Author's Note and FAQ

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Hey y'all I just wanted to take a moment to fill all of you in on what happened, is currently happening, and will be happening to Amour Academy, cause I have been getting a LOT of questions. Which I totally understand.

Okie dokie, I'll go over the Frequently asked questions first.

1. Why are you rewriting Amour Academy.

Because Wattpad deleted it and everything else when I reactivated my account.

2. What happened to all of the other chapters?

I've decided to get rid of all of the author's notes and combine two-part chapters for y'all's convenience. Also I'm not finished re-uploading all of them yet.

3. Why did you leave in the first place?

I had some important personal things that I needed to tend to and Wattpad was becoming too much of a distraction.

4. Are you really from Texas?


That just about covers that business.

Now, I plan to have all of the chapters back up tonight or tomorrow.

As for an upload schedule, I'm not sure yet. I'll have to get back with y'all on that.

If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask :).

Thank you all for your wonderful support!

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