Chapter 4

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Rowan's P.O.V

"Naare." I Said

"Yes Rowan." Said Naare

"Can you tell me more about my family?" I Asked

"Um possibly, what would you like to know." Said Naare

"Why do you seem nervous?" I Asked

"Because.... Before you lost your memory you didn't like talking about your family." Said Naare

"I didn't?" I questioned

"No you didn't, you would get very angry when someone would bring them up." Said Naare

"Do you know why?" I Asked

Naare sighed and walked over to me.

"Because Rowan, they betrayed you."

Naare sighed before speaking again.

"I'm sorry, this must be hard for you to hear. The last thing I wanted is for you to relive this. I'm so sorry they did this to you. Believe me when I saw I will do anything I can to help you get your memories back." Said Naare

"Wow, thank you master." I Said

Naare smiled.

"You're welcome." Said Naare, "Come now the person we need to seem is waiting for us."

"Who." I Said

"Palpatine." Said Naare

"Whose he?" I asked

"He's the person who will help you get your memories back." Said Naare

I jumped with excitement.

"Let's go!" I Shouted

"I'll meet you inside, I have to.... answer a call." Said Naare

"Okay!" I Said

Naare's P.O.V

As soon as Rowan walked out I pulled out my communicator and answered my call.

"What do you fools want." I Said

"We want our brother back!" Shouted Kordi

I laughed.

"Don't count on it, hope you got a good last look at your brother last time got saw him Because next time you see him you won't recognize him." I Said

"Please Naare don't do this." Said Zander

I smiled.

"Goodbye Zander." I Said

I then hung up and walked inside.

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