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Also I don't really have an excuse than not having the time and energy to write fan fiction about Amour after XY ended. Not saying I don't like the ship anymore no, no, no, no, no. I'm saying is that I don't really have the inspiration anymore, but who knows right? Maybe I'll start writing once Serena appears in Sun and Moon. I don't really care if she's just there for a couple of episodes or not, I just want to see my baby girl 😭😭😭.

Anyway because I'm feeling really angsty right now, so here is probably another angsty fanfic.

Enjoy :p

It was around February when he finally understood what it felt to love another individual. The unnerving feeling that hovers that makes you aloof and confuse. It was around those times when he suddenly felt empty without her, and it was sadly the day they parted.

Serena Yvonne.

By the name itself, people will recognise it as the performer that brings smiles to their faces. It wasn't a lie when he says that her performances are a sight to behold. Unfortunately for him, it took him so long to realize it and let her go.

He travelled around Alola while she danced around in Hoenn. He was trying to become a champion while she became a queen. He fought through hardships while she went back home.

Once the reunited they were never the same, and will never ever be ever again.

There they stood at the entrance of the Lumiouse tower. The lights glimmering and the fireworks lighting up the night sky. It has been more than four years since he has set foot in Kalos, but for her it felt like a lightyear.

Where have you been? She wonders, but no words came out of her mouth.

I wanted to see you. Is his reply, but like the other, he too said nothing.

They stared and stared until the fireworks were no more. People began to leave, but the two stayed not budding a single movement.

It was then he remembered to speak, but before he said a word he felt pressure in his chest. He looked down and saw honey blonde hair and rosey pink cheeks with those gorgeous blue sapphire eyes. She smiles with tears forming in the corners of her eyes, slightly opening her mouth to say something, but closed it shut.

His amber eyes trailed down and saw how much she has changed. She was no longer the straw hat girl he met as a boy, but as a beautiful young woman hugging the man she calls her hero.

It was then he remembered his journey after the parting. Emptiness as deep as a black void. It was painful to go on, but what made it worse was when he didn't know the reason for it. At first he was furious, but as time grew on he finally understood.

He finally understood.

But he was too late.

Serena pulled away and turned around as another man went up to her. He watched them in slow motion as his world crumbled apart. She hugged him and kissed his left cheek, he felt a thousand knives pierced his heart while he continues to watch the scene in front of him. He didn't know whether to be disgusted of the public display of affection, but maybe he was just afraid that if he looks away she will disappear.

Serena looks back at him and finally said a word. "Ash meet my new boyfriend Calem!", her tone cheery and affection as she mentioned the said man's name. He looked up and saw the face of this Calem. He was handsome with blue eyes that were almost as identical as hers, but it wasn't the same and it will never be.

He faked a painful smile, "congratulations" then turned around and ran. He ran as fast as he could without looking in front of him but the ground. Before he could look up he heard a terrified shriek and a honk beside him. He looks to his right and then...


He woke up.

He sat up from his sleeping bag, sweat dripping down his face. Grunting and taking deep uneven breaths to calm down. He looks around and saw Pikachu with a worried expression, wanting to know why his trainer was in such a state. He saw another sleeping bag being occupied by Clemont, sleeping soundly and comfortably. He runs his fingers through his raven hair and took one last deep breath.

"Serena..." he mumbled.

He looked trough the window of their tent and saw the bright full moon. He closed his eyes for a second and sighed in relief.

It was nothing but a nightmare.

Yeah sorry it's short, but do you really want more than 2,000 words of angst and pain? Well if you're into that then I suggest you don't read my previous stories for they are cringey and embarrassing, I mean if you want then go ahead :3.

So I guess I'd say see you next chapter, but let's be real it'll probably take me another 45 years to make a fanfic xD. So yeh, see you in my next truth or dare chapter :D

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