ammu never differentiated anyone all were equal to him. He often wondered why he had to call Kattappa by his name and he in return address him as Yuvaraja though they shared a uncle-nephew bond. It was after the food incident (Ammu ordering Kattappa to feed him) that he began addressing Kattappa as 'mama' and he called him 'Baahu'. When Ammu attained the age of 15,

Ka: Baahu, open the door I have brought your clothes I'll drape it for you.

A voice comes from inside the dressing room,

A: Mama, you leave my clothes there I'll only drape myself.

Ka: But I always do it for you no ?

A: Yeah.. but not anymore...pls.. leave it and go..

Ka: What happened to this boy ?? Baahu is everything fine?

A: Fine mama..

Ammu gets dressed but refuses to come out. Kattappa knocks on the door again but he pleads to be left alone after much coaxing he opens the door and allows Kattappa inside.

Ka: What happened to you Baahu ? Why are you reluctant to come out ? Why have you covered your face with a veil ?

A: That... err...mama... I have hair on my face and chest.. I feel shy to come out like this... something is happening to me.

Kattappa removes the veil and sees little hairs above his upper lip and jawline. Ammu is nearly in tears.

Ka: Baahu, that is natural ra ! Nothing to feel sad or embarrassed. These are signs that you are becoming a man! It will grow thicker see like the one on my face.

Ammu feels relieved and slowly gets used to the changes in his body. He would stick with Kattappa and avoid places where women or girls flocked. Whenever a woman apart from his amma looked at him, he would shy and hide behind her or his mama. This was only until he reached the age of 21! After that ?? 😏

Ka: Baahuu...Baahu... it's time for archery practice, where did this fella go ?

Kattappa searches every place until he reaches the courtyard and finds Ammu leaning against a pillar surrounded by beautiful royal girls in half-sarees. Kattappa stands with one arm bent at his hip and other palm covering his mouth as he continues watching the scene.

A: Hey Tammy, why didn't you come to see me yesterday ?

"Bahh... my papa didn't leave me."

A: Oh these fathers ! Btw, where is Trisha, have not seen her around for quite some time.

"She isn't interested to meet you she must be roaming around your brother Bhalla's courtyard trying to get his attention." mocks Shreya.

A: Huh, I thought I was the one in demand amongst girls but Bhalla too ? It's ok let my bro be happy. Ileana, you look stunning in this half-saree...oh your slender waist would make a man go crazy !

"Ohh Baahu.. stop it I feel shy when you praise me."

Namitha joins,

"Baahu, you are so handsome, so manly can I touch your broad shoulders once ??"

Richa follows,

"I want to twirl your moustache, can I ? Pls ?"

A: Sorry girls ! No touching only seeing is allowed. That privilege is only for my 'sweet' wife!

He blushes putting a finger in his mouth when Charmi nudges his shoulder,

"Why don't you marry me then?"

A: If my amma agrees, I'll marry you !

"Baahhh forget it then in this birth it will never happen. Your amma is not searching for girls, instead a goddess for her son. We are not in her list."

A: Amma is always right.. gopikas can be many but Godha devi/Kothai is only one!

She hits his face playfully with the end of her long braid. Kajal comes in,

"Ssshhh... silence gals.. I am going to teach Baahu a new game. Ready Baahu ?"

A: Game ? I am ready ! I love games! Teach me Kaaju !!

He wears a look of enthusiasm on his face.She takes his hand and bends each finger of his inside his palm,

"This is rice, this is curry, this is vegetables, this is curd, this is pickle. Mix everything(makes a swirling movement with her elbow above his palm and pretends to feed him) this you have to eat.. ok now you finished so we'll clean the plate(rubs her palm over his) oh no the plate is still dirty so ants have come slowly they'll go up"

(This is a game called "nandooruthu nari ooruthu" in tamil which is played with small children. At the end of the game, the kid will get tickled by the person playing with him/her.)

Ammu flinches at her touches. With her index and middle fingers she walks up his hand to his forearm to his arm almost going to tickle him when Kattappa enters the scene. Seeing him the girls step aside and bow their heads. Kattappa grasps Ammu's hand and swerves him to safety as if a mother pulling her adamant kid away from a candy shop.

A: Mama, mama leave my hand.. they are all watching.. I am not a kid !

Ka: Uff! I have to safeguard you like a girl child. What is this ra ? What were you doing there ?

A: Mmm... Kaaju was teaching me a new game I was learning it by then you came and spoilt it.

He pouts.

Ka: Yeah, good that I came else she would have spoilt you! Grown to the height of that pillar and you want to play games that too with young girls! Come with me let's go for practice.

