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Impostor: *sabotages reactor*

Me: *heads to reactor and puts finger on the thing and waits for a second person*

Red: *heads over and puts their finger on the same one*

Red: *eventually heads to the other one*

Twenty seconds later

Red: Emergency Meeting

Red: It's Cyan, they faked helping with the reactor

Me: You little shit head.

Moonlark was not The Impostor

Brown: Emergency Meeting.

Brown: Red sus.

Red was not The Impostor

Me to Red: You bastard.

Player's POV

I'm bored.

Like seriously, there's nothing to do right now.

I'm done with all my tasks, explored every inch of the ship, and done everything else I could think of.

I went around to see where everyone was. Moonlark was the first person I saw, but she was focused on staring at something in Admin.

Gecko and Pumpkin were running around, as Hunter X rolled her eyes.

"Goodness, you are so immature," Icewing commented.

"You're barely older than us!" Pumpkin shouted.

"Hey, Orcityvi! Can I pop some?" Gecko called.

"Sure!" Orcityvi yelled.

Welp, RIP Moonlark's pills," Blaze commented.

"Hey," Weeb3 called. "There's food in the cafeteria."

"Cool, who made it?" I asked.

"Beats me," Cas said. "But somebody did."

Hope it's not poisonous.

I waved goodbye and grabbed a slice of pizza.

Hmm, cold, but it'll do.

"Hey, Player?" L05ER said.


"Uhhhh, okay? Sorry, but I just wanted to know if you've checked the security room out."

"The one with the ability to check the hallways? Yeah." I answered.

"Good," L05ER said. "Because... we might need them at some point."

"Wait, what makes you say that?" I asked.

"I... just have a really bad feeling, that's all," he replied. "Sorry, I'm probably being paranoid. Ignore what I just said."

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