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I'm back in the familiar garden. It seems Lady Li never gets tired of this place. I see her reading a scroll in the Gazebo and I smile, she looks so attentive and adorable. I quietly entered so as to not disturb her.

“Greetings, my Lady,” I say smiling, she looks up at me happily,

“Greetings, I'm glad you came to visit. It's been a while,” she pulls me close and makes me sit next to her. Being this close, I can almost feel her warmth.

“What are you doing?” I ask her curiously.

“I missed you, have you been too busy?” She looks up at me longingly.

Seeing her expression, I take her hand in mine and squeeze it gently.

“I'm sorry for not visiting earlier. I had to stay home to help my brother prepare for his journey,” I reassure her.

“I understand, I was worried about you.”

“You should have written me a letter if you were so worried,” I giggle, playing with her bracelet.

“Would you like to go to the fair with me?” I ask excitedly.

“Of course, it's been a while since our last outing together,” she replies, her eyes glinting with joy.

“We can go tomorrow since it's the last day. Hui said there'll be floating river lanterns.”

“Will Hui join us tomorrow?” She asks curiously.

“Oh her husband is returning tomorrow, so it'll be just us,” I answer as I admire her beautiful attire. She looks like a precious flower.

We talked for a while and decided on our meeting place for tomorrow.

“See you tomorrow, Lady Li, I hope you have a nice evening,” I bid her farewell and mounted my carriage.

The next day we met up at the designated spot.

“Lady Li, you look as gradient as ever,” I compliment her look. She reminds me of spring, always so vibrant and beautiful.

I notice her cheeks flush a bit as she mumbles, “You look lovely as well.”

I giggle and take her hand, guiding her to the fair. The bustling crowd gets in our view as we approach, everyone looks so ecstatic to be spending time with their family and friends.

We visited some stalls, exploring the foreign objects the merchants brought. The jewellery is so different. We bought some gems because of their pretty sparkles.

The day went by quickly as we roamed around trying sweets and buying trinkets.

As the sun sets, it's time to float the river lanterns. It is said that whatever we wish for while floating a river lantern, comes true.

“My lady, we should buy lanterns too,” I nudge her towards the shop that's selling lanterns.

She giggles, “Of course, it sounds fun and you seem very eager. Do you have something to wish for?”

“Perhaps…,” I head for the stall, we each buy one lantern and sit by the river.

We both close our eyes and make our wishes, slowly setting down the lantern and letting it float away. We watch our lanterns get lost between the hundreds.

She turns to me abruptly and asks, “What did you wish for?”

“My wish…is something that can only be granted by you,” I look her in the eyes, her eyes look so deep, I could get lost in them.

“By me? What did you wish for?”

I pull her close and whisper in her ear, “I wished for your affection.”

“Wh…what do you mean by it?” She asks nervously, I notice her cheeks reddening.

“Please come with me,” I pulled her into the crowd to get away from the guards. We reach a meadow, it seems to be peaceful and void of people.

“I…I had something to tell you, my Lady,” I looked up at her slowly.

“Tell me what's on your mind.”

“I love you…not as a friend,” I mumble nervously.

“What do you mean?” She asks as she gets closer.

“I…I love you romantically. I tried…I tried to ignore these feelings, but it hurts. The thought of not being with you…hurts,” I can feel my eyes tearing up as I confess.

“You love me? So it wasn't just me…” she whispers, her voice barely audible.

My eyes widened slightly at her words, “My Lady, do you like me too?”

She nods shyly, I can almost imagine her flushed cheeks in this darkness.

“I've had feelings for you for a while now. But I heard the maids whispering that you were into my brother. I…I thought you'd push me away if I confessed. I was afraid…afraid of losing you. Even now, it feels like a fever dream,” I can hear her voice break and before I knew it, I pulled her close and pressed our lips together. My right hand circles around her waist and my left hand holds her neck as we kiss each other passionately. This is my first time kissing someone, yet it feels perfect.

Her lips taste sweet against mine, sweeter than honey and more intoxicating than any wine. Her waist is so slender and delicate, it fits perfectly in my hand.

We pull away breathless, I watch her panting heavily. She looks like an angel under the moonlight.

I take her hand and intertwine it with mine, “Does it feel like a fever dream now?”



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