Ha Ha, Funny Not Funny Noona

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"Who are you?" you ask the unfamiliar faces gazing intently at you.

Namjoon gasps, "Baby, you don't know who I am?"

Jungkook gently pushes your shoulder, "Haha, funny, not funny, Noona." He says with a cute bunny smile.

"Don't touch me!" you draw away, "I don't know you."

Jungkook quickly steps behind Jimin, "She's not playing," he whispers.

 Jimin nods with concern as he whispers, "Does she have amnesia?" Jungkook shrugs his shoulders.

In shock, Namjoon reaches to hold your hand. "Baby . . . " You frown and pull your hand away, wondering who this man is who keeps calling you baby.

The nurse came in on this part of the conversation and tapped him on the shoulder, "Mr. Kim, the doctor would like to speak to you. You are listed as her emergency contact, am I correct?"

He nods his head, tears shimmering in his eyes. You motion for the nurse to come closer.

"I don't know these people, who are they?" you ask the nurse in a whisper.

 She leans close and whispers back. "They are your family, Miss Joy." You lay there in silence, looking at them, trying to remember.

"You can follow me, Mr. Kim. The doctor is waiting to talk to you." Taehyung and J Hope follow Namjoon and the nurse.

She shows them to a little side room where the doctor is waiting.

He stands and shakes Namjoon's hand. "I'm Doctor Devantier. Have a seat." He gestures to an empty chair.

Slightly panicked, Namjoon sits, asking, "How is she? Why doesn't she know me, I mean us? She looked at me like she'd never seen me before."

"We were expecting the possibility this may happen. She has amnesia. With head injuries like hers, this sometimes happens."

"Oh my god, she really doesn't remember me?"

"It should only be temporary. There is no permanent injury. She will be able to go home this weekend."

Namjoon can't sit. He gets up, pacing, "But she doesn't know me! How, how?" 

Tae and J Hope pace with him, taking hold of him. J Hope says, "Sit, she'll be alright."

Tae says, "You heard the doctor. The amnesia is only temporary, and we get to take her home this weekend."

Namjoon drops into the nearest seat and sighs, "Yes, this weekend."

He looks up at the doctor, "Do you think she will remember by then?"

"It's possible she could get her memory back as early as tomorrow. Everyone is different, but once she is home and around familiar things and people, it will help. Just be patient with her." The doctor stands and shakes their hands before leaving.

Namjoon sighed, rubbing his hand across his face as he returned to your room with Taehyung and J Hope.

You warily watch these three come in, "Who are you?"

Tae steps close, "The doctor says you have amnesia, but your memory should return any minute now."

"But who are you?"

Tae says, "I'm Tae, and this is Hobi hyung, and this is . . ." before he can say anything more, you start to cry. Tae holds your hand, and you begin to pull away but don't. It felt right somehow. 

He wipes a tear from your eyes, "Don't cry, it'll be ok. We'll take care of you."

J Hope steps to your other side, "We get to take you home soon, probably this weekend."

Confused, you ask, "Are you my family? How do I know you?"

Tae still holding your hand says, "You're family to us."

"We'll help you remember," says J Hope.

You look over at the other one and feel the need to smile at him.

"Are you family too? Am I your sister?"

He starts to speak when Tae says, "You are like a sister to us. We love you as a sister." Tae quickly glances over at Namjoon, "One  even more."

Namjoon says, "We are not related, but family just the same."

You smile, "So I am not alone in this world? Do I have a home, parents?"

J Hope softly says, "Your parents passed away many years ago, and your home is with us."

Tae says, "You have been living with us for two years."

You feel overwhelmed and so frustrated trying to remember that you want to scream. It is just too much, and your head is starting to hurt badly. You place your hand on the side of your head, "Owe, owe," and then you feel stitches under your hair.

"Do you want the nurse?" asks Namjoon

"Yes, please. I'm sorry, but can you please leave? I don't feel well, and I'm so overwhelmed right now."

Tae and J Hope lean over to give you a gentle kiss on the cheek, and you let them. It felt familiar. They didn't feel like strangers. You just couldn't remember who they were. You are so frustrated. 

They leave to meet up with the others who have already returned to the suv. Namjoon comes over and holds your hand, lifting it to kiss your palm. 

You wonder why he calls you baby. Are you two more than friends?

The nurse comes in and gives you pain medicine through your IV, and you slowly start to fall asleep.

 You felt him kiss you on the lips and whisper, "Goodnight, nae sarang." 

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