You've Come Back To Me

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The next night, you go to Namjoon's room, softly knock on the door, and enter. He is sitting on his bed in his pajamas reading.

He looks over at you, "Can't sleep, love?"

He pats the bed, and you climb in close to his side, resting your head on his chest.

"What are you reading?"

 He tells you as you start to yawn.

"Will you read to me?"

He begins reading and the sound of his voice rumbles in his chest and it sooths you to sleep, you felt  . . . home.

He reads a little more, then cuts out the light. He snuggles down into the bed, taking you with him.

He smiles as you have finally come to him. His heart is beating rapidly as he holds you close, taking in your scent and warmth. He falls asleep, his heart at peace and you in his arms.

During the night, still in his arms, he hears you whimpering, and he knows you are dreaming. The others think he didn't know this is what has been happening at night. 

He knew that when you are distressed or feeling overwhelmed, you whimper in your sleep. He pulled you closer and started reciting your favorite story from memory. He felt your body relax, and you were no longer whimpering. 

His voice entered your dream of being lost and desperately seeking something, someone you had to find. It turns out he is the key to setting you free from the nightmare of lost memories.

 You slowly wake listening to his voice as more and more memories come back to you. You have missed him, it felt like you had been gone forever.

He is holding you close with his hand resting on your head, keeping you close to his chest. You start to smile as you can hear the rumble of his voice. You turn your face and kiss his warm chest.

He suddenly stops speaking, "Baby, are you awake?"

He wonders if you did this with the others, too. They never mentioned it, but would they have if you had? Did they? No, he won't think about it. He kisses the top of your head and starts reciting the rest of the story. 

You turn your face up to his, and he sees you smiling at him in the bright moonlight shining through the window. He lowers his head and kisses you.

You pull him harder against you, deepening the kiss. He teases your lips apart, and you let his tongue in. He shifts his body, pulling you down under him on the bed.

His caresses and kisses open more memories as you are making love to each other. You know this is right. This is where you belong, here with him, your Jooni.

You both pause for breath and in a heavy whisper, he says, "Jagi, you've come back to me."

Smiling adoringly at him, you say, "Nae Sarang, I may have gone from you in my mind but never in my heart. It was you reading to me like you do whenever I don't feel well or can't sleep that opened the door to my memories."

You see his dimpled smile spread across his face. He caresses your body, "I have missed you. I love you, Jagi."

"I love you too, Jooni."

His lips take yours, and the night brings you both all you have missed.

The next morning, after spending time in bed together, your tummy rumbles, and you giggle. He kisses you, then says, "I think we have another need to fill."

You both get up and shower, losing yourselves till this time, his tummy growls with hunger. You both laugh. You are getting dressed and he is watching you as he puts his clothes on.

 You blush, then saunter over to him. "More?" he grins and pulls you to him when both stomachs protest loudly. You both start laughing and finish dressing.

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