Uncle dom?

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I was at home with Dom. He was baby sitting me for the time being. Even though he should be at school. But mommy and Daddy said they had to make up days that they were missing in school. Mommy sais that i cant go to school yet since people tend to make fun of me. "Hey Jacky did Grian leave any food around I'm hungry" Uncle Dom said. I thought for a moment " no but at the top of the fridge mommy leaves the cookie" i said playing with my stuffed bunny. " i can't reach it come here" He calls me over picking me up. I go to the top of the fridge seeing the jar there. Next to it was a book. I also took that. "Here you go " I said handing him the jar. "What cha got there " he said looking at the book. this book was a light blue and it had a golden bow wrapped around it. near the edge was a note taped to it. 'to Jacky, happy 12th birthday' it read. "It's for me " I said undoing the golden lasso that held the baby blue color. "It's for my twelfth birthday " I said to uncle Dom seeing him choke on a cookie. "OH gosh then you should save that for that it birthday " he said trying to reach for it but I took it away. "No it's for me I want to read it " I said opening it seeing a picture of a woman that looked like me holding her belly. A small gasp left my uncle's mouth. "Uncle Dom who-" "Yuki"  he said taking the book from me. "Your mother Jacky " he said sitting down book in hands. I sat on his lap looking at the woman. She looked so at peace so nice and so wonderful. "Mommy? " I said turning the page but my stupid dyslexia made it hard to read. "You want me to read it for you " he asked as I nooded.  "Ok let us do so then "

*years earlier*


"My dearest baby I'm not sure what the future holds us but I want you to be happy. I kept my pregnancy a secret for so long I'm not sure what people would say. I want you to know I'm not all perfect. I'm blind and stupid. I fell in love and out of love. I'm blind at love and I'm blind physically.  I don't wish that upon you my child. If i am gone from your life I am sorry my child. I love you, remember to never give up to never frown to never let others push you around remember I'll always be with you even if you can't see me. Remember my little bunny princess....I love you "

*present time*


I heard soft sniffles come from Jacky as I finished reading. "M...m..." she said sobbing in her hands. "Shhh shhhh it's ok Jacky I'm here " I said bringing her into a hug as I closed the book.


As both hugged setting the book down an aura around engulfed then in a ghostly soft hug.

-Freak out

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