Do I Love Chocolate?

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When you enter the house, you are stunned as you look around. There are pictures of you everywhere, some in frames and others printed copies taped to doors and walls.

 There were pictures of you with each one of them or with a few of them, and there was one group picture with all of them having fun and smiling, and you were in the middle of them smiling too.

Each picture of them had their name above their heads. You grin because you remember their names now. It was just Yoongi's you had trouble with. You thought it was so sweet they went to so much trouble to do this to help you.

J Hope and Taehyung greet you first as you stand there amazed at all the pictures.

They stand in front of you, feeling guilty and remorseful. Taehyung holds out his hand, and you reach out and take it. 

He says, "I'm so sorry for what happened."

 You noticed his eyes fill with tears. You try to reassure him, "I'm fine. I need to work on my memory, like do I love chocolate or hate it?"

 You squeeze his hand, grinning at him. Then you see it, his beautiful boxy smile. 

"You love dark chocolate the best," he says. 

You softly laugh, "I will remember that. Thank you, Taehyung." His tears are gone, and you are glad about it.

J Hope hugs you, "I'm so happy you're home. We have missed you."

You smile up at him, and then suddenly, all the others are hugging you, saying how happy they are that you are home, except Namjoon. He steps close with the others but doesn't hug you.

Amid the hugs, you think, 'Home, dammit, I wish I could remember!'

You walk around looking at all the pictures, smiling, trying to remember more than just their names. Who are they to you, and how do you know them? 

You come to a picture of J Hope and Taehyung chasing each other and playing with water guns, and you suddenly stop. You feel as if the room shook, and you start to crumble. 

A flash of laughter, running, someone yelling, watch out. You start to feel sick.

Namjoon says, "Are you ok?" as he catches you.

Jimin rushes to your side, "Are you remembering?"

You look at them, confused and frustrated, "I want to lay down. I don't feel well."

You move away from Namjoon and start walking towards the hall, then stop, about to cry.

"Where is my room?" You feel silly asking, but you can't remember.

Jin says, "I will show you. We moved you into your own room till your memory comes back."

You frown, thinking, 'To my own room, wait a second. That means I was sharing a room with one of them, or some of them. . . or ALL of them!?' You look around at them panicked, your vision gets blurry, and you feel lightheaded. 

'Surely I'm not . . .'  You stop that line of thought, 'It couldn't be that. I'm just so very confused.'  You place your hand on the side of your head.

"I thought you said I live here. Why wouldn't I have my own room then?"

Almost in a panic, Namjoon says, "Um, we thought it would be best if we moved you to the room closest to the main floor in case you needed anything."

"Thank you, that is sweet of you, but I'm sure my own room would have been fine."

You start to sway on your feet and put both hands to your head, trying to stop it from spinning.

Jimin holds onto you along with Jin on the other side, "Should we get Kooki to carry you to your room?"

Jungkook starts to come toward them to carry you when Namjoon glares at Jimin, "I can carry her if she needs to be carried." 

Jungkook quickly goes back to his seat, tongue pushing on the inside of his cheek, thinking, 'Oops.'

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