Part 18 - Ordeal

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Part 18

Few days later, At Night, Rohini's Place

The heat was oppressive as Rohini felt sweat pour out of her body, drenching her. She struggled to open her eyes, but she couldn't as darkness surrounded her.

There were no faces in her nightmare, just a figure in black, walking menacingly towards her, a whip in his/ her hand. Rohini was simply lost in a black, cold, barren landscape and couldn't move. The air around her was chilly and it hurt when she tried to inhale. She could see a light at the other end, she thought, but she couldn't move, nor get up from her bed.

She licked her lips; they were parched. She tried to wipe the sweat off her face, but suddenly found her hands restrained.

"Nikhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..............." she screamed.


Next morning, Saturday, Madhukar Nayak's House

Rohini absent mindedly stirred the milk into the tea, as Dipti stared at her.

"Rohi, what's the matter? There's no sugar in that cup; the brew is perfect."

Rohini snapped out of her reverie and looked at Dipti - "It was the same nightmare Dips. After such a long time. I had thought the worst was over. Apparently, I was wrong"

Dipti walked over to Rohini and hugged her

"Oh Rohi. I am so sorry. Did it end?"

Rohini nodded her head in negation as Dipti hugged her further. She was in no mood to tell Dips that she had woken up screaming Nikhil's name, as she had tugged at the sweaty round neck of her tee, to loosen it.

And then she had restlessly padded around in her apartment, trying to quell her fear; all the while trying to understand why she had called out for Nikhil. She had felt guilty and ashamed, wondering what their connection was.

After an hour of mindless introspection, she had given up and had collapsed on her bed, numb and irritated.

Why? Why him? Why Nikhil? True she had been thinking about his plight, and was being empathetic towards him. But that had not meant that he sift through her subconscious mind.

Rohini was suddenly angry. Not with Nikhil; but with herself. For allowing herself to think, even for a bit, about the possibility of something in life.

The impotent rage escalated as she remembered the bunch of orchids resting on top of the wooden armoire in her living room.


Some time later

Ritwik cuddled into Rohini post Lunch; Dipti joined them a bit late. Rohini was hopelessly trying to make Ritwik  sleep, but the child was way too excited.

Dipti handed over a glass of buttermilk to Rohini as she settled down on the bed, folding her legs.

"Dad says he came over with your car ... and next day sent a bouquet. Come on spill, I want all the details, Girl!" her eyes were now shining in excitement.

Rohini smiled at her sister affectionately as she ruffled Ritwik's hair, who was now lying on her lap, playing with a whistle.

"There's nothing Dips. He came to return the car, and waited a bit because of the rain. There were no Uber cabs available, so I requested him to take my car. He sent the bouquet and a thank you note the next morning."

"How romantic!!!" Dipti exclaimed. Rohini could already see the stars in her eyes. her anger had abated, but she was still uncomfortable with the entire situation.

She looked down to find Ritwik sucking on his thumb.

"There is nothing romantic about anything Dips. It's just a practical way of surviving; of co-existing."

Dipti had laughed mercilessly, making Rohini glower.


On her way back, Rohini stopped in front of a local cotton candy stall, ahead of the intersection. She stared at the colourful candy flosses on sticks, hanging daintily in cute little packets of their own, and thought about her childhood. As the car behind her honked, she sighed and wondered where those good, old days had vanished. Forever.

As she drove through her neighbourhood, Rohini felt apprehensive. She realised that once inside her apartment, she would feel lonely and claustrophobic. She wished she had some more work to do. She sighed again. 

Once inside, she kicked off her slippers, and ambled towards the couch, sinking deep into it. Her eyes rested on the flowers and her mind rushed forward, wondering for the umpteenth time why she had woken up calling for him.

Nikhil was nowhere in her life, neither in her thoughts, nor in her every day routine ... or was he? The mere thought worried her, as she reached out for a cushion and hugged it, letting loose the tears.

She was afraid of whatever was happening to her. She didn't like it at all and it unnerved her.


Saturday Evening, Poorvi and Roshan's home

"Heard you sent flowers to Rohini?" Roshan asked, as he handed a tumbler of lemon iced tea to Nikhil, before settling down in his favourite arm chair.

Poorvi was trying to feed Atharva in the next room, and often the child's wails floated into the living area.

Nikhil nodded as he took a long sip of the iced tea, before placing the tumbler on the table, atop a coaster.

"Yes, I guessed Madhukar Uncle would have already told you. Though I don't know why. I did send the flowers as a token of appreciation for letting me take her car home, since no transport was available because of the rain.

I have realised that she is a good listener, a compassionate soul. So I shared a bit about myself with her. I had to get everything out of my system. She will now realise why women do not matter to me at all, except for a chosen few. And how I abhor them!"

Roshan smiled cynically

"You abhor women, you don't care about them. But you do realise that you cannot do without them?"

"Stop right there" Nikhil said. "I mentioned except for a chosen few ..."

Roshan leant forward in his chair and placed his hand on Nikhil's knee

"Nikhil, listen to me please. I do understand what you have gone through, and I wish all this hadn't happened. Your faith, your belief ... everything had been mercilessly tossed around.

But, but ... I don't want you to mess around with Rohini. She is way too simple and kind. We definitely do not want to see her hurt, under any pretext whatsoever."

"So you think I am playing around? What is she to you?" Nikhil asked in earnest, his eyes blazing.

"She is our friend. And we love her." Roshan replied with a smile. "And you are my best friend. I don't wan t to see either of you hurting."

End of Part 18  

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