He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

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"They say that there is one game that would tell the person if their crush likes them back or not" a girl with short honey blonde hair said to the raven haired boy.

"Really?" He asked "Yeah! It's like a truth or false kind of thing where you get two flowers. One is blue while the other one is brown. One is called the false flower while the other one is called the truth flower" The girl picks two flowers one was blue and the other one brown.

The raven haired looked at the girl with doubt, he knew what was next and he knew that she wanted to play it.

"Serena, do you really think that it's true?" He asked Serena, Serena looks at him and nods. "Well, I haven't tried it yet and this is the first time I actually saw a flower like this. Why not try it when maybe it could be true and the guy I like likes me back" a small blush formed on her cheeks when she thought about it.

"I don't know.." the boy mumbled "C'mon Ash! It's worth the shot! Maybe your crush likes you back!" Her voice seemed to die down when she said "crush", but little did she know that he already knew what this game was.

Everytime he did it and it would always end up saying that person doesn't like him the way he likes her, but he couldn't deny that it was fun.

He didn't like the game at all, because of the numerous tries he did with it and would always get heartbroken from the result. He looked back to Serena who was very intrigued by the color of the two flowers, he couldn't help but smile. She really did want to try it out, so he had no choice but to play along.

"So how do we play it?" He finally asked making the girl divert her attention back to him "Oh we just pluck each flower and say "he/she loves me, he/she lives me not" until all petals of the flower is gone. We will know if it's right if we tell who we have a crush on and that crush would have to tell if he/she likes you back" she explained "Well, I'll get the brown flower then" Serena gave him the brown flower like he said and the two began playing.

Serena carefully thinks if her crush..

Raven hair, Auburn eyes, a cute smile, and a passion for battling. Everyone knew her crush was Ash, but well except him due to being dense as a rock or maybe even the densest thing in the universe. She couldn't deny how much she loves him from the day they met and from the day she started travelling with him.

It was obvious how much she cares for him and how much her admiration grew for him grew throughout their journey, and this was a chance she may get an answer if he likes her back.

She took a deep breathe and pluck the first petal while saying "he loves me" Then the other one and then said "he loves me not" it continued until it was the last two petals.

"He loves me not..."

A smile formed on her lips as she plucked the last petal of the blue flower.

"He loves me"

She couldn't help but squeal in joy, Ash likes her back!!!

She looks at Ash to see him crying.

Her smile died and a frown replaced it, she quickly went beside him to comfort the crying boy.

"Ash are you okay?" She asked softly "No! The girl I love does not love me back!! I knew that I should have not play this game again!!!" He cried even harder and Serena couldn't help but be angry at the girl who doesn't love him like the way she does.

In fact, she was rather jealous that he liked her instead of her. She just wanted to beat the crap out of the girl for making her Ash cry infront of her, but little does she know that the girl he likes was her.

She puffs he cheeks and looked deep into his Auburn eyes, Ash couldn't help but stare back. Those beautiful blue cerulean eyes of hers are dangerous to stare at. They were forcing him to look deeper in it as if it was calling him out in the wide big blue ocean trying to serenade him to go after the voice that was tempting him to go deeper.

"Ash whoever that girl is is missing out on how great you are! I can't believe that there is even a girl like her that won't like you! Ash there are more girls that thinks of you ares more than a friend, I...I think of you as more than that way.." Serena lowers her head due to embarrassment, but Ash forced her too look back into his eyes.

"That girl Serena is you, and I understand if you don't love me I-" he got cut of by Serena kissing him on the lips, he was shock at first but kissed back.

Time froze and everything felt right for the two, but they needed oxygen and pulled back. Their cheeks were as red a tomato berry could ever be red.

Serena smiles at him and he was still processing on what just happened.

"I guess there was at reason why it's like at true or false thing. The other one is true while the other is false, I love you Ash" Ash finally smiled and pulled her closer to his body to felt warm just from the close contact.

"Then this is true right?" Serena nods in reply and the two continued to hug while thinking.

"That game was true after all"

Okay, that game I have tried it soo many times with Ryan and it actually works! The blue flower is the truth while the red flower not the brown one, I just wanted it to be brown like his eyes :p was the false flower.

It actually works xD the blue flower actually tells the truth!

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