Chapter 41: Ash's Strength and Clemonts Pride!

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'Luxray let's do this!' Clemont said. Luxray growled and jumped in front of Clemont facing Xerosic. Xerosic started laughing, 'Malamar I choose you!' He threw his PokéBall and released Malamar. It hovered above the ground smirking at Luxray. 'Luxray use thunder shock!' Clemont commanded. Luxray growled and generated the electricity from it's body. It let one shriek before releasing the energy.

Malamar stood rooted and was buffeted by the force of the attack. 'Come on get up and use dark pulse!' Xerosic sounded angry. Malamar shook it's head and sent the dark pulse at Luxray. 'Luxray dodge it then use tackle!' Clemont shouted. Luxray jumped out of the way of the dark pulse. It then rammed it's head into Malamar sending it into a wall. 'Stop playing around and use dark pulse!' Xerosic said. Malamar once again sent a dark pulse at Luxray. 'Use swift and block it!' Clemont said. Luxray span around and stars flew out of its tail. The two moves collided causing an explosion in the air.

'Malamar use flamethrower' Xerosic reacted quicker. Luxray was caught on his heals and received the attack. Luxray cried out in pain. Once the flames disappeared, Luxray had smoke coming out of it's body. 'Luxray are you okay?' Clement asked. 'Lux' Luxray replied. 'Use thunder fang!' Clement shouted desperately. Luxray's teeth began to glow with sparks flying out. It charged at Malamar with it's mouth open. 'Dodge and use aerial ace!' Xerosic calmly said. Once Luxray lunged, Malamar ascended into the sky and came down flying the defencelessness electric type. 'Turn around and use thunder fang!' Clement bellowed out.

Both Pokémon collided on the floor. Luxray had managed to get a nibble as well as Malamar getting a hit. Once the smoke settled it revealed both Pokémon standing in a stare off both panting. 'This battle is useless use double team!' Xerosic said. Malamar created copies of it self and surrounded Luxray. 'Luxray use your vision and use thunder shock!' Clement shouted. Luxray closed its eyes and opened them again. It looked around and then.. 'Now!' Clement said. Luxray unleashed a thunder bolt at a Malamar. Another explosion causing the scene to be covered in dust. Once it settled Malamar wasn't there. 'Huh?' Clement was baffled. 'Hehe use Aerial ace!' Xerosic laughed. Malamar lunged straight into Luxray and sent him flying into a wall.

'You call yourself a scientist? You should have known the thinking behind this.. You should have easily dodged my attack. How disgraceful!' Xerosic mocked clement. Clement balled up his fists and looked at the ground. He could hear the soft whimpers of Luxray behind him. 'Never Give Up!' Ash's words floated around in his mind, 'be yourself.. Don't let others tell you what you are!' More of Ash's words filled his head. 'Well Scientist would be a great title for me but I am an inventor!' Clemont said looking at Xerosic. Xerosic's smug face disappeared. 'You can't tell me what I am! I will beat you and show that you are a disgrace! Luxray let's battle with our hearts!' Clement was filled with determination.

His words lifter Luxray. The electric type, despite it's injuries stood up and walked back in front of Clement with sparks coming out of his body. 'So you decide to start now.. Malamar use flamethrower!' Xerosic shouted. Malamar opened its mouth to release the flames. 'Now Luxray use swift!' Luxray quickly reacted and sent the stars from its tail at Malamar. It hit Malamar straight in the mouth causing it to choke. 'Malamar stop it!' Xerosic shouted at the choking Malamar. 'Well you should know that it takes exactly a second for the flames to come out so it leaves Malamar defenceless.. Where are your skills now!' Clement shouted adjusting his glasses. 'Malamar come on! Use dark pulse!' Malamar coughed but still used the attack. 'Luxray use swift then tackle!' Clement said. Luxray blocked the dark pulse and crashed straight into the Malamar. It looked on the edge. 'Malamar use flash!' Malamar blinded the whole room. 'Luxray stay on guard!' Clement shouted but it was too late Malamar sent another dark pulse at Luxray and causing him to stumble backwards.


'Thunder shock'

Both of them shouted at the top of their lungs. Luxray growled loudly and released large amounts of electricity towards Malamar. Malamar also screamed and released a huge jet of flame at Luxray. Both moves avoided each other and got direct hits on their opponents causing a huge explosion. It shook the building for a few seconds.

