Part 8 - Initiation

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One Month Later

Nikhil, in their meeting at his office, had agreed to go in for mix n' match. There was a part of the Bungalow that he liked; the part that opened out to the sea. One could easily travel down the path, across the backyard garden, access the whitewashed wooden steps down to the beach, and then walk onto the sea. Also the view from the rooms and balconies facing the sea were gorgeous. This was the back segment of the bungalow.

He had wanted the front segment of the bungalow to be torn down and reconstructed, in lines with the aesthetic values of the remaining part of the house, and its interiors.

"We could give the rooms towards the back a penthouse kind of feel and also combine it with light antiquity" Santhanam had offered.

"I want nothing destroyed, except for the segments that we are agreeing upon. My Grandfather had built this bungalow with love, for my Grandmother and I am keen on maintaining the heritage values as well."

Rohini had nodded imperceptibly. She realised how priceless some of the antiques in the house were. She had also chanced upon a room nestled in the heart of the bungalow, on the first floor, which contained a piano and a few other musical instruments. She was intrigued.

Madhukar Nayak had immediately glanced towards Rohini, praying that she not start laughing at this moment, as the imagery of the child Nikhil with his Grandmother flitted in front of his eyes.

"What about the part rocky segment towards the extreme left?" Rohini had ventured instead, noting down the preferences.

Nikhil had looked out for a moment, lost in his thoughts.

"I would prefer a ledge sort of structure, but I think there will be a clash of styles. I leave it upto you. Maybe you all can show me some designs ..."

Rohini looked up from her notebook to find him looking at her, his eyes intent, shining with a purpose. There was energy radiating from his being, something that she had not seen during the past few meetings or interactions.

"Mr Shastri, I think it's for you to decide" she offered.

Nikhil smirked - "I was under the illusion that M.N. Architects would help me realise my dream regarding this bungalow"

Rohini picked up her coffee mug - "The dream part has to be yours. Execution is ours."


Two Months later

"So how is it going?" Rohini asked Santhanam, who flopped down in front of her, his forehead creased in tension.

It was early in the morning; the office area was still in deep slumber. Rohini glanced at her wrist watch, as she offered some tea to her colleague.

"Tea? You?" Santhanam raised his eyebrows.

Rohini smiled impishly - "One of those days when I prefer some Earl Grey"

They sipped their tea in silence as Rohini studied her colleague. Santhanam was a Senior Project Head and had been with their firm for nearly fourteen years. Hardworking, sensitive, disciplined, intelligent - he was an asset to the company.

And now there he was siting in front of Rohini, a bit perturbed.

"Is it that bad?" Rohini's voice was gentle.

Santhanam looked up - "Rohini, can I ask you for a favour please?"

Without waiting for her response, he continued

"Could you please look at the designs once again? We have been through this I know, but ..."

"Why? What's the matter? Are we deviating somehow from what we had presented to Mr Shastri?" Rohini asked.

Santhanam shook his head in negation

"Nothing like that. But that guy is a maverick. He understands the aesthetics very well, he has brilliant ideas; but somehow I detect an element of dissatisfaction"

Rohini thought for a while

"I remember the layout designs very well, and I think we are doing a great job. I think Mr Shastri will be happy once we have completed at least a segment of the project. There will be something concrete in front of his eyes to refer to then ..."

Before Santhanam could say anything, Rohini continued

"Also, I really don't have much time. My team and I are working on the interior restoration of another old bungalow, you know."

"Yeah" Santhanam sighed and got up. "That's a big one. And the local MLA's son involved too"

He stopped at the doorway and turned back

"Maybe if you could visit the site once. Maybe ..."


A week later

Rohini walked towards the back of the house and looked around. It was still early in the morning and the workers were yet to start.

Though she was hell bent on not stepping on Santhanam's toes, yet she couldn't turn down his request. The only one that Santhanam has made over these years.

The work seemed to be proceeding as per the time schedule, Rohini noticed. Everything seemed to be in order. She wondered what the fuss was all about.

She walked down the steps to the sea and stood there all alone, the waves splashing at her feet gently. The vast expanse of the sea all around her, with only a patch of golden sand connecting her to Mother Earth. She could feel the sand shifting beneath her feet, tickling her soles and she laughed out aloud.

The blue of the sea, the blue of the morning sky meshed together at the horizon, as liberal dashes of pink tinged the blues in both.


The work at the front was yet to begin. Rohini climbed up the stairs to the first floor, searching for Santhanam. He had mentioned earlier that he had already reached the property, even before Rohini had arrived.

Rohini had met the caretaker and his family once she arrived, but her colleague was nowhere to be seen. Must be out for a smoke, the caretaker had informed.

