Your Voice Is My Reality

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I'm sorry for not updating 😂😂😂 But in the same time you guys already know the reason :p

Anyway, so this is the third and final part of the one-shot xD

Hope you guys enjoy~

The young trainer ran towards the forest, he was indeed excited to see her again after all this years. While running memories of her played in his mind.

"Hey Ash, will be travelling together for now on right?"

"Yeah, it's the present you gave me"

"I'll do it, for Ash's sake!"

"Just like Ash said "never give up till' the end!"

"The Ash I know is a leader..he never gives up till' the end! You're not acting like the Ash I know!"


Those memories are so clear that it was like only yesterday that they have happened. It made him smile and feel even more determined to see her to where they first met.


Amour first sparked to the two.

But, what he expect was a clear place, in reality he saw many fans looking around. Why were they here? Did they know about this? Or did they see her coming here?

He looked around and saw that she wasn't here, maybe it was because of how many people were here that she decided to go back home. It was rather disappointing to actually go all that way and in the end she wasn't there.....

...but was that reality?

Behind one of the bushes was a hooded figure watching him look around for her, it appears the figure knew him. But, what was this person's deal?

The crowd soon disappeared after ten minutes of waiting for her, it was only Ash left and the hooded figure.

Ash felt betrayed inside, he was so happy awhile ago and now..he felt crushed. He did all this trouble for her and she didn't even came. It made him feel.....devastated for no reason, but there was a reason.

And that was because the girl he loves dearly wasn't there, but was that really reality?

"Serena....please.." tears streamed down his face as he fell on his knees. The figure looked at him behind the tree, the person just stood there. Watching him.

"Where are you? I thought we would be together from now on after this?...then again I deserve it right? For breaking that promise we swore with our group...our family. I wanted to become a master so bad that those little promises are nothing to me, and that's what I regret. I broke a promise and because of that I broke a family, I broke "our" promise. We were so happy and we never fought, I missed that. I missed you...where are you? Is this really my reality?! I have no one?! I would always restart from zero?!" He punched the ground as he said it, the figure bit the lower part of his or her lip, Ash continued to cry.

So this was his reality, he was gonna be alone forever. No one will be there for him, and that was it. It was reality..........................

But it wasn't.

The hooded figure walked out if the tree and confronted the boy. Ash looks up and saw the his or her face and his eyes widened.

"It's been years Ash" the voice was so calm and angelic, it was just like hers. "A-Are you real?" He punched himself to check if he was dreaming or not, but it hurt. It was real, she was here. Standing infront of him, a smile plastered on that beautiful face of hers.

"Yeah, this is reality Ash. I miss you" The figure removed its good revealing his or her face, or should I say her? Her honey blonde hair was tied up into a ponytail. Her posture was quite perfect. And, that smile melted his heart.

"This isn't a dream right?" Ash asks, he didn't believe that it was real. It was too good to be real, after all he has done to her. Leaving her, breaking that promise, and breaking a forgotten memory. Was this really real?

Serena kneels down to look at him in the eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes of hers was so mesmerizing. It felt like a dream, but the way she touches his cheek was real. He felt it, his heart felt it.

She leans in closer and he knew where this was coming and broke the distance. The two pulled back and a smile could be seen from the two.

"This is real Ash, after all I can hear your voice" Serena smiles at him sincerely, Ash pulled her in a hug and whispered "Your voice is like a dream that I don't want to wake up from, but your real and your voice is right here. I can hear you so clearly that it feels surreal, your voice is my reality Serena.." he ended up in tears after he said that, Serena rested her head on his shoulder knowing that reality wasn't that bad anymore.

Because in reality, they were finally together.

Bam! Finally xD did it! Wooh! Yeah! I don't know anymore xD. Hope you guys enjoy this three parter xD

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