Why Her?

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"Yo Ash, do you like me?"

"No Misty, I do not like you in that way I'm sorry"

"Ash, I like you!"

"That's so touching May, but I'm sorry I don't feel the same way"

"Ash, I just wanna say before we depart is that I really like you.."

"Dawn, I don't want to ruin our friendship after this but I'm sorry I just don't feel that way towards you.."

"Hey, you may act like a kid but you have heart and I like you for that"

"Thanks Iris, but I don't like you in that way..I'm truly sorry.."

Each and every girl that he have traveled with in the end gets rejected, but not her.

Meet Serena Yvonne, a girl that knew Ash before Pikachu crazy right? At first he didn't recognize her causing a whole lot of his fans to get salty and curse him behind the screen of the Internet.

She was different from the rest and he didn't know why, but he didn't care. He just wanted to be with her for the rest for his life, but sad to say it's the end of their journey and the two siblings has already departed leaving the two teens behind.

Silence fell between the two, but nonetheless it still felt very nice to him, she was beside him and that's all that mattered right now, but good things has come to an end as she walked away from him not saying a word before she leave.

The was the last girl he ever travelled with..

2 years passed by 4 years passed by a year passed by but nothing, he just turned 18 and no one was there to congratulate him or even greet him a happy birthday. It wasn't because he has no friends, because they were all busy on May 22.

Misty has her gym to look out for, May is performing and so was Dawn, Brock was aiding a Pokemon, Tracy as doing some business that no one really cares about, Max was somehwere else along with Bonnie, Iris was traning with her Haxorous, Cilan was cooking for a very important event, Clemont was with his family, And Serena was nowhere to be seen.

4 years ago she disappeared and never been spoken ever again, but people say that they have seen her as someone else. They say that she disguised herself as Y Gabena the current Kalos Queen, but there is no proof that theory is true.

And the only one that was with him right now was his best pal Pikachu, he was the only one there for him and he will be only one there for him when the time comes.

But he would always wonder what would have happened if he accepted one of their feelings, but he would always say to himself that on the end they would never be together forever, but it would always end him up thinking about a certain honey blonde girl.

Why her? People would ask him, out off all of them she was the one that made him feel this way. No one knows how even him, but he knows that his heart is telling him she's the one.

But there was no sign of her coming back..and that's the sad truth, he will be forever alone and die without anyone there for him.

He was just there alone and that will stay that way-

"Ashy wake up!" He instantly opened his eyes and sat on the bed panting like crazy, he looked around his room only to see someone beside him.

Her blue eyes staring deep into his soul melted his sorrow away.

"You were having a bad dream..are you ok dear?" The young woman asked clearly worried for him, but why would she- he instantly remembered everything.

Yes, it was all a nightmare. He was never alone from the start, he had her.

After their journey she confessed to him and he accepted it and 2 years passed Y and they were still together, 4 years passed by and they were happier as ever, and a year passed by and he proposed to her to be his wife.

He looked back at his wife who was looking at him with worry but soon subsided when she saw a smiling forming on his lips.

"I'm fine now, thanks Serena Ketchum" Serena smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him "I never liked it when you have nightmares. Remember when you had a nightmare when we used to travel with Clemont and Bonnie? I would always hug you to calm you down and it would always work" he nodded in reply, he remembered now.

People would always ask him why he chose her, and his answer would always be..

"Because she's my dream catcher, she would always smile my worries away and would always catch me when I have a nightmare. She's my dream"

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