Untitled Part 1

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Looking out the window of his speeder, the location fast approached. Why me? It wasn't his thing, walking around and covering up chipped paint and gang signs was usually what got him out of the office. 

The site had weeds growing in and out of buildings. The glass was broken allowing him to see clearly into the buildings. Coming to a stop he stepped out of his speeder and began walking though the dirt to the closest building, it was here that feeling appeared again.

The warm sun beat down, walking through the park, he had been drawn to this pond in the middle of this park. Looking around there wasn't anything out of the ordinary, yet he felt this was the place. A stranger had walked up and there was something warm and friendly about him, after a brief conversation they exchanged contact information and went on their separate ways. 

The building in front of him looked worn, but something told him to look around back. You can do that latter, focus on the front facing the speeder path. 

One more day after today and this would be over, he told himself. The cloud of dust that announced someone is coming filled the air behind him. This planet was at the edge of known space and the Imperial records indicated that there had been a Jedi outpost somewhere here during the Ruusan Reformation period.  

Sitting down outside he wiped the sweat from his forehead and peered around the side of the structure, a glint coming from around the back of the building's corner drew him. What could still shine in this abandoned area?  Another mystery for after my break is over. The inside had plants coming through the floor. How they were growing in the first place surprised him, the roof didn't have any holes to let rainwater in. Come to think of it, how was anything growing where he was? His timekeeper beeped, time to get back to work. 

Sitting down, the warm air put out by his heater blew in his face. The front of the property looked presentable now. Before leaving and returning to his shelter, the joys of being a temporary laborer, the mystery had been solved as to what had been shining in the light of the sun. Having dusted the object off, he now had two mysteries to solve, what was it and how was it not affected the weather? He laid down they could be examined tomorrow.   

As the system's star broke the horizon, he was already in his speeder. One last stop and then back to Coruscant. The file said this collection of buildings was fed water by an underground lake. Arriving at the site the neatness caught his eye; from the speeder path it looked like someone had been expecting visitors and had cleaned things up recently. The collection of abandoned buildings stood defying the winds and sand. This is a waste of time. 

Looking at the mysterious object in the light of day the glint returned. Seeing it clearly now it looked like a silver handle, maybe some type of cutting tool? No, it couldn't be, that was just a legend. This was the only inhabited planet in the universe... Sure, he had heard the rumors, that there were many inhabited planets and there was something called the Galactic Empire, but no if that were true his planet would be trading with other planets. Why would they hide it? Off to work I guess, maybe ask that old man after his shift?

His target was a Caucasian male in his twenties with auburn hair. He had visited the site the day before and may have found something. 

Walking in something was different, he had seen a co-worker notice him then dart their eyes away. The office seemed unusually quiet, rounding the corner to the section of the building in the right back corner he got his answer.

"You will hand over the contraband immediately." 

What contraband? I have nothing that violates Zor's laws.

It's illegal to be in possession of a lightsaber under Imperial law.

Play dumb, make him have to cause a scene. This? He pulled the object from the pocket and exclaimed, I thought this was a silver handled cutting tool? Zor is the only inhabited planet in the system, in order for Imperial law to exist, there must be other planets but that isn't true, so I will keep my tool. 

And what makes you think that will happen?

Because then you will have to explain this? A blue light lit up the room as he ignited the saber. Either I walk out of here or there's going to be a message broadcast to the hole planet that I have prerecorded making public what has been whispered...

You think you have outsmarted me, don't you? And if I were to tell you I found that message and it will not broadcast? 

Did you get all of them, what thought I'd only have one here at work? I'll be going now.

How? They had told him this would be a simple assignment, check the site list for contraband and return? Don't cause too much of a scene, after Alderaan, the Empire didn't need another angry planet. 

 Looking both ways, everything appeared to be normal, he made his way to his speeder and jumped in. He headed to toward the outskirts of town, contacting the man and asking if he could stop by to discuss something with him.

As the branches moved sedately in the breeze the shadows crept closer to the shack. There was a cloud of dust growing bigger as a speeder approached. It felt like ages since he had heard from Jason. What he had described in a brief summary seemed hard to believe but was shockingly true. Another person's world touched by the Empire and not for the better...

As he pulled up to the shack his heart had started to beat normally again. Looking at the man he exclaimed if the Galactic Empire is real, please tell me there is someone opposing them. 

There is and their called the Rebel Alliance.  Made up of humans, near humans and different sentient species working together to restore freedom to the galaxy.  Have you thought about what you're going to do now?

Well, I can't go back, have everything to my name with me. Could you use me?

Not on this planet, the ISB will not stop until they get you.

Kind of figured that, and only got away because he didn't want to make a scene for some reason. Can they give me a new identity and get me to a safe place? 

The Alliance can help you get to safety, if you change your mind, you can always contact me. 

What of this message you used as a threat, is it real?

Yes, but there was only one copy and the guy found it, had to make something up that there were more copies and I guess he bought it.

Come I want you to meet someone. Their interested in what you plan to do with that lightsaber.

What is the lightsaber to you? 

I was once thinking of joining the Jedi but chose something else. I have suffered loss at the hands of the Empire but didn't give into hate and the Dark Side. You are at that same critical point I could hear your conversation outside.

What loss if you don't mind me asking? Also why didn't come out if you heard what was being discussed?

Your decision must be your own, as to whether you join the rebellion or not. Coming out may have influenced you.  But now that it sounds like you have made your choice, I have two questions for you. Did you feel guide to the saber? 


I was merely curious if the force had guided you to its location. 

I was just out there to clear weeds, but something told me to look around back and then I saw the reflection of sun light.

You may be force sensitive and not know it.

Wait! in the legends he thought myths individuals were guided by something called "The Force".  Are you saying that I may become a Jedi? 

No, just that you have some connection to the force. But you have chosen attachment. But there could still be a role for you in the rebellion. You sounded concerned about the Empire, why not become part of your hope.

No, I just wanted to return to a nice quiet life and forget this ever happened... Duty an uncomfortable term. Is this the part where I realize I have a higher calling?

Take your time it seems things aren't as settled as I assumed.

I need time, maybe I'll join the rebellion someday, I'm just some office worker how can I help?

"We need people to organize supplies" turning his friend was standing there.

I can't make any promises, but I will keep your contact information handy. 

Turning back to the other man, what was your second question? 

What are you intending to do with that saber?

Here, sense you seem interested have it, sense I shouldn't take it with me.

It was over, as much as he wanted to pursue that bureaucrat, he had been called back to Coruscant. Even though there was a known rebel sympathizer and the guy had taken off in that direction he wasn't an immediate threat. A task force was being put together to look for where the new rebel base was after the assault on one of the moons of the planet Yavin.

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