Part 56 - Consideration

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In Bengaluru

They stepped out of the Coffee Shop as the sky darkened, and as visitors started filtering in. Nikhil held onto Rohini's palm, now curled into his, as they walked towards the parking spot.

"Let me drop you home Rohini ..." he was earnest in his request. "I don't see your car. And, I don't want to let go off you ..."

Rohini stayed quiet as they walked on. Sensing her hesitation, Nikhil looked at her.

"If this bothers you Rohini, we will take a step back. I am willing to work on this relationship, on us, right from the very first step that we had taken back then. But ... I don't want you to have any doubts whatsoever"

Rohini opened her curled palm and allowed her fingers to link with his.

"Come home Nikhil. Let us start with coffee again ..."


The drive to Rohini's apartment was quiet and uneventful, both of them lost in their own thoughts. Once inside the apartment, Nikhil looked around as Rohini retreated into the kitchen. Once a safe haven, the apartment seemed all cold and distant now, though he was determined to make things better. He caught a glimpse of Rohini's luggage by the sofa that had not yet been unpacked. Despite the slight sounds that emanated from the kitchen, there was dead drop silence all around. Nikhil shivered involuntarily as he stepped into the balcony.

Rohini joined him after a while. As they sipped their coffee in companionable silence, Nikhil turned sideways to look at her. As in really look. The sadness on her face was palpable and she seemed to have lost the vivacious sheen that had so characterized her. Rohini turned towards him, mapping his face, memorizing the same sadness reflected there.

"Is this it? How did we even arrive here?" she whispered.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Want?" she stared at him blankly.

Nikhil nodded - "Want is an incorrect expression. What do we need? Both of us? That's the moot point."

Rohini thought for a while - "You want me to decide?"

Nikhil nodded his head. "Yes. And No. I know what I need. But I need you to need the same as well, to feel the same ..."

"I am afraid Nikhil. What if we fail again?" an unknown sadness pervaded her words.

He reached for her hand and pulled her closer to himself, letting his warmth seep in through her cold fingers.

"We will try again. And again. But yes ... we need to trust ..."

The dams burst open as she slowly moved into his arms and sobbed her heart out. He held her close to his heart. And once she had moderately calmed down, Nikhil led her inside, which was now filled with the delicious smell of homemade brownies. They sat together, face to face, trying to read the other.

"I made brownies today ..." Rohini offered helpfully.

"I noticed" he smiled at her and inhaled deeply. "I love it when I am here ... with you. This way"

A slight smile spread across Rohini's face as she reached for his hands. She looked down at their palms, now pressed together, and marvelled at how her palm fit perfectly into his. She looked up to find his eyes on her. She hesitated for a moment though she knew that this was the moment -

"I was so heartbroken that evening that nothing made sense then. Or afterwards." Rohini said after a while. "I was on auto mode because I could not let myself unravel. Not in front of everybody. Not in front of others. I couldn't do that back in this apartment either. Once in Binsar, I let myself go ..."

Nikhil moved to the edge of his seat, in front of her, taking her hands in his once again.

Rohini continued - "Maybe I should have raised an alarm. But then Nikhil, she was in bed with you. You were asleep, and both of you were without any clothes. I couldn't think straight. That smirk on Barkha's face has continued to haunt me till this date. Though now I know that it was the drug.

Those seven deadly sins you talked about? I am also a guilty party. My pride let me fall. My pride that you were only mine, the pride that had made me proclaim earlier that you were man enough for me and wouldn't forsake me ever. The pride that I had you wrapped around my fingers. At that moment, that pride was like a glass orb, which slipped down to the floor, and splintered into a million pieces. Though the mask was still intact ... "

Silence reigned between them as Rohini clutched onto his fingers this time. He responded after a while

"You do have me wrapped around your pretty fingers, you know"

Rohini understood that he was trying to lighten the situation.

"All those days in Binsar ... I hated you with a fervour because I could not forget you even for a moment. I found myself doomed because I was so far away from the truth. While all the time I thought that I had been your rebound.

My relationship with Vineet was a catastrophe from day one. But it was relatively easier for me to surface once Dad got me back to India, because I genuinely had no feelings for him.

But I had loved you with all my heart and soul, my everything. I really didn't know how to handle anything this time and I had to get away from everything. Everytime I thought about me being your rebound, I could almost feel a part of my heart chip away."

She looked into his eyes this time - "I am really sorry Nikhil for everything ... for not trusting you enough"

He shifted to the couch and pulled her into his arms.

"No no no Rohini. Please do not say sorry. I can so understand how the situation had been. In fact, I left you to handle all the mess all alone, regardless of the reasons. I made a promise, I should have been there. I have been such an idiot. I didn't listen to you or Ajja and look where we are today ..."

"Did she ...?" her question remained unsaid.

