Part 1 - Heartbreak

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Part 1

Somewhere in the Swiss Alps, Villars-Gryon, Vaud  - A Private Chalet, Late Evening, December, Two Years Ago

Nikhil stood in front of the fireplace, staring at the photos in his hand. The fire logs hummed and crackled in intensity as they burned, as a severe icy cold wind blew outside the chalet, wrapping the world around in white.

It was the Ski Season after all. Local enthusiasts, as well as visitors, would be excited, he thought offhandedly. Both the Villars and Gryon subdomains offered the best in skiing.

Nikhil shut his eyes for a moment and let the feelings, the emotions sink in. He felt trapped in a void, his mind trying to process the information that he had received a while ago. He had doubted this all the while, but the photos in his  hands were irrefutable proof, the final nails in the coffin called relationship.

And suddenly he was tired of life.

Of the slopes. Of the chalet. Of everything. Of Love.

He sunk down to the floor, on his knees, the hardwood floor now gleaming red, reflecting the warmth and heat of the flames. His head was throbbing, as the heat rose to suffocate him. Nikhil had this insane urge to step outside into the freezing rain. Oh hell!

Nothing registered as he shook his head mechanically. The burning sensation pervaded him and he needed to feel the sharp, icy bite of the precipitation on his skin. To convince himself that he was still alive, that his heart was still functioning, albeit of it's own volition.

The photos slipped from his now buttery fingers, onto the burning logs and in minutes were consumed. Not so subtle hints of ashes would be left behind, Nikhil knew. He stayed put right there, in front of the fireplace, staring at the red burning embers.

If only the tears would come ...


Somewhere in Bengaluru, Late Evening, December - Two Years Ago

The wails of the child filled the OT of a reputed Hospital in the city.

This had been one of those difficult pregnancies. It had lasted for more than a day. The Doctor wiped her brow.

A few minutes later, the Head Nurse placed the baby in Rohini's arms. A boy.  

Her eyes shone bright as the baby yawned, curling his fist tightly, his eyes shut, his face a deep pinkish hue.

"Pretty feisty" the Head Nurse smiled at Rohini.

Rohini smiled back, now exhausted. She cuddled the baby, her eyes taking in every inch of his beautiful face.

"Ritwik ..." she smiled. "Such a handsome boy. Your family awaits you."

She placed a gentle kiss on the child's forehead. Cuddling the child some more, she was overwrought with  grief

"If only your Dad was here ..."

The Head Nurse returned to take the baby. Rohini's eyes now burned as overwhelming emotions sought to choke her.  

If only the tears would come ...

End Part 1

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