This is Real

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Yeah, school finally started for me and yeah I won't be updating the...much :(

Anyway, hope you enjoy this one-shot

Tears of regret and depression streamed down her rosey cheeks as she looks at the picture she took with her friends 3 years ago.

It's been so long, yet it felt like it was only yesterday. The feeling of loneliness was still new to her as she thinks about her dreams. Her lip curved down into a frown as she looks at herself in the mirror.

Her figure changed, she was more mature and obviously her body was aswell. Her hair grew longer and it was finally growing back the way it used to be, but was tied up into a ponytail. Her eyes seem so lifeless and cold and her skin was pale and dull.

It was obvious she has not come out of her room for a long time. She walks back to her bed and sat on the edge of it thinking about her regrets. She regretted everything she has not done during her travels with him. All those possibilities could have come true if she has just confessed, yet her fear took over and she never did.

Pain coarsed trough her chest as she thought about it, she wanted to fix her mistakes. But she can never go back as she can only keep moving forward.

The past is past that's what they would say, but the past was where she was lively and herself. Now her entire being shows no signs of happiness. Every night she would dream of him, just him and not the other two siblings.

She dreamt about him telling her she was cute and polite making her blush, but it would end when he leans in to kiss her. Reality is harsh as they say, and it's true.

Her fantasies and expectations was destroyed by reality, she knew she had a chance and she blew it. She wanted to feel free once again, but what was stopping her? Oh right, her.

She looked out of the window to see several kids running around the block. She smiles everytime she sees them playing with each other, but would quickly turns into a frown from remembering her old travelling companions.

A knock was heard throughout the room, her gaze turned to her door knowing who it was she didn't bother to speak. It was like she never had a voice in the first place.

"Serena dear, I have your food here. Want me to give it to you?" She did not reply with her voice, but she did by slipping a piece of paper under the door written in it was "no, just put it there".

"Serena please, it's been 3 years. You have to move on" a tear rolled down her cheek as anger began stirring up inside of her.

"Serena face it! Reality is hard! You just have to accept it! Because everything it gives you is real!" Her mother exclaimed on the other side of the door, Serena couldn't hold it in no more and burst out yelling in anger.

"SO WHAT!? REALITY DOES NOT MEAN THAT I CAN'T CHANGE MY FAITH!!" She punched the wall beside her and suddenly she felt good from yelling.

"I'm not going down without a fight! I'm not giving up! THERE IS NO WAY I'M GIVING UP!" She exclaimed and slams the door open, her mother was crying from seeing her daughter out of the room, knowing what the reason was made her happy.

She wasn't accepting it after all these years, she thought of it as just one dream. Having not accepting it made it harder for her to feel like herself.

But the way she burst, Grace knew her daughter finally woke up.

"Serena?" Serena looks at her mother and gives her a warm hug, she did not know why she felt like this. She only knows that her pain was gone from screaming.

"Thanks mom" it was like she was waiting for her to finally snap to bring her back into piece.

This was reality, and this was real.

She knew that, but...

This isn't the reality she wants, and she knows she will change that. Whether he likes it or not.

It's real after all, and she can't be any happier.

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