The smoke and soot settled from the air and both Pokémon lay on the ground unconscious. 'Luxray!' Clement shouted and ran over to his Pokémon. Luxray opened his eyes weakly and looked at Clement. 'Thank you! You were unbelievable!' Clement said and returned his Pokémon inside its PokéBall. 'What!? No! This isn't over!' Xerosic shouted. He grabbed another PokéBall but was stopped by an extendable arm.

Clement turned around and looked shocked. 'Clembot!? Professor Oak!?' He said. 'Yes now tie him up!' Oak said angrily. Clembot nodded and walked over to Xerosic who was trying to struggle from the grip. Within seconds Xerosic was tied up and set against a wall, whimpering like a baby.

'Professor Oak, what are you doing here?' Clement asked. 'Well you will need my help with science stuff and we have to try and get that machine away from Lysandre.' Oak explained. 'They are at the top all of them! We must go!' Clement said and rushed to the lift. 'Come on clembot!' He shouted. Clembot finished teasing Xerosic and entered the lift with the others.

'Good to see you Clement!'


'Here you go' Sawyer said as he handed a escapee a drink of water. The man thanked him as Sawyer walked away. He walked towards the group who were all talking in the middle. 'Well I think this should be enough for now' Brock said looking around. 'Yeah..' Cilan replied. They were all standing in silence until a large bang was heard.

Everyone turned at the entrance and saw one of the roots smash through. 'Sceptile leaf blade!' Sawyer reacted the quickest as the hoenn starter burst through the root. 'Oh no this isn't good, it's coming this way!' Shauna said pointing at the roots slamming their way in their direction. 'Trevor, Tierno and Shauna, we'll go and fight these roots while Brock  and Cilan stay here and see anyone for help' Sawyer said. He turned towards the group. 'Okay let's go! But be careful!' Brock said. 'I want to go too!' Kaylin said. 'Sorry sweetie but it's too dangerous' Brock said coming low to her height. 'No! I want to go!' Kaylin was adamant with her decision. 'Honey, it isn't safe out there' Shauna said. 'But Mommy and Daddy are out there! I want to see them!' She said desperately. Brock examined her for a few seconds, 'oh god Ash will hate me for this!' He thought. He turned to Shauna, 'take her with you and keep her close' Brock said strictly. 'Are you sure Brock?' Tierno asked. 'I know Ash wouldn't want it to happen but she will not budge and she has grown pretty close to them two so yeah.. Keep her safe' Brock said.

Sawyer was already at the exit fighting off more roots. 'Come on guys!' He shouted and ran off. Trevor and Tierno started to run after him with their Pokémon beside them. 'Come on sweetie' Shauna said and held out her hand. Kaylin grabbed it and the duo ran after the boys.

'Guys incoming!' Sawyer shouted as the others caught up. They were resisting the roots for about half an hour but more and more kept coming. 'Sawyer there are too many!' Tierno shouted as he called his Raichu to attack. 'We can't stand them more longer!' Shauna said as she called her Venusaur to attack.

The next root was too strong and it over ran Shauna. 'Shauna!' Trevor shouted as the root hovered over her. Shauna grabbed Kaylin and closed her eyes in fear. She waited for a few seconds and heard two thumps. She opened her eyes and saw the root cut in half either side of her. And in front of them stood, Champion Diantha and Cynthia. 'Diantha!? Cynthia!?' The group exclaimed. 'Not much time! Quick follow us!' Diantha said and ran into the path way with Cynthia behind. 'Let's go!' Sawyer said and ran after them.

They stopped in a clearing where they could see the city and the huge war. 'Oh my god!' Shauna said as she saw the rage of the war happening in the middle of the city. 'How are you guys here?' Tierno asked the champions. 'We are part of PokéNation and we came her on duty' Cynthia said. 'The others are all over there' Diantha pointed at the battles in town.

'What brings you guys here?' Diantha asked. 'Our friend got kidnapped so we sent our other friends to get him. Then these roots came so we came out to stop em' Tierno said. Diantha looked at the group and took interest in the first sentence. 'Who is kidnapped?' She asked. 'Ash Ketchum' Sawyer said.

