The First Day

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(Ash's pov)

"A-Ash, there's something I need to confess." Serena said, blushed.

I gulped, knowing full well what she was going to say.

"W-what is it Serena?" I asked.

She turned and looked me straight in the eye.

"Ash, I...I really like you." She said.

"Serena...I lo-"


'Hmm?' I thought, a little confused.

That figures, it was just a dream.

'Uuuuuugghh, stupid alarm clock!' I thought.

I got up, yawned, did my routine morning stretches. I looked over at Serena, who was somehow still asleep. I walked over to her and shook her lightly.

"Serena, hey Serena. It's time to wake up." I said.

She yawned and sat up.

"Oh, good morning Ash." She said while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning to you sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" I said.

She nodded.

"Mhm, how about you?" She asked.

"Yep, like a rock." I said.

She giggled.

"Well good, are you ready for our first day?" She asked.

She just had to ask that didn't she. Truthfully, I'm horrified, but I can't let her know that.

"You bet I am!" I said with the fakest smile I could muster.

"Great, me too! Is it alright if I have the bathroom first?" Serena said.

"Sure, take your time." I said, knowing she will probably take longer to get ready.

Serena grabbed her stuff and headed into the bathroom. I sat down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

'Oh I hope the school work here isn't as hard as the entrance exam.' I thought.

I know that I have that thought a lot, but who could blame me. I don't think I can pull off guessing on everything, seeing as how I probably used up all of my surplus luck on the exam.

I then got a focused look in my eye.

'I have to think positive, I'll just go in and do my best.' I thought.

It wasn't long before Serena came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a short pink dress and a red waistcoat. (Her XYZ outfit, minus the hat and ribbon.)

"Alright Ash, the bathroom is all yours." She said.

"Thanks Serena." I said as I walked into the bathroom.

I got dressed and splashed a little bit of water on my face to wake up. Then I heard my stomach rumble. I pulled out my phone to see what time it was, and it looked like we still had enough time to go grab some breakfast from the dorm lounge.

"Hey Serena, you wanna grab some breakfast before we head off to school?" I asked as I exited the bathroom.

"That sounds great, give me one second and I'll be ready to go." She said.

Serena opened up her drawer, grabbed her 637 and put it in a pink waist pack, which she strapped on.

"All right, I'm ready." She said.

"Great, I'm starving!" I said.

After that we headed out of or room and made our way down to the lounge. When we walked through the doorway, we saw Clemont.

"Hey Clemont, good morning!" I said waving.

He turned to us and waved back.

"Good morning Ash, and good morning your hig- I mean Serena!" He said.

"And good morning to you too Clemont." Serena said.

We all walked over to where the food was. It was pretty cool, they had everything set up like one of the free continental breakfasts that hotels have. (A/N: Aren't those just the best thing ever? Easily my favorite part about traveling.)

Clemont and I both had scrambled eggs, a piece of toast, and a few links of sausage. While Serena just had a Blueberry muffin. We took a seat and dug in.

"Wow this is so good! Serena, how's yours?" I said.

"It's heavenly!" She said.

So we finished our breakfast and started out the door.

"Have a great day you three!" Said Bianca.

We smiled and waved back. On the way to the school we were constantly being flocked by people trying to see Serena. I feel really bad for her, but she doesn't seem to mind all that much. When I asked her about it she said that it let's her know that her people like her, so that must be a good feeling. When we made it to the school, we went into the administration office to pick up our schedules.

"So Ash, what's your schedule?" Asked Clemont.

"Let's see here...

1st period: Math

2nd period: History

3rd period: English

4th period: science


5th period: Health

6th period: Gym

and that about does it, how about you two?" I asked.

"Wow Ash, we have the exact same schedule!" Serena said exitedly.

'Jackpot! I guess I still have a little luck left over after all!' I thought.

"Awesome! So what about you Clemont?" I asked.

Clemont looked down at his schedule, then over at mine.

"Well, it looks like we have science and gym, other than that we have different classes." He said.

"Ah man, that sucks, I was really hoping we'd have more." I said.

I noticed Serena turn and look at the clock.