"Molest me?" he was bitter for once. "The Doctor says yes, but frankly speaking I don't remember anything. It's almost as if those 72 plus hours doesn't exist for me anymore, Rohini. It's such an agony. In fact, this scar? I don't remember anything about it either. The cut was there when I woke up.

However, the Doctor's Report had been also been a major part of the Police efforts to nab those two and charge them.

But every time I think of it, it unnerves me, it breaks me ... it's not easy to deal with something that you don't even remember."

Rohini embraced him with all her might - "I am so sorry Nikhil, I had not been there to help. Rather, things went off horribly in a digressive path ... What do we do now?"

He rubbed her back tenderly, soaking in the emotions - "I am so sorry I did not find you earlier. I am such a loser. I had been so depressed and ruined that I didn't even know how to survive.

Earlier, I had lost my music as well. But this time, I had only music to keep me rooted to you. I tried to find you through my music. And then finally, I decided to approach your Dad.

if you ask me how things are going to be now, all I can say is that it won't be easy Rohini. We both have made horrible mistakes. However, I need you back ... I won't survive without you. I wish I could say this more eloquently."

Rohini nodded, her breath warm against his ear - "Yes ... "

Nikhil smiled - "I sense a BUT though ..."

Rohini disengaged from his embrace as she looked at him, her brows knitted in worry and concentration - "One step at a time. I can't rush into everything once again Nikhil."

"Anything you need. All the time you need" he promised.

Rohini reached for the scar on his face - "We have to meet Ajja first ..."

"Yes" Nikhil nodded. "And then your Dad."

"And then Roshan and Poorvi" they both said together. And smiled.


That Evening

Sadashiv Shastri raised his hand to hold Rohini's as she said down by his bed. he had been advised limited mobility by his Doctor and a nurse always kept company.

The room smelt of medicines, Rohini noted. She was however mighty glad at the smile that crept up on the old man's face as he opened his eyes on hearing her footsteps.

Rohini bent closer to his face as he whispered, one word at a time - "I am so glad you came. Please forgive us."

She nodded, gently pressing on Ajja's fingers in assurance. He continued 

"He is an idiot and totally clueless. But he loves you ... that much I know"

"And after I am gone, there will be nobody to love him ... Sorry, I am being so selfish"

Rohini nodded in empathy and smiled - "He is safe, please don't worry. You just have to get well Ajja ..."

The old man smiled - "Ah, I am at peace finally. Though I must apologise for what Abheek and his wife did ... we will deal with that too in some time. I am so ashamed of my family."

Rohini wiped away his tears gently and nodded.

Nikhil stood at the threshold of the room, his arms crossed across his middle. His heart swelled in love as he noted the interaction. Ajja's words were whispers that didn't quite reach him, though he could hear Rohini's words.


Madhukar Nayak nodded grimly at Nikhil as he ushered them inside his Study. The last time he had met Nikhil was when he had visited Sadashiv Shastri in the hospital, but Nikhil had been busy with the Doctor and they hadn't been able to talk much then.

"Hope your Ajja is much better now" he stated as they all sat down. Nikhil nodded as Deepti joined them.

"He is happy to be back home" Rohini added "I went to meet him before we came over here"

Her father was surprised though he refrained from saying anything.

Nikhil was apologetic - "I have come to apologise for all the sadness and trauma that my imprudence had caused. I do understand it's not easy to forgive and forget, but the truth remains that I do love Rohini, and have always done so ..."

Madhukar Nayak looked at him, trying to assess the sincerity behind the words. 

"We now know the truth Nikhil. It has not been easy for any of us, yes. But it has been devastating for you both. And the child"

Rohini's eyes watered and she turned her face to blink away the tears. Nikhil looked at her, grief etched all over his face.

Madhukar Nayak sighed deeply - "I have always wanted happiness for Rohini, and you. She has faced too much of unkindness and cruelty for her age. And so have you, I realise.

However, I hope you two do realise how things stand today. Even now, I wish for happiness for both of you, individually. And if you guys want that happiness to blossom together, then I will be the most ecstatic.

However, everything depends on both of you right now. There is no advice from my end. Or Deepti's.

Whatever you two decide, we will be happy to support. But do think about everything."

After a while, Nikhil got up to leave. He had to return home to Ajja. As he shuffled in front of the door, Madhukar Nayak came up to him and placed a hand on his back

"Nikhil, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for slapping you that day on the road. I was mad in anger ..."

Nikhil turned and clasped his hands - "I do understand Uncle. In your place, I would have done the same."

"You slapped him?" incredulity seeped in through Rohini's words as both men turned to see her standing there.

End of Part 56

Note : Thank you all for reading. I know that this story is going on like forever :D Hopefully, a few more chapters, and Nikhil and Rohini will find their way through.

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