Dangerous Woman

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She seems so shy and polite
Yet behind all that..

She's manipulative and mischievous

She can literally make your life suffering when you got on her bad side...

But even though she's quite a good friend..
But she's also..
A dangerous woman

Ash's POV

There she is, acting all sweet and kind like she always do. Don't let that act get to you Clemont, she's more than a girl that acts sweet.

Bonnie and Clemont were laughing and smiling while she was talking, what could she be talking about?

I walked up to them and they stopped talking to smile at me, or should I say the two siblings smiling at me while Serena looked at me mischievously.

"Hi Ash!" Serena mischievous look shifted I to an innocent cute smile that could make any guy fall over heels for her..even me.

"Hey, watcha' talking about?" I asked pretending that I didn't noticed her expression a second ago. "About you actually" Bonnie stated, I looked back at Serena who's innocent smile went back into a mischievous one.

"What about me?" I asked "We didn't know you were addicted to chocolate pudding" My eyes widened and I pretty much know that Serena told them that. Like no one knows that besides her, because she caught me eating one once and well the two pretty much knows.

Arceus, Serena is such an untrustworthy friend.

"Can I talk to Serena alone?" The two siblings nodded and left, I looked at the two walking away from us, but in the same time I could feel Serena smirking behind me.

I sighed and turned around to see Serena just an inch away from me. I could feel her breathe touching my lips, She leaned forward and I leaned backward until I leaned back so far I fell down on my butt.

Serena laughed at me, but in the same time extended her hand out for me to grab. I grabbed her hand, but once I did she pulled me up and pushed me down to the ground again.

And once again, she was laughing. I stood up and stood infront of her, Serena smiled like a sweet girl once again and I'm a sucker for that smile of hers.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" She asked sweetly, I seriously hope she isn't plotting something mischievous. I took a deep breathe and looked at her straight into her eyes, she too looked at me. We were trance by each other's eyes as if it was something we yearned for years.

"Why are so mischievous towards me? While when it comes to the others you act as if you were innocent" I uttered, her expression turned from sweet like candy into evil like the devil.

"As if I would tell you Ashy boy" she chuckled and walked away from me, I grabbed her arm to stop her only to be shook off by her.

"C'mon Sere!" I whined, she turned her head to look at me and a smirk formed on her lips "Just so you know, I know what you call me in your head...

Dangerous woman right?" After that she walked towards the forest while I stood there watching her walk away from her.

I sighed and turned around, Clemont and Bonnie stood there looking at me with an "are you kidding me?" look, I raised an eyebrow at the two "What?" I away trekked "It's obvious she likes you Ash, she's just acting like that to get your attention" Bonnie pointed out "What? Her? Like me? Impossible!" I exclaimed, Bonnie facepalmed and so did his brother "Really? Why would she act like this then?" I asked "Ash, Serena acted this way to let you notice her. She isn't like this at all!" Bonnie stated.

"Ash, you should look for her the sun's setting" Bonnie pointed at the sun that was setting down really fast for some reason. Then suddenly an explosion occured in the forest and we heard someone scream for help, it was Serena.

"SERENA!" I didn't know what came over me my body stiffened up and felt I could run a mile until I got to where she was, I ran towards the forest and ran deeper in it.

Then I saw Serena infront of a few forest Pokemons that were badly injured and so was Serena, I could see blood from her back and the front of her face, but I could also see hate and anger in her eyes.

"Serena what happened?!" I asked, she turned around wide eyed from the fact I was there. "Not so fast twerpette!" That voice...seriously?

"Why don't you just leave these Pokemon alone?!" Serena growled, I never saw this anger from her. She looks..like a monster sent from hell.

"And to think we thought you were the wimp" James smirked at Serena only to be glared back causing him to shrink from fear, wow Serena can be a total different person.

"Now watcha' day about a lil' wager? Your Pokemon for this innocent wild one" Meowth smirked, Serena looked at the injured Pokemon then to her pokeballs which contained her Pokemon.

"Sorry guys, but I need to let you guys go" Serena walked up to the three and gave them her pokeballs, she turned around and smirked as she walked back to the injured ones.

What is she planning? I looked at the balls she gave them and they were not pokeballs, they were bomb?!



"What the heck?! Jessie I thought she was nothing but a scared skitty?!" James exclaimed "I guess not! She acted so innocent, yet so evil behind that acts of hers! She can be such a good rocket grunt if she wants to!" Jessie exclaimed "CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP! WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!" Then ding, bye bye Team Rocket.

Serena sighed and collapsed on her knees, I ran up to her to check her injuries. They weren't major, but she did loose quite a lot of blood. Serena looked up and smiled at me "I have enough acting today" the Pokemon she was protecting went up to her and hugged her to show appreciation which she happily took and hugged back.

"Serena, you acted like a monster awhile ago" I stated, Serena giggled and sighed "I can be like that when I'm dead serious on something" she explained "Oh, well are you alright?" I asked "Why won't I be? I had enough of their schemes anyway" she replied with a groan and plopped down on the ground.

"Your such and dangerous woman my dear" I chuckled, Serena smirked at me "Since when did you start calling me dear?" I instantly covered my mouth when I heard what I have just said.

She stood up and went closer to me, she placed her hand on my left cheek and whispered "Never underestimate this "dangerous woman" got that Ashy?" She said and kissed me on the lips.

I closed my eyes and kissed back, I guess they were right about her liking me, but I never thought I would fall in love with..

A dangerous woman.

Ok, how many time did I just write dangerous woman? Hehe, I hope you guys liked this one-shot ^_^

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