Chapter 44: Faded

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'Miss me?'

Ash looked at the figure in complete disbelief. 'Wha.. But how?' Ash was completely baffled. Everyone else had the same questions and expressions as Giovanni stood there with a knife in his hand. 'Yes why wouldn't it be me? I'm the one in the prophecy remember' Giovanni smirked. Just then a machine was turned on in front of the elevator.

A machine was on the platform which had risen from the ground. 'It's the machine!' Red exclaimed. 'Yes I let poor old Lysandre do all the work for me' Giovanni patted the body of Lysandre with smirk on his face. 'Dad!?' Everyone turned and saw Miette run over to Lysandre's body. 'You old scum! How dare y..' Miette choked as she got stabbed in the chest by Giovanni. Gasps filled the area.

'Stupid girl always got on my nerve!' Giovanni said angrily. 'Well I would make be comfortable to witness this, the power is mine' Giovanni laughed and walked over towards the machine. The machine turned instantly at his direction.

Serena and the others rushed on-top to the ledge next to Ash, Alain and Red. 'Ash! Are you okay?' Serena asked. She then looked over at the machine. It was big and looked strong enough to kill. Serena held Kaylin tightly up against her leg and looked on in worry. 'Ready to fire in 10 seconds..' The machine spoke. 'You must be the one to take the hit' Arceus' words echoed inside of Ash's head. His eyes widened. He looked at Serena then Kaylin.

'5...4...3...2..1' Ash charged across towards the machine. 'Ash!?' Ash heard the screams of his friends as he ran. Just as the beam was released Ash jumped across the face of the scene and took the impact dead on. Ash went flying into the wall with rocks piling over him. 'Successfully completed' the machine spoke before it turned off. Giovanni and the others rushed towards the pile of rocks.

'Ash!?' Serena called out. There was no response for a few seconds but then the rocks burst away and Ash stood there unharmed. 'Ash!' Everyone shouted in joy. 'What but how?' Giovanni looked confused and angry. 'This machine contains all of my powers so why would it hurt me? Your slacking Giovanni' Ash said with arrogance.

Giovanni then grabbed Serena by the hair and pulled the knife at her neck. 'I'm the one that is slacking? Your the one slacking Ketchum..' Giovanni said and gripped Serena tighter. 'Let her go!' Ash's body started to turn red. His eyes turned a dark shade of red. 'Not unless you battle me.. 1v1. Winner will get what they desire..' Giovanni spoke. 'Ash don't do it..' Serena whimpered. 'Shut up!' Giovanni snapped and pulled her again. 'Deal..' Ash said.

Giovanni let go of Serena and pushed her back to Ash. Serena instantly grabbed Ash and hugged onto him tightly. 'Why?' She whimpered. 'You are my life.. I will never let anything hurt you or Kaylin..' Ash said. 'Oh how cute final words before you die.' Giovanni mocked Ash. 'We'll see who's laughing at the end.' Ash said angrily.

Just then Mewtwo landed in front of Giovanni. 'Well looks like my Pokémon has arrived... Who's your pick?' Giovanni said. All eyes were on Ash wanting to know his decision. Ash covered his eyes and thought. 'He is the one.. We are the one..' Ash looked up, 'Greninja let's show our bond at it's highest!' Ash said fiery eyes. 'A very wise decision.. Let's see if it pays off for you.' Giovanni said. He then walked into a clearing and went a few metres away from Ash. 'This is a 1v1 battle, once a Pokémon is unable to battle the match will be determined.. Well that's it battle begin!' Clement shouted.

Ash and Giovanni stood staring at each other both anticipating any first move. 'Greninja use cut!' Ash shouted. (they are still in Ash-Greninja form).

Greninja formed the two sticks from his hands and sped towards Mewtwo. It jumped in the air and lunged at Mewtwo with it's sticks. The legendary Pokemon just disappeared from the spot and appeared a few centimetres away from its original position. Greninja kept swiping but the Mewtwo kept teleporting away.

