Part 37 - Chess Pieces

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Sadashiv Shastri's Residence, That Saturday

"Relax" Nikhil whispered as he brought the car to a halt in front of the impressive gateway of the Shastri residence. Rohini nodded absentmindedly, as she alighted from the car and stared at the imposing mansion in front of her.

Her fingers ghost arranged her saree pleats as Nikhil appeared by her side, his touch warm and gentle on his elbow.

"Don't worry, he is a dear old man. It's just that he looks like a grumpy fellow sometimes. Come ..." Nikhil led them up the stairs. Rohini turned towards him and smiled, grateful for his presence, though initially she had negated his advances to pick her up rom her residence. She was now glad that he was there with him.


"So you designed for the remodelling and renovation of that bungalow?" Sadashiv Shastri asked, as he leaned slightly in his arm chair to take a better look of Rohini.

"There was a team" Rohini responded, as she settled in comfortably. Sadashiv Shastri had met her in the hall and had himself ushered her to the Study upstairs. An imposing man, even taller than Nikhil, his personality lit up the atmosphere inside and Rohini felt warm and cozy.

Sadashiv Shastri continued

"I knew Madhukar when he was in the same neighbourhood. Alas! now I even can't fathom how he must look. Please do tell him to drop by if he is around"

Rohini nodded, her eyes twinkling. Nikhil came and sat down beside her on the couch, he had been away on a call.

"So how is it that you two met? Nikhil sings paeans about your work. And I don't disagree. I tell you, his Ajji would have loved what you guys did with the bungalow" Mr Shastri asked.

Rohini laughed

"Oh Nikhil? He was involved with our team from the very beginning. And he was very unhappy to find an unprofessional woman looking over the work ..."

Nikhil glared at Rohini - "I wasn't ..."

"Oh Roshan told me everything. About how he was pouting and fretting. How uncomfortable he was working with a woman and ... " Rohini continued laughing, this time joined by Ajja.

Nikhil pouted in petulance for a while more, and then joined them in laughter.

Sadashiv Shastri wiped tears off with the edge of his stole

"Did he say all those things? Oh my dear! Did we bring him up properly? I think not.

But, I like this girl! Fabulous, she is. Madhavi, my wife would have been so happy to meet you ..."

Rohini smiled, as she tried to push away Nikhil's hand, now creeping up to her elbow surreptiously.

The happy atmosphere was dented when a musical, sweet voice floated in

"Oh hello. Is that Nikhil? What is this hullaballoo all about? Who is this girl? I don't remember meeting her"

All three looked at the door as a lady walked in. To Rohini, she seemed like one of those women who emerged straight out of a shoot for any fashion magazine cover - her skin gleaming, her sequinned sari glittering, and an aura of domination, arrogance and glamour permeating through her being.

"Nisha Bhabhi ..." Nikhil got up from the couch and greeted her. The lady in question hugged Nikhil and kissed him on his cheek.

"Nikhil. So great to see you. Does Abheek know you are here? Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I would have stayed home. Ajja didn't mention either" her words flowed out like a bubbling stream, as she portrayed annoyance.

They walked arm-in-arm back to the centre of the Study and Rohini got up to greet up. She noticed that Nikhil's Ajja had turned his face away and was now concentrating on some papers.

"Rohini, this is my sister-in-law Nisha. My brother, Abheek too will arrive in some time. Bhabhi, this is my friend, Rohini. She and her team had worked on the remodelling of the bungalow." Nikhil introduced the women and soon they settled down once again.

"I wanted to congratulate them for the work done." Nikhil's grandfather chimed in, his eyes still focussed on the papers.

Nisha looked at Rohini quizzically, then at Nikhil, at his proximity to her. Something clicked in her mind and she smiled

"Yeah, agree with you Ajja. Abheek took me for a visit a few days back."

Rohini sensed a but coming ...

"But I feel we have spent too much on the entire exercise" Nisha concluded.

Sadashiv Shastri looked up from the papers, his glasses resting on the edge of his nose, his eyes piercing Nisha's

"Those payments have been confirmed by me Nisha. I don't want any discussions about them any further."

Rohini felt Nikhil's eyes on her as she looked at his sister in law. The light in her face seemed to leave with a whoosh, but only for a minute. She was back to her elegant self in no time.

"Fair enough" Nisha commented, as she got up. "Let me go and check the Dinner preparations. After all, we have a special guest with us today."

Her smile looked fake to Rohini, who immediately declined the invitation. Her Father expected her at home; she had not informed them about this visit. After all, she had thought, it could hardly go on beyond an hour maximum.

"Please stay ... It is always nice to have a blooming company for dinner, once in a while" Nikhil's Ajja said this time and winked, and Rohini felt Nikhil's fingers pressing on her elbow.

