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“I know the love between you two is unconventional to our families and they'll never accept it,” he says calmly.

“Indeed. So what solution did you come up with?” I look at him expectantly.

“I've been patrolling the borders for a while now. There's a peaceful town there. I see no hope of you two being happy together in the capital,” he sighs.

“Are you suggesting that…we elope?” I ask him, feeling incredulous.

He slowly nods, “That's the only option. I've never seen Yue so sad before. She came to my chambers yesterday and explained everything to me. She cried in my arms because she was afraid of losing you.”

“She's such a crybaby. But her tears are proof of her love for me,” I smile softly.

He chuckles and brings out an amulet from his pocket, smiling at it.

“Who gave you that amulet?” I ask curiously.

He smiles down at it fondly, “Yue did. After receiving Knighthood and pledging my eternal loyalty to the Empire, my first vow was to Yue. I vowed to protect her happiness and smile.”

“You're a caring brother,” I feel happy knowing we have some support at least.

“Back to the topic at hand, I can arrange a cottage and farmable land for you two. I'll prepare a carriage that will take you there discreetly at night,” he says seriously.

“I'll go even to the depths of hell for her,” I say, determined to make her the happiest.

“Very well, stay low for the next few days and pack the things you can't leave behind,” then he explains the details of the road we'll be taking. He gets up once our discussion is over.

“I shall take my leave now,” he says politely before leaving.

The next few days went by in constant fear and anxiety of being caught in our escape plan.

I decide to clear my head and sit down to write the letter I'll be leaving behind for them.

I let my pen flow…letting out all the emotions…

Dear Father and Mother,

I'll always be grateful for the beautiful life you've given me and all the love you've showered me with. I apologise for taking this drastic measure. I know the thought of a woman loving another might be troubling for you to accept. But I cannot change how I feel. Our love is as pure as the one shared between you two. May the gods bless you both with good health. Do not worry about me. I'll be happy somewhere in the world. With her by my side, I can never be unhappy.

Your loving daughter,
Lin Xiaohui

I wiped away the tear that dripped down my cheek. I carefully take the jade Hairpin my parents gifted me and a book given by my brother as memories.

I sneak out in the middle of the night, I find General Li waiting for me. He quickly guides me to the carriage and helps me get on.

Squeezing my hand, he smiles up at me and says, “Take good care of my Sister. I'll try to visit you two often,” with that, he signals the coachman to start the carriage.

I enthusiastically turn to my right to see Yue. It's been so long that the first thing I could think of was hugging her tightly. She weeps in my arms, clutching onto me.

“I…I missed you so much, I was scared,” she sniffles out.

“Everything will be fine now,” I let her rest her head on my shoulder as I rub soothing circles on her back.

We fell asleep in each other's arms after the stressful time we went through.

After a few days of travelling, we finally reached the quaint town close to the border. One of General Li’s men greeted us.

Hearing we're related to him, many people approached us with smiles. An old lady looks at Yue and asks, “Are you General Li’s sister, my Lady?”

Yue smiles and nods. The old woman squeezes her hand and says, “You both are such beautiful and strong beings. Your brother saved my grandson. I'm forever grateful to him. Please let us know if you ever need anything.”

Receiving a warm welcome, we approached our new home happily. The cottage and its farming area is beautiful. I turn to Yue and mumble, “This is our new beginning.”

“Indeed, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” she takes my hand and happily skips to the front door.

After the long journey, we finally get to lay on a soft bed and relax our sore muscles. I hold Yue close, staring at her beautiful face as I run my fingers through her hair. Her gentle features never cease to amaze me.

She blushes as she notices my gaze, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

I chuckle and caress her cheek, “I just can't believe this gorgeous woman is going to be my wife soon,” I press a kiss onto her forehead and she blushes more.

“You're too much,” she mumbles shyly and nuzzles her head close to my chest, hiding her flushed cheeks.

I chuckle and stop teasing her. I decided to whisper in her ear,

When I was afraid, your smile became my courage,

When I was down, you picked me up,

You're my love, courage and the woman of my dreams…allow me to hold you till the end of time and beyond…

I can never love you enough…


Thank you all for reading!!! I hope to write more in the future!!!

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