"Oh no, we need to hurry or we're going to be late!" She said.

"Crap! Alright let's hurry, see you later Clemont!" I said.

"Yeah, see you guys!" He said.

With that Serena and I parted ways with Clemont and made our way to math class. When we got there, it was only us and about seven others. I still can't believe how few students actually attend this monsterous place.

Serena and I sat down in adjacent seats. The desks were electronic and had touch screens built into them. I thought that was pretty sweet. Next to us was a short looking boy with green hair. He looked a little lonely, so I decided to introduce myself.

"Hi there, my name's Ash, what's yours?" I asked.

"O-oh uh, my name is Sawyer." He said.

"Cool, nice to meet you Sawyer." I said extending my hand.

He shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too." He said.

Serena simply smiled and waved, knowing that an introduction was unnecessary.

"Y-your highness! What an honor!" He said.

"Please, just call me Serena." She said.

I swear she has had to say that 20 times already, and that's just today.

We heard the class door open and saw a woman walk in. It must be the teacher.

"Alright class, I hope everyone is doing well this morning and I hope you are ready to have a productive year. My name is professor Ivy, and I am your mathematics teacher." Said Ivy.

We all greeted professor Ivy.

"I know you are probably going to need a little bit of time to get back into the swing of things, so today we're going to have a practice quiz. It's a good way to test your skills and see how much you have retained over the summer." She said.

'Oh great, a quiz on the first day.' I thought.

All of a sudden the screens on our desks booted up and had the test on screen. I was bracing myself as I clicked the start button, not knowing what to expect. Low and behold, it actually didn't look that bad. I mean, sure it was a little bit more advanced than what I would see at any public school, but by no means impossible.

"Good luck Ash!" Serena whispered.

"Thanks Serena, you too." I replied.

So we began to take the quiz. I was surprised at how much of this stuff I actually remembered. After about 30 minutes, I finished my test and pressed the submit button. Apparently, I was the last one to finish, because after I did professor Ivy addressed us.

"Okay, it looks like everyone is finished. I'll grade these and email your grades tonight. Since we still have a few minutes of class left, feel free to mingle for the duration." She said.

"So Ash, how'd you think you did?" Serena asked.

"I don't know, I hope I did good. What about you Sawyer?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I'm pretty good at math, so I probably did well." He said.

For the next three minutes or so we just made small talk. It seemed that this class and gym were the only two classes Serena and I have with Sawyer. Then the bell rang.

"Well Sawyer, I guess we'll see you at lunch." I said.

With that, Serena and I began to make our way to history class.

"So next is history class. That's my favorite subject!" Serena said.

"Really, mine too!" I said.

Serena smiled at that. It's amazing just how much we have in common.

This day is off to a great start, I sure hope it stays that way.

Serena and I walked into history class and took a seat. I looked up to see Paul sitting a few rows ahead of us, and he was giving me a scowl.

'What is this dude's problem?' I thought to myself.

"Who's that jerk?" Serena whispered.

"His name is Paul, and I honestly don't know what his deal is." I replied.

Serena turned to Paul and scowled back. And I gotta say, for as sweet as Serena is, she has a pretty scary side of her, because it was enough to make Paul turn back around.

'Geez, I don't ever want to be on the receiving end of one of those." I said, a little intimidated.

The teach walked in a few seconds later, this one was a much older man.

"Good morning class, my name is Professor Rowen, and I will be your history teacher for the year." He said.

By the sound of his voice, he sounds a lot more stern than Professor Ivy.

"Today we will be taking a small quiz. I'm curious to see how much historical knowledge you have retained over your holiday. You may begin now." He said.

Another quiz!? Man I hope this isn't going to be a thing in every class today. Luckily for me, I'm pretty good at history. I hit the start button and began. It went well until I was about half way through, then I began to draw a blank. Still I tried my best. Like last time I was the last to finish, and just in time for the bell to ring.

"That's all for today, see you tomorrow." Said professor Rowen.

We all started to head out the door. I was almost out of the room when I suddenly got shoved over.

"Move it loser." Said Paul.

I managed to catch my footing before I fell.

