Oil & Lamp

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The auspicious day and time for coronation has been fixed.

Devasena and Amarendra are seated on a high platform, Mahendra and Avanthika on the floor on either sides. Mahe pressing Ammu's feet and Avanti doing the same to Devu. Sivagami and Kattappa are also present. Though Sivagami announced Mahe as King, he refuses to ascend the throne after seeing his nanna.Devuu and Ammu are trying to convince their son.

A: Kanna, listen to us.

M: No nanna I won't listen anything to what you say regarding this. I am inexperienced I know nothing about ruling a country.

D: But we will be there to guide you.

M: Still.. Nanna never got a chance to rule the Kingdom so I want to see him as King and you as Queen. Let me learn and get proper training.

A: Amma, he is not listening to us. You tell him.

Si: He is right Baahu. You are the rightful heir you should rule Mahishmati and after your time let Mahe take over. He can be the sarvayasainyadakshudu and get the required skills and training meanwhile what do you say Kattappa ??

Ka: Whatever you say talli.

Si: So be it. Baahu will be King and Devasena the Queen of Mahishmati.

Mahendra and Avanthika exchange smiles.Devu leans to Ammu and whispers in his ears.

D: Your bossy mother forgot her punch line. Thank god!

A: Amma ! Amma ! You forgot your punch! Deva misses it she wants to hear !

D: 😡😡😡

A: 😃😃😃

Si: (Giggles) Idhe naa maata, naa maate shasanam !

Ammu claps his hands and whistles to cheer his mother. Devu rolls her eyes.

Ka: Talli, my eyes are brimming with tears of joy to see you all reunited and happy we should thank god for this let's all go and offer prayers to Lord Neelabahudeshwara.

Si: You are right Kattappa. Let's all go as a family.

Suddenly Ammu coughs.

A: Amma I am not feeling too well. Let me rest. You all go and come.

Si: Oh dear I will stay back then to look after you Baahu. The others can go.

A: No it's ok amma Devu is here she will look after me.

M: Nanna if you want I'll stay back..

A: No kanna I'll be fine your amma is there.

Sivagami and her grandkids along with Kattappa go to the temple while Devu stays back to take care of her sick Ammu.

Neelabahudeshwara Temple:

Avantika and Sivagami offer their prayers to the lord. Mahe, who isn't religious (like his nanna, his mothers are his gods) goes one round around the deity and waits outside the temple for the ladies. To kill time, he feeds rice grains to the doves. Kattappa comes out in search of him. Spotting Mahe, Kattappa joins him.

Ka: Mahendra, what are doing here ??

M: Feeding the doves thatha...

Looking at the doves pecking on the grains he recalls the incident in Kunthala when he and Ammu were discussing about the love birds and giggles to himself.

M: What happened thatha ? You are laughing to yourself ? Share the joke with me also no...

Ka: No ra, just got reminded of that day in Kunthala. Your father was emphasising the importance of love by showing me the love birds but I saw them as mere food. Your nanna is god of love ra!

M: (Giggles) Oh that... thatha thatha, pls tell me more about my amma and nanna's love story... I want to hear...

He pleads to Kattappa like a five year old wanting to listen to stories from his grandmother.

Ka: But Avanthika and Rajamatha are inside...

M: Oh I am sure they will take a long time... you tell the story... they'll join us.

Mahe turns and sits with his legs crossed facing Kattappa giving him his undivided attention. Kattappa begins his narration.

Ka: The following day after your amma sang the song to lull your nanna to sleep...

Ammu is lying on the bed in the kitchen daydreaming about Devasena. Blushing, he keeps tossing and turning and changes his position sleeping on his stomach kicking his legs in the air. Kattappa who is watching all his antics gets irked and throws a potato that hits Ammu on his bums and he comes out of his lala land picking the potato that hit him.

A: Mama, what is this ??

Ka: Huh...potato !

A: That I can see ! Why did you throw it at me ??

Ka: This time it was a potato, if you don't get up and come now I'll throw a pumpkin your way !!

Irritated, Ammu gets up and walks to Kattappa who is chopping vegetables. He crouches and picks a carrot to munch.

A: I am here now, what is it ??

