The Tailpiece

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Two years later, In Bengaluru

The cry of the new born from inside the OT broke the silence in the corridor outside where everybody waited with bated breath.

It had been a simple pregnancy and Nikhil had been inside with Rohini, until she had suddenly started collapsing some time back, causing panic in the system. The Doctor and the Nurses had hurried him outside and now three hours later, the baby had been born. Nikhil waited impatiently for the Doctor to come out; he was extremely worried about Rohini.

Few minutes later, the Doctor came out of the OT smiling - "Your wife is asking for you Mr Shastri. She is better now. We are shifting her to her room. You can meet your wife there after an hour, she is still a bit under the influence of anaesthesia. By the way congratulations. You have a handsome boy ..."

Everybody milled around Nikhil congratulating him. Rohini was a Mother. he was a Father. Nikhil could hardly believe it at all. He didn't even try to wipe the tears of happiness that rolled down his cheeks. His Rohini was well. The child was fine. Nikhil could finally breathe again.

The Doctor left congratulating the family once again. Roshan clapped Nikhil's shoulder - "Bava! You are a Father ! Your diaper changing night duties finally start. Enjoy !!!"

Nikhil glared at Roshan before walking towards Rohini's room. The others followed him while maintaining a distance.


Rohini opened her eyes slowly to find Nikhil's face hovering over hers. She tried to smile but everything hurt.

"Hi Sweetheart! Wake up. Look who I have got here" Nikhil whispered as a Nurse adjusted the bed slowly so that Rohini could be partially elevated.

All her pain, her tiredness, her soreness fled as she spied the little bundle in Nikhil's arms - their baby wrapped in a white cotton. Their bundle of joy. The bundle that had his eyes closed shut into a slit, an upturned nose, wrinkly pink skin and rosebud lips.

"Let me hold him please" Poorvi said as Nikhil placed the child in her arms and she gently rocked the baby. Nikhil slipped his arm around Rohini's shoulder and gently squeezed her in reassurance.

Everybody cooed at the baby and Madhukar Nayak held him close to his heart. He walked over to Rohini and kissed her forehead, placing the baby in her waiting arms.

Nikhil quickly clicked a few photos and shared it with his Ajja who was waiting for them at their penthouse.

And then Rohini started crying, clasping her son close to her chest and letting her lips graze the small forehead of the child.

The tears were of happiness, veiling the sadness that they carried within. For the child that would never be in their arms. Ever.

A senior Nurse entered the room in some time and shooed everybody out of the room.

"This is the time for the Mother and Child to bond, to build their first connection. His first feed that will ensure his good health for all times ..." she muttered as Nikhil looked at Rohini's face, now glowing with love for her newborn.

"I need be here with my wife now. It's a beginning for both of us and I'd like to be involved. The baby is ours, the journey is ours ... This is the least I can do" his words were slow yet deliberate. He kissed Rohini softly on her cheek and waited.

The Nurse looked at Rohini and then nodded at Nikhil. She seemed impressed.

Rohini started crying once again. And then laughed when her fingers touched the soft baby skin of her son, his small fingers as the Nurse guided her through. She looked up at Nikhil and saw happiness and love shining in his eyes.

And she knew then without an ounce of doubt. Their son, much beloved, would always be in safe hands.


Two Months Later, Madhukar Nayak's Residence, Bengaluru

"Drink up Son" Madhukar Nayak picked up his glass and drank his whiskey neat. "I think we have well earned this."

"Yes. After all these years. And heartaches. And anxieties ..." Roshan picked up his glass of scotch and appraised it keenly. "I have lots of white hair by now."

They drank in silence, ignoring the finger food laid out in front of them.

"Those two ... they surely gave us a hard time, while we tried setting them up again and again" Madhukar Nayak was wistful.

Roshan checked his watch and got up. He had to reach home in time. He reached for Madhukar Nayak's hand and shook it gently.

"I am glad that they found each other, and their way back to each other. Even before their initial commitment, Nikhil during a visit to Ullal, had mentioned to me about how his past was trying to claw it's way back into his life, and that he was not sure of how to react. He wasn't completely sure of his feelings towards Rohini then, though they already had a connection that went beyond deep understanding and companionship.

That hesitation and non-surety had nearly put me off. Though I was happy to see them together in Ullal, yet a nagging feeling had persisted deep within me, all these times. Nikhil, though not a playboy or anything of that sort, had always had a good chemistry with women and they often fell for him. And I did not want him to wield the same sort of power over Rohini. You see, Rohini from day one, has been a sister to me.

I was in a dilemma because I loved them both and at a personal level, I wanted them to be together. And then things took an ugly turn in between. I did resent Nikhil then, but I am proud of Poorvi that she didn't. She exactly understood Nikhil the way he was ... maybe a woman's intuition and sixth sense, something that we always don't understand at all. God knows."

Roshan sighed as he mulled over a minute and then looked at Madhukar Nayak gratefully.

"However Uncle, I must admit that nothing would have been possible without you. I think they are safe now, with their son ..."

"We should thank Nikhil's Ajja actually ... his intervention helped our plan sail through. helped our wishes be fulfilled. The plan that had nearly bit the dust and brought nightmares into all our lives ..." Madhukar Nayak was pensive.

Roshan left a few minutes later.

Madhukar Nayak poured himself another drink and twirled the liquid around in the tulip glass, and then downed it in a go. He flipped his phone open and checked the photo gallery. His eyes softened in love and happiness.

Dhruv ... Rohini's and Nikhil's son. The apple of his parent's eyes. The brightest star in their universe of love.

The fates of his parents had finally united and created a life - much beloved, much cherished and much adored by all.

The tides of time had turned against those who had played a nasty game against those two, nearly destroying everything. And now they were all lost in the churning of time, awaiting their just punishment. He was glad that Rohini and Nikhil had finally pressed charges against Nisha who was now awaiting her trial. Alone. Unwanted. Unloved.

He wiped the tears of his eyes as he got up and walked towards towards the corner of the garden, where a very young tree stood, the leaves shining under the night sky, as the moon rays glided over.

"Good night" He whispered as he caressed the leaves once, not wanting to disturb the sleep.

She had been just a sapling once.


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