Dull and Colourless

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And you guys think I was gonna go on hiatus for many days? Hah! Not a chance! My hand felt alot better than it used to and the doctor told me I can make stories in wattpad again! Yay!

As a celebration I hope you enjoy this heart tearing one-shot 😋😋

Everything was just fine until Team Rocket attacked them and kidnapped Serena. She fell from their hot aired balloon and landed on a gigantic, hard, and sharp boulders.

Once Ash and the others found her all bloody and unconscious they immediately took her to the PokeCenter.

Hours has passed, days has passed, weeks has passed since the unforgivable incident. She hasn't woken up yet and the gang has gotten more worried than ever, especially Ash.

Ever since he saw her on the ground all bloody and lifeless, his whole world turned dull. He felt numb and he couldn't move, he wanted to cry but he felt so numb that he couldn't.

And now her condition has gotten worst, Joy finally came back and told them the chances of her not waking up is very high due to massive lost of blood.

She was in a coma and it's not clear when she will wake up, Ash and the the two siblings cried that day. If only they could have grabbed her before Team Rocket could, but they got her first and now she was in a state that no one could ever know when she will smile again.

Bonnie continued to cry for three days and Clemont cried from seeing his little sister cry for her friend like sister. Ash continued to stay at her medical room and watch her sleeping soundly, he felt a heavy painful feeling in his chest, guilt.

Guilty that he couldn't protect her, afraid that he would never see her smile again. He was afraid that he would feel guilty from not protecting her.

She looked at her pale face, she looked so beautiful yet in pain. As if she wanted to open her eyes and hug the first person she would see, but she couldn't. She was at the deepest part of her consciousness and she couldn't get to the surface without a hand helping her out. She tried to reaching out for a hand, but the other hand couldn't reach for her. She was all alone in the dark.

Ash held her hand and rubbed it softly, he continued to stare at her. Even when she was unconscious she was full of colour in his eyes, but when he looks away from her the whole world would go dull and boring to him.

He can't bare to see her gone, he wanted to stay with her forever. He loves her as much as he wants to tell her he can't, because his afraid that she might not feel the same. Then Bonnie told him she liked him back, but it was too late.

He was so foolish and dense to notice her feelings towards him, he was too blind to tell her how he feels. He was too late to tell her how much he cares for her.

Tears rolled down his face as he dug his head on Serena's chest hearing her heartbeat beating. Her heartbeat told him she was still there, telling him this wasn't a dream that she wasn't gone yet.

He wanted to reach out for her, but he couldn't he was too far away from her to grab her hand and pull her out off her state.

"I'm sorry Serena..I'm so sorry" he sobbed, he could feel her heartbeat beating faster then usual and the heart monitor was beeping crazy. Ash immediately called Nurse Joy and she instantly entered the room.

"Her heartbeat is getting weak" she said and got ready to use the electric machine (I forgot what's that thing that doctors use when a person's heart is getting weaker)

"Clear!" Ash watched Serena breathing heavily and Joy continued to shock her "Clear!" Her heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker, Ash prayed that this wasn't her end. He wanted to tell her atleast once! He wants her to be with him, he wants her to fill his world with colours again. He wanted her smiling like she always does.

"Clear!" He closed his eyes and prepared himself for the noise to finally stop, but all he heard was a beep from the monitor. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the monitor beeping normally again and Serena breathing normally once more.

He fell on his knees and cried, he was saying "Thank Arceus" under his breathe. Joy looked at Ash then back at Serena and smiled "Young love can heal all" she mumbled and left the room.

Ash went back to his seat and continued to looked at Serena with a smile curving on his lips.

"You scared me there you know? I thought you gave up..I thought you were finally going to a place full of colours other than this Colourless world. It's a good thing you haven't given up yet, Serena keep fighting for your freedom. Keep reaching out for us to grab your hand and pull you up from your state, because we care for you...I care for you"

"I never felt this way towards anyone, and I like it because I feel this when I'm with you. My world is so colourful when I'm with you, I feel stronger when I stay beside you. I feel happier when you smile, I feel determined when you encourage me. You would always fill me with good things and don't complain when you don't get anything in return. Your a godsend Serena and I'm sure Clemont and Bonnie would agree. Your the most important girl I ever met Serena, I don't want you to disappear because of me, because...I love you"

He closed his eyes and cried silently. He placed his head on her chest again to hear her heartbeat, but he felt a hand placed above his head. He pulled back and saw Serena's eyes and a full warm smile formed on her lips.

Tears continued to flow down his face as he stare at the girl who was awake.

"I heard you Ash, and thank you for reaching out your hand for me to grab. Thank you for not loosing hope on me, Ash I love you too"

Once she finished his surrounding were brighter than usual. The sun shone brighter and everything was full of life again.

"Welcome back, my colour"

Woah! That was..sad! I was literally crying when I made this. My emotions are going crazyyyy!! Anyway I hope you guys liked it and see you in the next one-shot ^_^

Here's a pic of Serena and Ash 😄😄

Suits the story ^_^

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