Kattappa picks a drumstick and as Ammu goes to take another bite into the carrot, he brings the drumstick to Ammu's mouth to stop him from eating.

A: What ??

Ka: Leave it there... it is for cooking.

A: But I am hungry! I want to have my lunch !

Ka: Hello, this is not your father-in-laws place for you to get timely meals.

A: (Blushing) But in future it will be no... hee hee hee...

Ka: That we will see in future. We are servants here for now. We can only eat after they have them. Come, help me cut the vegetables I am one man struggling here.

Ammu takes a cutting board and starts chopping vegetables.

Ka: Even in Mahishmati we don't cook this much. These people seem to eat food in barrels how much ever I cook also it gets finished in a second. We have to learn how to eat like a giant yet look food deprived from them.

Unknown to Kattappa and Ammu, Devasena walks in and she overhears his remarks.

D: Ahem... ahem...

Hearing her voice Kattappa jolts from his seat in such force that the knife from his hand goes flying in the air! Seeing the object coming towards her, Devasena without any fear, catches it by its handle and easily twirls it around as if a sword. Ammu and Kattappa look at that with their eyebrows raised and mouth opened in wonder,

A&Ka: (croons) Jejjamma... maayamma... jejamma maayamma... jejamma jejamma maa jejamma...!!

D: What ???

They get up and stand folding their arms at their fronts. Kattapa steps forward and in a subservient manner,

Ka: Huh...uh... nothing thalli we were praising you...mmm... what brings you here ??

D: I came to check if the lunch is ready.

Ka: It is ready thalli.

Though she talks to Kattappa, her glance is towards Ammu. Ammu notices this but bends his head keeping a normal face. She spots a knife in his hand.

D: He is cutting the vegetables ??

Ka: Yes thalli...I needed help so...

D: So ? You could have taken our assistants why are you troubling him ?? His arms are hurt and he hasn't recovered !

Ammu remembers he was hit by the bull and had to act weak infront of her. Suddenly he drops the knife and grimaces in pain holding on to his arm. Devasena rushes to his side and holds him.

D: Is it very painful ??

A: Ye..yes.. yess yu..yuva...yuvarani...

D: Oh dear! Come, you rest.

Holding him by his arm, she walks him to the bed and makes him rest. She pulls the blanket over him. Then taking the hand-made fan, she stands beside and fans him. Of course Ammu enjoys the attention he is getting from his lady love.

Ka: Yuvarani...you fanning this moddhu?? No need thalli, I will do it...

D: It is alright. You pls carry on with your chores I will look after him. Mmm... has he taken his meal ??

Ka: No talli... without the royals eating how can we people ? My poor nephew has been starving since morning hasn't had a thing.

D: What ?? He hasn't taken his meal? You should have given him! There is no need to wait for royals. If you are hungry you can eat. That too he is sick... he hasn't eaten since morning...

She thinks for a while and then passes the fan to Kattappa.

D: Here, hold this. You keep fanning him I will get his food.

Devasena goes to get the food. Ammu and Kattappa shake hands.

Ka: Ooohhh Baahu, look at the worry on her face for you ra she is only personally going to get food for you.

A: All thanks to you mama ! Yahooo ! Devasena likes me !!!

Ka: Shhh...shhh she is coming keep a sad face ra.

D: Here, you can have this food...

She extends the thaali to him with a innocent smile on her face. Ammu gapes at her.

Ka:( mv: Oh this fella, whenever he gets a chance he goes off to dreamland with this mother goddess...ok let me play my 'mama' role) Huh...uh...boo hoo...booo hoo....

D: Why are you crying ??

Ka: No thalli... I have so much work to do my poor nephew's arm is hurt... he can't eat by himself.. oh no who is there to feed my boy... ?? Which kind-hearted princess is there to feed him ?? If it was our village, his mother would have but here he has no one...My nephew is so unfortunate... boo hoo..

D: Pls don't say like that. I am there for him right...

She says looking at Ammu.

Ka: Huh..yuvarani ??

D: Err...I mean..I meant to say I'll feed him. Don't worry.

She sits on the bed and taking a morsel for food brings it to Ammu's mouth. He presses his lips together.

