the importance of comments

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Just thought I'd share something I think all writers can relate to in some way, or atleast I'm hoping some can.

Comments mean a lot.

They can be the difference between someone continuing to write or not.
When I first joined wattpad, no one would comment on my book. I don't even think anyone read it for the first few months.
Now, I know getting an audience for your books take time, but literally no one was commenting, so I didn't even know if what I wrote was worth reading.

I was actually about to quit writing entirely, but a wattpad friend convinced me not to. I've considered quitting many times since then, but it was my friend's words that always rang in my head.

For me personally, 95% of my chapter updates come from reading the comments, meaning I won't actually start writing the next chapter until I read the comments of the previous one. It really helps me to stay motivated.

I know commenting can be hard though. Sometimes you can't put into words how a chapter made you feel, or sometimes you get so immersed in the story that you forgot you can comment. And other times you're not in the mood to comment, and you just want to read.

I've been there. I don't like to comment unless I'm focused on what I'm reading. I don't want anyone to feel pressured into commenting, as that could ruin the reading experience.

I guess I'm mainly writing this to say that if you want to comment on a writer's story—don't be shy! Don't worry about trying to come up with 'cool' comments (the amount of times I've literally just ranted in the comments is too much to count). I absolutely love reading how passionate people get about the characters in my story, it makes my day!

Commenting could really make a writer's day too, and could be the very thing they need to stay motivated.

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