Ammu waves his hand at the girls miming an action that he would meet them later. Kattappa notices this and turns back,

Ka: Hey girls, better run to your houses if I catch you loitering around here I will complain to your parents!

Getting that stern warning from Kattappa the girls escape from the place. All his manoharis gone and Ammu is upset.

A: Mama, why are you a spoilsport ? This is why I shouldn't mingle with oldies like you!

Ka: Oho.. till yesterday you were hiding your face behind me and walking, now I have become old to you eh ?

A: Yup ! Musaloda ! Stay at a distance from me...if girls see me with you they won't come near me!

He teases. Kattappa gets angry and walks away.

Ka: Fine then.. you go to your girls don't come to me calling mama mama..

A: Aiyooo mama..mama..!! I just said for fun and you took it serious.. come let's go for the practice musaloda !

He winks his eyes at Kattappa and tugs his beard. Putting his arm around his shoulder tags him to the practice arena. On their way,

A: Mama, look there...

Ka: What Baahu?

They notice Sethupathy, the dhandanayaka, pulling a girl's hand and she trying to free herself from his hold.

"Thoo...leave my hand else I will report you to Rajamatha !"

Se: You can do that later, first spend time with me! We can go to my place or...

Before he realizes, he is on the ground and everything black before his eyes. Holding his head with both his hands he tries to stabilize himself wondering what hit him and he looks up to see Ammu rotating his fist and glaring at him. The girl thanks Ammu through eyes and runs away.

Se: Huh.. Yuva...Yuvaraja...

He gets up and seeing Ammu charge towards him tries to escape the other way but is blocked by kattappa.

Se: Huh... Kattappa..

Ka: Yes me only...

And he receives a hard slap !

Cornered by both of them Sethupathy cowers in pain and fear. When Baahu raises his hand to whack him the second time, he feels his hand being stopped.

Bh: What happened Baahu ? Why are you hitting him ?

A: He was misbehaving with a girl Bhalla! I'll teach this fella a lesson...

Se: Yuvaraja Bhalla pls save me... I am innocent.. Yuvaraja Baahu is just picking on me!

And he gets another hard one across his face this time from Bhalla !

Bh: You misbehave and blame my Baahu? How dare you ?

Ka mv: (giving a sarcastic smile) Abbo... what an act !

Ammu goes to attack him but is stopped by Bhalla.

Bh: Leave him Baahu... we already punished him anymore blows from you he will die.. forgive him this once..

A: For you Bhalla... (Shoots a sharp look at Sethupathy) Come mama, let's go.

They walk away from the place.

Se: Sob...sob...Yuvaraja also hit me teaming up with that wretched brother of yours ?

Bh: What else do you expect me to do for the work you have done? Hug and smother you with kisses ? Why did you try to force yourself on a woman ?

Se: (Bowing his head)The girl was

Bh: you deserve it.

Se: What is this ? I can't enjoy with women ? I don't have that much freedom also ? This is ridiculous!!

Bh: You can.. but not in front of that women savior. Baahu is intolerant to any form of abuse especially at kids and women. Keep that in mind and do accordingly this time I was there to save you next time you might not be so lucky.

Se: Hee hee hee... thank you Yuvaraja! I am going to the brothel now, you coming ?

Bhalla gives him a"you better run away else you will get from me" look and Sethupathy flees from the spot.

Ka: Baahu, I have been wanting to say this but I don't know how to... Bhalla is not what you think ra...

A: I know mama.. he is materialistic and competitive but not a bad soul !

Ka: He is Baahu ! He tried to kill you not once many times in fact !!

A: That can never be true mama.. he might hate me but he wouldn't go to the extent of killing me. He also has my amma's blood in him.

Ka: Baahu, don't you believe me ?? Pls ra be careful with Bhalla. I somehow managed to shield you from him until now but I don't know what the future holds....

Ammu holds Kattappa's hands and smilingly looks at him.

A: Until you are beside me the man born to kill me isn't born mama.

Ka: (Tears in eyes) Baahu !!

Ammu hugs Kattappa who weeps like a kid and consoles him.

A: Ok..ok.. stop now... see this is what I don't like in you.. you become emotional at the drop of a pin. Cheer up mama! I will buy you your favorite arrack and fried fish to go with it. 😉

Ka: (Wiping his eyes) Chi...po ra... you're always like this.

A: Ahaan ! Look at the delight on your face when I mention arrack.

They both laugh.

Ka: Talli, aren't you feeling sleepy ?

D: No Kattappa pls continue...

Ka: I would love to but it is already late and you have to rest during this time. I will continue some other time.

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