D: Why isn't he opening his mouth ?

Ka: (Smacking ammu's shoulder) Reyy moddhu she is feeding you no, open your mouth.

Ammu nods his head innocently and opens his mouth taking in the food. She continues to feed him.

A: (Food in mouth) Mama... yuv...yuva...yuvarani..is feed..feeding me...I..I am..sss...soo..luck..lucky..

Ka: Yes ra, you are lucky see goddess Lakshmi herself has come to feed you.

D: ☺️☺️

To stay real to his portrayal of a gullible guy, Ammu eats like a child and some grains stick around his mouth but Devasena without showing any disgust feeds him unconditionally as a mother would to her child. Ammu digs into the plate and takes a handful of food clumsily bringing it to her mouth.

A: Yuv...yuvarani...eat...

Ka: Hey moddhu! What is this ?? You shouldn't feed her. She's a princess! She will eat with the royals...

But Devasena quietly eats the food fed by the moddhu. This surprises Kattappa.

Ka: Huh...yuvarani you are eating from his hand ??

D: Why not ? Only he should be lucky to be fed by me ?? Shouldn't I ?? I consider this my fortune.

She says with her eyes looking down out of shyness. Kattappa eyes Ammu to continue his romance. Both feed each other. Kattappa fans them.

Kv: Devasena... Devasena... all are waiting at the dining hall for her where is she... Devasena...

Kumara varman enters the kitchen and his jaws drop to the floor seeing the moddhu feed his maradalu, the princess of Kunthala! Beating his chest, he comes running in.

Kv: Aiyoooo aiyoooo aiyoooo !!! What is happening here ??? We have an array of dishes spread at the table, all are waiting for you but you are eating this food that too fed by him. Urgh !! Reyy moddhu !!

Kv goes to whack Ammu who cowers but his hand is held by Devasena.

D: Mama ! Stop it ! You have every right to question me but never raise your voice and hands at a poor soul who is under my care! I can never tolerate it !

Kv: Not that Devasena... he...you...all are waiting for you there but you...

D: Yes. I will come after feeding him. Pls inform annayya and vadina to carry on without me. I am eating here with him.

She gets back to feed Ammu.

D: Sivu, it is your turn to feed me...

But Ammu stares at Kumara varman pretending to be scared. Devu notices this.

D: Sivu, he won't do anything to you. Don't be scared, I am there right. Be brave. Come on feed me.

Nodding his head Ammu continues to feed her.

Kv: Aiyooo aiyooo aiyoooo I am not able to see this !!!

Ammu eyes Kattappa who gets the cue and whisks Kumara varman away.

Kv: Aiyoo aiyyooo leave me...leave me pls... our lamp of Kunthala...Devasena !

He laments.

Ka: Don't worry sir... nothing will happen to your lamp... it will glow more brightly now that it is being filled with oil... relax...

Kattappa tows away him giving privacy to the oil and lamp. With Kattappa by their side Devuu felt bold but when left alone with Ammu she becomes bashful and her heart beat very fast each time his lips brushed against her finger. Ammu notices this and to tease her further, when she takes the last bit of food to feed him he sucks her finger causing havoc in her. Devu gets up and placing the plate aside,

D: I...I will call your mama in...

Without even looking at his face, Devasena runs away. Kattappa who sees Devuu dash out of the kitchen blushing goes in.

Ka: Baahu, what did you do ra ? She ran away ??

A: (Blushing) Chi..po mama... I feel shy !!

He gets up and goes. Kattappa stands there scratching his head.

Ka: Huh ?? She is a girl she is shy why is this fella running away like a new bride??

M: Hahahahahahaha..... omg my nanna!! He is so mischievous!

Ka: Oh yeah... he keeps an innocent face but he is notorious.

Avanthika and Sivagami who exit the temple see Mahendra and Kattappa guffawing. They join the men.

Si: Mahe, what's it you both are laughing so much ?

M: Nothing nannamma. Thatha was telling me about amma and nanna's love story.

Av: Is it ?? I too want to know!

Ka: Come, I'll tell on the way.

Kattappa narrates tales of Ammu and Devuu in Kunthala to them on their way back home.

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