Chapter 36: Believe You?

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'Listen to me Ash?' Ash opened his eyes. He looked around. Sweat was all over his body as he saw a figure standing in the shadow of the dark room. Ash walked over to it but a force kept them in a fair distance. 'Mum?' Ash said. There was no anger in his voice, which surprised him. He looked back at Serena, who was fast asleep. He looked back at the figure.

'Yes Ash it's me' She said in her sweet voice. Ash didn't want to buy it but the sweetness in her voice was resisting his anger. He wanted to shout and tell her to leave but nothing came out his mouth. He walked up to the edge of the mystical shield and pressed his hands against it. Tears started rolling down his eyes. 'Mum, why?' He sobbed and looked at the ground. Drops of tears were landing on the floor in a pattern. He then felt movement and saw Delia put her hands where Ash's were. Ash looked back into her eyes. They showed the warmth and safety they used to before this war.

'Ash I'm under Giovanni's mind control, and so will you be' Delia said, Ash was taken back by these words, 'what do you mean' Ash replied. 'The state I'm in, you are going to be in it too, so don't leave her sight' Delia pointed at Serena, Ash looked at Serena then back at his mother. 'But how are you speaking to me! Your just a fake' Ash said angrily. 'No no, the necklace you gave me is helping me return to myself at times' Delia said hopefully. 'I don't understand why and what your trying to get at' Ash said.

Delia sighed, 'Ash the power of love is helping me get rid of this control! Don't you see it? Serena is your charm' Delia said. Ash started taking the words inside him and soon got the realisation. However he was in a conflict wether to believe her or not. 'Why should I believe you' Ash said, 'your not real' Ash said. 'I am real! This is just a hologram. I still love you with my heart' Delia said holding her hand by her chest.

'That's why you couldn't come here in person' Ash said and covered his eyes with his hair. 'Ash that's not possible, you wouldn't do it for Serena in this situation' Delia said getting angry. 'Yes I would. I would risk anything for her!' Ash snapped. 'Ash your being selfish, I can't come in this situation' Delia said getting angry. 'Well you left me to rot in the dirt. You never stopped Giovanni kicking me out. Where was your love then!' Ash shouted at her.

Delia took a couple of steps back. Tears formed in her eyes. 'Ash please believe me' Delia said desperately. Ash turned his back to her, 'Pathetic' Ash mumbled and started walking back. But Delia grabbed his arm through the shield, wincing in pain, 'Know this,' Delia said wincing in pain her arms getting red, 'I will never stop loving you' She said and vanished in the air. Ash tried to grab her, 'wait!' But she was already gone.

Pikachu and Greninja rushed to Ash as they felt the discomfort in his nature. 'Master are you okay' Greninja said. Ash started dazing around holding his temples, 'this is to much to take in' Ash whispered and collapsed.


Ash woke up and felt something soft under his head. He looked up and saw Serena talking with the others. He tried getting up but felt a sharp pain in his head, 'Don't move Ash, you have a bump' Serena said forcing Ash to rest his head on his lap. He looked at his arm and saw the grip marks of his mother from last night, 'it was real' he mumbled sadly under his breath. Serena heard this and looked down at him.

'What was real?' Serena asked. The group also got interested in the topic, 'Yeah you were in a heated conversation last night' Cilan said. Serena looked at Ash worriedly. Ash felt a lump in his throat. 'I sleep talk' Ash lied. Everyone sweat dropped buying the lie however Red, Serena and Alain caught his bluff and gave him an eye. Ash looked away and to the place he had his encounter with his mother.

'Guys leave him be, he just woke up' Serena said to the fortune of Ash. The others decided to explore the rest of the base they were based in. Serena, Red and Alain hung about with Ash, demanding the truth. Ash started scratching his head when Serena noticed the grip marks on his arm. She instantly grabbed his arm, 'Ash who were you with!' Serena demanded showing the other two the mark. 'Ash tell us!' Red demanded angrily and grabbed Ash by the collar. A surge of anger rushed through Ash like a snake, 'kill him' Ash heard Giovanni's voice. His arms started to twitch. He pushed Red off and was about to lunge onto him. Serena grabbed his arm and all the anger faded away and Ash felt normal again. He started to cough while Serena patted his back.