'Focus punch' Giovanni calmly said. Mewtwo turned to Greninja and punched him in the waist. Ash and Greninja in synchronisation grabbed their waste in pain. 'Ah!! Come on use water shuriken!' Ash shouted. Greninja grabbed the shuriken from its back and threw it Mewtwo, 'dodge and use thunder punch' Giovanni commanded. Mewtwo teleported in front of Greninja. Its fists were trapped in an electrical vortex. Mewtwo smashed it's fist into Greninja sending him flying into a wall. Ash felt the pain and held his stomach in agony. He quickly forgot about the pain and rushed over to Greninja.

'Can you still battle?' Ash asked. 'Yes' Greninja stood up and looked towards Mewtwo who had a massive smirk on his face. 'I have a plan.. You know,' Ash looked at Greninja who nodded. 'Greninja used water Shuriken!' Greninja grabbed the Shuriken of it's back and threw it at Mewtwo.

'Thunder Punch!' Mewtwo smashed the Shuriken creating a smoke in front of its vision. 'Greninja double team!' Ash shouted. Greninja made copies of itself and ran at Mewtwo. 'Destroy them with fire blast!' Mewtwo blasted the copies into nothing but the real one wasn't to be seen. 'Now! Use cut!' Ash shouted. Greninja appeared behind Mewtwo and formed the two sticks. It quickly slashed at the legendary Pokemon causing a huge explosion on their battlefield.

'Incredible..' Max said intrigued with the battle. Everyone was tense at every movement as they did not want Ash to lose. 'Giovanni was restricting him from getting close but I think Ash found a way..' Red analysed the battle. 'What do you mean?' Sawyer asked, he also got his pen and note book out to add the notes for his future battle.

'Well basically he restricted Ash from attacking and coming in close.. But Ash deceived him and got the benefits by getting a successful hit on his opponent, but this could be a close match.' Red said worrying the others. 'Don't worry.. Ash will win for sure!' Serena held one hand on the blue ribbon while the other comforted Kaylin. 'Come on Ash.. You can do it!' The group shouted.

Ash looked at them and then Serena and Kaylin. They both had determined faces which encouraged Ash more. 'That was a clever move, boy.. But we are to strong for a bond phenomenon' Giovanni said. 'Well we haven't even started yet! Greninja use cut!' Ash shouted. Greninja's speed had increased as he sped down the line towards Mewtwo.

'Block it with thunder punch!' Giovanni said. Mewtwo punched the sticks but the impact was strong and sent him skidding backwards. 'If I received that attack I was done for.. Ash and Greninja are different but I will beat them,' Giovanni thought in his mind, 'use electro ball!' Mewtwo formed the electro ball and threw it at Greninja.

'Water Shuriken!' Ash shouted. Greninja grabbed it from his back and threw it at the electro ball. The two made contact and exploded in the air. 'Use cut!' Ash shouted. Greninja sped down the line and jumped in the air. It started to lunge at Mewtwo but it kept on teleporting into different directions. However this time Greninja had more speed and managed to hit Mewtwo in the face.

'More force! Aerial ace!' Ash shouted. Greninja ran again with more pace at Mewtwo. 'Electro ball' Giovanni said. Greninja lunged at Mewtwo and punched the electro ball that was in his hand. The force managed to push Greninja backwards and let Mewtwo get off the hook. 'They are finally attacking.. Greninja stay focused the stronger our opponents the stronger we get.. Water Shuriken!' Ash and Greninja with synchronisation grabbed the Shuriken of their backs and threw it at Mewtwo.

'Electro ball!' Giovanni spoke. Mewtwo once again threw the ball of electricity at the Shuriken. The two moves collided in the centre and battled amongst themselves, however they both exploded after seconds of impact.
'More and more force, use aerial ace!' Ash shouted with his fists balled up. Greninja ran and jumped in the air ready to land a kick. 'Mewtwo protect!' Giovanni commanded. It created a barrier just in time before Greninja could land a hit. Greninja was forced back into his own half by the impact.

'More and more faster! Run at him!' Ash shouted. Greninja started running at Mewtow waiting for the next command. 'Use double team!' Ash shouted. Greninja made copies of itself as it ran down the concrete towards the legendary Pokemon. 'Keep it up and Cut!' Ash commanded. Greninja formed the two sticks and jumped in the air.