"Hey what's the big idea!?" I said angrily, taking a step towards him.

Serena put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head.

"Ash calm down, just let it go." She said, before turning and giving Paul another glare.

He scoffed and walked away.

"Thanks Serena." I said with a sigh.

She put her hands on her hips.

"What, did you expect me to let you go and get yourself into a fight on the first day of school?" She said.

"I guess not." I said with a chuckle.

Serena playfully punched me in the arm and started walking.

"Come on Ash, we have English class next!" She said.

"Coming!" I said.

The English class room wasn't that far from our last class, only about 10 doors down or so. We walk in and to my right I see a girl staring at me. She was about the same hight as Serena and had short blue hair. I waved at her, and when I did she and some of the girls she was sitting with started giggling.

'Okay...' I thought.

I looked over at Serena, she had a weird look on her face.

"You okay Serena?" I asked.

"Yeah." She said flatly.

'Yeah, I'm not buying that. Could she, there's no way.' I thought.

I faced the front of the class. Class began a few moments later. Or English teacher is named professor Elm. We also had to take yet another quiz. I guess that is the plan for every class today. After class ended, that blue haired girl came over to me.

"Hi there, my name's Miette. What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Ash, nice to meet you Miette." I said.

"Mhm. Hey if you don't mind could you-" Miette started to say.

"Ash we need to get going or we're going to be late." Said Serena, who started walking quickly out of the room.

"Wha- hey! Serena wait for me!" I called.

"Sorry Miette, we'll talk later." I said before rushing after Serena.

I caught up to her.

"Serena, hold on, what was that about?" I asked.

"What do you mean, I said we were going to be late to class. That's all it was." She said a little frustrated.

"If you say so..." I replied.

With that we headed to our next class, which was Science. We got to the class and saw that Clemont was already there. We took our seats beside him.

"So Clemont, how is your day going so far?" Serena asked.

"It's going great! How about you two?" He replied.

Class soon began. Our teacher's name was Professor Birch. We had yet another quiz, which to be honest, I was a little worried about. Science has never really been one of my strong suits, but I tried my best. After the bell rang I leaned back in my chair and streched my back.

"Lunch time at last! So Serena, wanna head over to Cilan's again?" I said.

"Yeah that sounds great!" She said.

"Cilan's? What's that?" Asked Clemont.

"It's this amazing stall at the food court, we found it after we parted ways the other day. Trust me, you're gonna love it!" I said.

"Okay, lead the way." He said.

(Serena's pov)

We made our way into the food court. Even though it's been an hour, I still have this weird feeling my chest.

'Did that Miette girl really get to me this bad? Am I really that jealous?' I thought to myself.

"We're here!" Ash said.

I snapped out of my daze.

"Welcome back, what can I get for you today?" Cilan said.

We ordered our food and took a seat. Ash and Clemont ordered the chilli-cheeseburger, but I'm not that hungry so I just went with a salad.

"So Clemont, what class do you have next?" Ash asked.

"I have History, what about you two?" He replied.

"We have Health next. I can't believe this day is already almost over." I said.

"Yeah, the day has just flown by." Ash said.

After lunch was over, we said our goodbyes to Clemont and headed off to health class.

"Do you think they'll make us take a quiz in this class too?" Ash asked.

"I'm not sure, considering this class is a little bit different from the others." I replied.

I could tell Ash was a little nervous about all of these quizes. I hope he does well. We made it to the class, and this one was set up a little bit differently. There were no screens in the desks and everything was arranged in a square, leaving a big open space in the center of the room.

"I wonder why this room is organizing this way." Ash said.

"I don't know, maybe we'llbe having a bunch of labs in here or something." I replied.

The class was rather quiet, most of the others were keeping to themselves. The class went by pretty slowly also, our teacher, Professor Sycamore, basically just told us what I said about the labs and we just watched health 101 video for the remainder of the class.

"Looks like gym's next, huh." Ash said.

"Mhm, the last class of the day." I replied.

We were almost to the gym when a voice came over the intercom.

"Ashton Ketchum, please report to the head mistress's office...immediately." Said the voice.

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