Rohini walked into the small room that had been converted into a makeshift office by her colleagues. It was nearly bare, with only a rectangular table at the middle, and a few chairs strewn around.

Some of the technical drawings were laid out on the table; Rohini picked up a pencil out of habit as she reached the table. There was nothing to do for her, she noticed; as she glanced through the sheaves of paper.

The designs were perfect; but she had a nagging feeling  that something was amiss.

She looked up to see a glorious dawn unfurling, as the sea waves gently lapped against the shore. She was amazed that she could hear the murmurs of the sea from the house, as her mind whirred.

"What is missing?" she asked herself. "Why can't I put my fingers on what it is? What is it?"

"Maybe a deeper involvement ... A woman's view" a deep voice resonated from the doorway.

Rohini nearly jumped off her skin, as she let the pencil slip from her fingers onto the ground.

She turned around to find Nikhil standing by the door, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

"Mr Shastri ... I didn't mean to disturb you. I didn't know you were here" Rohini offered, as she coloured.

Nikhil smiled, running his hand through his unkempt hair

"My apologies, I was not expecting any company, so early in the day"

"Would you care for some coffee? I made some ... " he asked. "I will be back in a jiffy"

As he turned around and left, Rohini let her breath out. And at that moment, she specifically wanted to kill Santhanam.

She walked over to the balcony, feeling embarrassed. After all, she had entered the premises without any intimation.

Nikhil returned a few minutes later, carrying two mugs of coffee. He looked peaceful and serene, but grave.

"Thank you" Rohini accepted the mug gratefully.

They stood together in companionable silence drinking their coffee, while looking out at the sea.

"Well ... you were a vision out there, standing all alone, in complete harmony with nature" Nikhil said, indicating towards the exact spot.

Rohini felt her cheeks warming; and she mentally chided herself. She was an adult, for God's sake, she didn't go about blushing on such comments.

"So many shades of blue ..." Nikhil said, turning towards her, his eyes appraising the deep blue of her dupatta.

"My room is next to this" he updated as he caught the questions in her eyes. "I was on the other balcony when I thought I was seriously hallucinating"

Rohini realised that she had to say something - "Santhanam did not mention that you were staying. Where's Roshan? Is he here as well?"

Nikhil finished off the remaining dregs of his coffee and walked back inside, depositing the cup on the table. He invited Rohini to join him there as they looked down at the drawings.

Nikhil responded after a while

"Your colleague did not know either that I was coming. I reached early morning, around 5 p.m."

He looked up at Rohini, their eyes interlocking

"I do care care for this place. And the memories. And the love that my grandparents had for each other and their family.

Roshan is at home. They are expecting a baby in two months, I couldn't drag him away"

"What about this?" he tapped at the drawing with his thumb, indicating a particular spot.

"That's the ledge extension that you mentioned in that meeting. It's something we could go for if you want. Or we leave the outcrop as it is"

Rohini was now in full control of the situation. This was what she did well, handled well, emotions messed her up. And she knew she was not equipped to deal with them at all. Not after whatever happened with her.

She knew Nikhil was not a communicative person either and was extremely moody, but it suited her well.  She found it easier to deal with hardheaded clients, than the usual mushy ones.

His words today morning however had taken her by surprise, but Rohini knew that they meant nothing to her. Even if they had been sincere. Which she knew they were.

Nikhil crossed his arms across his front, and listened intently to Rohini's words. His eyes were now on her as she explained minute details of the project, her passion coming to the fore.

"Brilliant" Nikhil commended as she ended, her eyes still glued on the drawing, while his eyes taking in the softness of her features, the exuberance in her chocolate brown eyes, and her graceful smile.

"What do you suggest about the ledge?" Nikhil returned to the original question.

Rohini stared at him, a bit exasperated

"I had mentioned it earlier as well. This is your house Mr Shastri, you have to tell us"

Nikhil paced around the room,  gently massaging his stubble.

"Ms ...?

"Kulkarni" Rohini offered helpfully.

"Right. What if this was your house Ms Kulkarni? What would you have done?"

Nikhil's question caught Rohini off guard as they stared at each other. He was now standing a few feet away from Rohini, waiting for her response.

But as Providence would have it, Santhanam called out for Rohini from the hall below.

"Rohini. Your Dad is on the line. He can't get through your number somehow. He wants to know when you are returning?"

Rohini hurried down the stairs

"Please tell him I am leaving right now. I will pick up the alternate sketches from the MLA's house on my way back"

"Yeah Mr Nayak, Rohini is ..." The words got swallowed up as Santhanam exited the house, followed by Rohini.

Rohini looked up to find Nikhil standing on the interior balcony, on the first floor, looking down at her. His question had no answer.

End Part 8

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