'You met your mother' Red said getting up. He stared at Ash and became certain of his proposition. Ash reluctantly nodded with a tear rolling down his cheek. Ash felt guilty about it. He remembered when she said that Serena will be his charm. She was right. 'Don't trust anything she said' Red said grabbing Ash with less power. Ash felt a surge of anger again, 'your wrong!' Ash shouted. Red was taken aback by his sudden anger. 'Ash your being influenced by her. Fight it. Your a warrior' Red said. 'No! She, it felt different this time, she felt like my mother' Ash said surprised at his own words. 'Why will you trust someone who betrayed you' Alain said. The words rang in Ash's mind. His mind was fighting itself not coming to a conclusion.

Ash started grabbing his head in pain and anger. He felt like ripping his hair out. 'Stop! Leave this subject. It's driving him crazy' Serena said and hugged Ash's head. Ash once again felt all the pain and anger disappear. He felt the warmth of the hug and hugged onto her. 'Suit yourself' Red mumbled and walked off. Alain walked with him leaving the couple alone.

'There Ash, it's fine now' Serena said in a soothing voice, while caressing his hair. 'Thank you Serena' Ash said and kissed her. 'Well let's go catch the other guys kay?' Serena said. Ash nodded and followed her towards the group.

They saw Kaylin happily playing with Max and Bonnie in a corner while the others were chatting about the best shops and restaurants that existed in the world. Ash looked at all their happiness and wished it would be eternal. He knew he had to take out Giovanni soon.

'Guys we are leaving' Ash announced to everyone's surprise. They turned their heads to them, 'so soon?' Iris said, the others nodding in agreement. 'Yes I feel the time is approaching' Ash said covering his eyes with his hat. He then felt a hand on his shoulder. 'I'm with you brother!' Alain said and they hugged each other. 'Guys he is right we are approaching the dreaded day' Alain said. They all looked at each other.

'I'm scared though, their defence is too strong here' Dawn said, 'and they are in the gum as well' she added. 'Yes they have that extra protection' Shauna said. Ash looked up with a determined face. 'We will fight no matter what,' Ash started and looked at all the scared faces, 'do it for your happiness and do it for your pride. And most importantly don't give up till the very end' Ash said sighing remembering the day he said those words. There was a roar in determination. They all put their hands in the middle and counter to 3, 'Come on!' They shouted as they threw their hands in the air.


Ash sighed as he looked at Snow Point city. There was nothing but broken down buildings and Team Rocket buildings dominating the grey skies of Sinnoh. They all took a deep breath and were about to leave until an old man stopped them. 'Please save my 3 children!' He pleaded Ash. Ash slowly let go of his grasp and looked at him.

'Where are they?' Ash asked looking at the man who was in tears, he pointed at the three rocket buildings that were in town. Ash looked at them and saw guards on top and at the bottom of each building. 'Okay' Ash said. The man thanked him and looked on as they made their departure.

'Are we actually going to?' Marin asked Ash. 'Of course' Ash said. Everyone smiled at him for his impeccable qualities that were within him and felt jealous of Serena to have someone such as him. 'Serena you are a really lucky girl' Shauna said. Serena blushed and smiled at Ash who returned the smile.

'Guys we have to be alert at all times in those buildings' Ash said. They nodded and started scanning the area for any grunts lurking around. Within minutes they were at the foot of the entrance. It felt rather empty.

'Guys we'll split up,' Ash said and explained his idea. They were to split up and go into each building to retrieve the children of the man. 'Okay so I'll decide who goes with who' Ash finished.

Building 1:

Building 2:

Building 3:

'Is that clear' Ash said. Everyone nodded and dispersed into the direction of their building and disappeared out of Ash's groups sights. 'Well guys lets take this building down' Ash said and released Greninja from his PokéBall. Serena released Delphox. Sawyer released sceptile. Calem released  Venusaur. While Clemont released Luxray. Ash disappeared and knocked out the grunts that were guarding at the entrance.

'Come on!' Ash shouted and waved for them to follow.


Sorry if this was a short chapter!I am ill and felt like I couldn't write anymore than this so I am extremely sorry!! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as I have enjoyed writing it for you guys! Make sure to give your support to my 2nd account and the book that is over there! I will upload on there tomorrow so don't miss it! It is: amourshippingz

Also let me know what you think about this chapter in the comments section below and also your overall thoughts on the book! Feedback always helps me and I love to know your opinions!

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