'Oh no! The one in the prophecy! We need to get him now' Diantha became frantic. 'Woah whats wrong?' Cynthia said holding the champion. 'If Lysandre succeeds on him then it's finished!' She replied. 'What!?' Everyone shouted. 'Lets go!' Diantha said and started running into the city.

'Come on the tower..' Diantha stopped as an attack landed on her feet. She looked up and Giritina hovered over them. They were in the middle of the battlefield. 'Guys what are you doing here?' Gary shouted. 'Same reason as you!' Tierno replied. Gary nodded and shouted his command for Blastoise.

'We'll have to defeat this Giritina!' Diantha shouted. She threw a PokéBall and Gardevoir came out. 'Awesome!' Trevor said and took a picture. Giritina grew raged and sent a dark pulse at Gardevoir. Diantha just gave a nod and her Pokémon dodged the move with comfort. Giritina was carelessly attacking as some of it's moves went all over the place.

'Shadow ball' Diantha spoke. Her Pokémon formed a dark purple ball in her hands and released it at Giritina. Giritina took the attack and became dizzy. It started flying around before crashing to the ground.

'WHAT THE HELL!? ONE HIT!' Gary shouted and felt like falling to the ground. 'HOW DID YOU DO THAT!' Calem asked desperately. Diantha just chuckled. Everyone drooled on her power but their attention was diverted to the tower. A huge water tornado was on top of Flare tower. 'What is that?' Achille asked. Everyone including the flare members had their attention on the building.

'We must go!' Diantha said and ran in the direction of the tower as the battle resumed.


'Isn't this great Alain.. Finally peace' Lysandre said. Alain just had his eyes fixed on the ground. He then looked up at Ash who was still fighting the beam. 'ASH!' Lysandre and Alain looked at the lift and Serena and the others stood there. Serena started to run towards them but Zygarde stopped them with a dragon rage. Red grabbed Serena away from the danger.

'Hahahaha you think you can stop me? Zygarde is here so that means no one can!' Lysandre laughed hysterically. 'Ash!' Serena and Red shouted. They looked at his hanging body. Ash heard the call of his name and looked at Serena in the eye but that was short lived as the shock increased. 'AHHH!' Ash shouted in pain as did Greninja.

'Alain!' Mairin shouted she ran and hugged Alain. 'Thank god your okay!' She said. 'I'm not fine!' Alain sounded angry. 'Let him go!' Alain shouted at Lysandre. Serena and the others also rushed to his side. However once again Serena took an attack on her foot. 'Ow!' She screamed. 'Serena are you okay!' May asked. Ash heard what happened and tried to escape but the grip was too tight.

'There's no point Ketchum. It's too strong' Lysandre said. 'What do you want with him!' Red shouted. Lysandre turned to him with a smirk. 'His power.. Once this is done.. I will be the strongest.. I will have a new kingdom.. And Ash and Greninja have a place. After this is over her will be mine!' Lysandre laughed once again. Ash screamed even louder as the pain increased in his body.



Ash opened his eyes as the calls echoed in his head. Greninja opened his eyes at the same. 'We will never do what you say!' Ash shouted. His anger levels rising. 'You still fail to understand.. Don't you see you can be a mentor to the new people. You can teach them the way.. The flare way.' His voice darkened. 'No we are us! I will never destroy this world!' Ash shouted.

Ash then looked at Alain, 'Alain I don't know what has gotten into you but lift your head up! Be like the Alain I know. Bring him back!' Ash shouted. Alain's mouth just dropped open in amazement. 'This world is for everyone! Not just one person! And I will never destroy it! It has people and Pokémon that I love! Enough is enough!' Ash shouted. Serena blushed at his bravery, 'ash..'

Ash felt a tug in his gut, a bigger one than usual. 'We will defend this world!' Ash shouted and next thing he knew he and Greninja were enveloped in water. 'The battle is on! Lysandre.'


First of all sorry for no upload yesterday.. Had to arrange some stuff for school and had an issue to deal with. And anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter as I have writing it for you guys and yeah also I think there are around 4-5 chapters left for this book so yeah.. Anyways this Wednesday I will upload a schedule for when I will upload for the coming weeks/years (depends) so stay aware, it will be uploaded on this book so remember to see it on Wednesday.

If you have enjoyed this chapter leave a comment saying what you thought about it and leave a comment for an overall review of the book so far. Your comments really do help me make this book better so please let me know❤️

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