• 1 - "Where... Are We?" •

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"There cannot be light without darkness. Therefore, Evil is needed in the world..."

"Ngh..." I slowly opened my eyes, only to be blinded by the rays of sun shining through the leaves of the trees above us.

I sat up, rubbed my eyes, then looked around. "Where... Am I?" I said to myself, gazing around. I just remembered something. 'Sis!' I thought, looking around. I looked down to see my twin sister sleeping peacefully next to me.

"Hey, wake up." I lightly shook her. "..." She mumbled something before turning around. I shook her again. "DID YOU NOT HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME?! LET ME SLEEP!" She shouted, sitting up. She lay back down, only to sigh and sit up again. "Great, now I'm awake..." She whined.

"We're in the middle of a forest." I tugged the sleeve of her shirt slightly. She yawned and looked around. "This isn't Serene forest... That's for sure..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head.

"Should we explore and see if there's a town somewhere?" I asked, as she shrugged. "Anywhere near here where there's people. Cause they'll most likely be familiar with the area." She replied, as we stood up.

We began to walk through the forest. Twigs snapped and dried up leaves crackled beneath our feet. The sunlight shone through the leaves of the tall trees that towered above us.

"Hey Azul? Do you recognize that plant?" Luza asked, as we stopped in our tracks. I approached the wilted plant. I kneeled down to observe it. There was a dried up Chesto Berry hanging weakly from its stem. "It's a Chesto Berry." I said. "We're nowhere close to home." She sighed, walking ahead.

I ran to catch up with her. "I see an opening up ahead." She pointed, as we ran through it. We expected to see a pretty Meadow, or maybe even a town... But we saw something insane.

For one, there were Pokemon colored black in shadows lurked around like zombies. Two, it wasn't even the forest's exit, it was another clearing.

A loud snap was heard. I looked over at my sister, who had stepped on a twig and snapped it in two. "Rrrruuuhhh..." The five shadows turned around, and began to snarl and run at us.

"Stay back!" I said, holding my hand out, and casting Reflect to protect us. It was no use. They broke through the move, and continued approaching us.

"You two, stay back! We'll handle this." We heard a shout from above us. We looked up to see a Scolipede girl, along with a Jolteon boy sitting in separate trees.

They both hopped down  in front of us. "Two... Four... Five. There's five of them in sight." The Scolipede said, as the Jolteon nodded.

"Who are you?" Luza asked them. "Your Saviors. We'll tell you later." The Jolteon looked back at us and smirked.

His hands began to crackle with electricity, and the Scolipede was battle ready with her spiked gauntlets.

They both ran towards the shadowy Pokemon. The Jolteon fried one with his lightning, before spinning around and kicking the one behind him in the neck.

The Scolipede engaged in hand-to-hand combat with three at once, and won almost too easily.

"You two okay?" The Jolteon asked. "Yeah, not like I needed to tell you. You have eyes, don't you?" Luza crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the Jolteon.

"We're fine, thank you." I smiled. "No problem." The Scolipede smiled back. "What are you guys doing out here? It's the breeding ground for shadows." The Jolteon asked.

"We woke up in this forest, and we have no idea where we are, nor do we remember how we got here." I said, looking down. "It's not safe here. We can continue discussing things at the Base. I'm Rem by the way, and this is Glitch." The Scolipede said, motioning for us to follow her and the Jolteon.

"You sure it's okay if we go with them?" Liza whispered. "They saved us, so why not?" I whispered back. "..." She grumbled, looking away.

HEYO peeps! And Welcome to my book; "AMNESIA"!

I'm WaffleCake, and I sure hope you have been enjoying the first chapter even though it was kinda short! Haha

So, I'll see you all in the next chapter! See ya!

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