Chapter 6

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Sidneet went to principal's room.

Avu: May we come in sir?

Pri: Come in

Avu: Good afternoon sir

She elbowed Sid.

Sid: (lil coldly) Good afternoon

Pri: You both had a fight in canteen with him

He pointed to the boy.

Avu: Sir it's his mistake

Pri: Whatever Miss Nadra. Can you see how much he is injured? Being toppers of college and doing all this? We don't expect all this atleast from students like you. You people have embarrassed me

Sid was already getting angry and he lost it. He slammed his hand on desk.

Sid: What do you expect from me to stand quitely when someone is misbehaving with a girl? What would have you done sir? Ok I don't know about you I can't let someone misbehave with my friend. Oh why even friend anyone for that matter. I am seriously against bullying, harrasment and all. And I don't regret whatever I did. I would have even killed this bastard

He said last line gritting his teeth. Avu kept her hand on his shoulder.

Avu: Sid. Calm down

Pri passed a glass of water to Avu. Avu made Sid drink it.

Pri:(to boy) Is this the truth?

Boy: W..w..wo sir

Pri: Did you misbehave with them?

Boy: No

Pri: Ok let's check CCTV camera

Pri checked CCTV camera.

Pri: Now what you wanna say? I want your parents in college tomorrow morning and you are suspended for 20 days

Boy: Sir but....

Pri: (cuts him) Out

Boy left.

Pri: See I can understand Siddharth you were angry. I know he was wrong but you should not do violence. You have beaten him up so badly. What if something happened to him who would have been responsible?

Sid was about to shout but Avu held his hand.

Avu: We are sorry sir

Sid glared at her.

Pri: It's ok I am leaving you two today but be cateful from next time

Avu: Ok sir. Can we leave now

Pri: Sure

Avu: Ok thank you sir

Pri nodded and both left.

Sid: What was the need of sorry hnn? It was not our mistake

Avu: Sid I know very well you were correct and he even got punishment. But try to understand we can't argue with principal. We can rusticated from the college. We can end up in big problem. What will we do hnn?

Sid rubbed his temples calming himself down and nodded his head understanding.

Avu: Classes to are almost over

Sid: Hmm

Avu: Our moms have to gone on an outing. They will come tomorrow

Sid: At home bhayia and bhabhi are there and I don't wanna disturb them

Avu: Then let's go to Ashi's home. She is also alone

Sid: Ok

Sidneet went to Ashi's home and bought pizza on the way.

At Ashi's home

Ashi was sitting in front of T.V. but was she watching it? No no no T.V. was on but she was lost in her thoughts. Let's peak what's going on in her mind.

Ashi's P.O.V.

OMG Sid cares so much for me. When he kissed my forhead, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I mean we are close from childhood. Hugging, kissing cheeks and forheads is normal in three of us. But from sometime I don't know why I feel different with Sid's touches.

P.O.V. ends

Bell rang and Ashi came out of her thoughts. She shooked her head.

Ashi: Nooo Ashi what the fuck. What am I thinking?

Bell again rang and Ashi opened it. Sidneet were standing there but she just noticed Sid.

Ashi: H...h..hi..hi

Avu frowned.

Avu: I think I am also here but you just looking at Sid. My bestie forgot me

She wiped off her fake tears. Ashi smiled nervously and hugged her and kissed her cheek.

Ashi: Sowwwieee

Avu: Hehe it's ok I am just joking. Btw I am Sorry Ashu I was busy. I couldn't help you baby. You ok now?

Ashi: Arre it's ok. I am perfectly fine.  Come

Ashi noticed Sid's injury. She held his arm.

Ashi: Sid what is this?

Sid: Na nothing I just felt down

Ashi: Oh can't you walk properly? Idiots you guys think you can fool me. Tell me what happened?

Avu sighed and told her.

Ashi: Very good. That jerk deserved it. How dare he touched my baby

She said hugging and kissing Avu's cheek.

To be continued

Stay tuned for next chapter

If you still miss him. Trust me you are not alone.

One or other thing brought back him memories. It was definitely something very unexpected but what can be done in front of God's wish. But he will be always missed.

One of the best actors I have seen.

My hero. A true legend 💗💗💗💗

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