"Let me call Dad first ... he had planned for something, I know" Rohini got up and walked out of the Study, towards the length of the balcony, curving all around the staircase leading up from the hall to the floor above.

She stopped abruptly as she heard Nisha's saccharine sweet voice coming from a room at the extreme end

"I so knew it. Something is definitely wrong. That's why I called. Ajja has completely lost his mind ..."

Rohini moved away, feeling guilty of unconscious trespassing, though the words kind of jarred her thoughts. However, everything was forgotten when she saw Nikhil's face light up when she informed that she would stay back for dinner.

"That's great" Ajja nodded as well. "Do you play chess by any way?" he asked.


The dinner went off well. Sujeet, their cook had whipped up a great meal and Rohini thanked him effusively. Abheek had joined them by then and a pleasant conversation ensued. He had a genial face, a ready to go smile, and he effortlessly encouraged conversation across the table, roping Rohini in every time she fell behind.

Rohini liked him.

"Some coffee before you leave" Ajja said as he ushered Rohini back into the Study. Their half- finished game of chess rested on the coffee table. Rohini had no intention of being rude to the grand old man and settled down on the sofa to finish the game and let him win.

Abheek and Nikhil joined them. And so did Nisha after a while, once Sujeet served coffee to everybody.

A little while into the game, Rohini's phone started vibrating. Excusing herself from the game, she stepped out into the balcony once again. It was Deepti, wondering when she would return home. And whether Nikhil would escort her back and stay. Rohini rolled her eyes in despair and disconnected.

She turned to return to the Study, only to be stopped by Nisha, who pulled Rohini inside her room.

Rohini looked around amazed. Everything was so beautiful and expensive that she wondered if the room was even liveable. It looked like a museum. However, there was no denying the stunning effect that the sheer opulence of the room had on her.

Nisha observed her closely for a while and then spoke

"I know what Nikhil sees in you. You are beautiful, smart, intelligent and kind. I think you are good for him. But are you indeed for the long run? That's the moot question"

Rohini was dumbfounded at the statement, deciding whether to say something or to stay mum for time being. Nisha walked over to her dresser and stood there admiring herself

"Perfect woman you are! I must say. But Nikhil always had perfect women throwing themselves at him. He is a Prince, you see ...

And these perfect women who had moved away once, always seem to want to return once they realise how good a catch he had been. Some of them have been gold diggers as well"

Her look was sharp now - "You may not like me for this, but I don't care. We have to protect Nikhil. But are you willing to accept everything that comes with the package called Nikhil ... "

Rohini felt disgusted. She turned away to leave. As she reached the door, Nisha called her out to him

"In case you want to know. Barkha wants to connect with him. She is back in the city ... I loved that girl so much. So sad that she made such a huge mistake"

Rohini hardly heard Nisha's sighs as she stepped back into the room and looked straight into her eyes

"Nikhil is man enough for me ..."

She then walked out of the room and towards the Study.

"Ajja, there is some emergency at home. I have to leave now ..." she touched his feet.

"Will you call on me sometimes?" Ajja asked her.

"I will" she smiled in response.

Nikhil was stunned at the exchange, not realising what had happened suddenly. Rohini's cup of coffee remained untouched on the table; and the game unfinished.

"I need to use the restroom" Rohini said, as they stepped out of the room.


A few minutes later, Rohini hurried towards the stairs. Nikhil was nowhere to be seen, she guessed he might be waiting downstairs.

The doors to the Study were partially open and Rohini hurried. She didn't want to meet anybody or talk about anything else.

The snatch of words from the Study however broke her pace

"But Ajja ... she is a divorcee ... Madhukar Nayak is NOT her Father ... an orphan she is"

She knew that voice alright and this time something broke inside Rohini. All the years, the months and days of trying to mend oneself, to hold oneself together, to look forward to something good, something great ... to love, nothing made sense right now.

She felt like screaming her heart out - for him, for herself; but she knew this was neither the time nor place.

She felt herself burning and rushed outside into the rain, letting the cool droplets quench the untamed heat.

A honk and she opened her eyes to find Nikhil in the car in front of her, his eyes on her, surprised and wary.

She shook her head. She was thoroughly drenched.

"Your carseat will be spoiled ... "


Nikhil got down from his eat and walked towards Rohini. He did not know why but she looked absolutely miserable. And exhausted.

He wondered what had happened in those few minutes that she had been away from the Study.

He wasn't going to let her down though, he knew. Reaching her, he gently pulled her towards himself, his hand warm on the cool, wet skin of her back.

"Rohini ... " he called her name, his voice quiet yet firm.

She looked up at him and he flinched at the anguish in her eyes; he could make out the tears even though it was raining hard; and he felt his heart lurch painfully in his chest.

"Oh Nikhil" she whispered, as she nearly collapsed against him, her head resting against his chest. His hands went around her as he gently patted her back

"Let's get you home"

End of Part 37

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