'Protect!' Giovanni desperately shouted. Once again in time it managed to block Greninja's attack. 'Electro ball on the boy!' Giovanni shouted. Mewtwo formed the ball and threw it towards Ash and hit him dead on. 'Oh no you don't! Greninja finish this with Water Shuriken!' Ash shouted. Greninja and Ash started to Scream louder and louder as the size of the shuriken increased. Greninja and Ash's body illuminated red before Greninja released the water Shuriken at Mewtwo.

There was just another large explosion as the Shuriken made contact with its opponents. Once the dust settled Mewtwo and Greninja were standing facing each other.. Moments later, Mewtwo lost its balance and fell straight to the ground. 'Mewtwo is unable to battle, Ash and Greninja are the victors!' Clement announced.

All of the group rushed towards Ash and started congratulating him. 'That was an amazing battle Ash!' Sawyer admired. 'Your so strong!!' Max had sparkles in his eyes. Ash chuckled in response,' eh you could say that.' Ash the turned to Serena and Kaylin and hugged them both, 'It's finally done.. Nothing can...' Ash was cut off by Giovanni laughing. 'You think it's over' He laughed even harder.

'No! No! No!' Everyone turned to Delia, her eyes started to turn red. 'No she's being controlled again!' Red said. He lunged at Giovanni but he shrugged him off. Ash ran over to his mother and grabbed her hand, 'mom please fight it!' Ash begged. However Delia just pushed him away. 'Mom please listen!' Ash shouted.

Delia walked over to Giovanni and held his hand. 'She is mine! Hahahaha' Giovanni was laughing like a crazy man. Delia the released Latios, 'dragon breath on him!' She pointed at Red. Latios then released the breath which engulfed Red. He was zapped quite a few times before he fell to his knees like a broken man.

'Dad!' Ash shouted. Red looked at Ash and smiled, 'I'm sorry.' He said and then a horrible sight to witness. Giovanni laughed as he wiped the blood of his knife. 'NO!!' Ash shouted. He tried to run to Red. 'Mewtwo shock him!' Giovanni said angrily. Mewtwo then used thunder bolt on Ash.

'Ash! Please get out of there!' Serena shouted in worry. 'No! He killed my f-father and has my mother!' Ash shouted. He then screamed in pain as the shocks filled his body. Ash fought the shock and looked towards his mother. He slowly started walking towards her. 'Mom... I know you can hear me, ah!' Ash said through the pain he grabbed his mothers hand, 'it's me your son, Ash!' He shouted. The thunder then was released out of his body. Ash fell to his knees in complete weakness. 'Well Ketchum it's finally your end but first I'll get rid of your girlfriend and daughter' Giovanni looked at Serena and Kaylin. He grabbed two knives ready to throw.

Ash's eyes widened as he knew the scene. He quickly got up and rushed over to the duo. He grabbed them in his comfort and had his back towards the flying knives. One of them hit him in the calf while the other on his waist. Ash choked in pain and fell to the ground. 'Ash!?' Serena was in tears. 'Daddy!' Kaylin was streaming with tears, that sight hurt and angered Ash but he was too weak he then closed his eyes and fainted..


Ash opened his eyes and saw that he was still on the roof. He looked around from the ground and saw his friends tied up against the wall. 'Look Ketchum I'm going to make this fast and simple' Giovanni approached his face. Ash looked up at him and saw him raise the knife. Ash closed his eyes waiting for the impact of pain.

30 seconds had passed but nothing had happened he opened his eyes and saw His mother. She had grabbed his arm before the impact. 'Don't you dare hurt him!' She said angrily. 'Or what!' Giovanni said. He then pushed her away and pushed the knife in her heart.  Ash felt his heart skip millions of beats. It was in slow motion as he saw his mothers and fathers body trickle of the edge of the building. Ash gave one last attempt and dived across to grab them but missed and saw their bodies free falling towards the ground.

Ash felt rage and sadness. He didn't know what to do. His eyes were fixed on the fall. 'Fools.. Should never have protected you' Giovanni. Ash gritted his teeth hard and punched the ground. 'Enough! I've had enough of you!' Ash got up and lunged at Giovanni. They were hustling for a few minutes. 'How dare you kill my parents!' Ash's rage builded up inside him. They were at the edge of the building, 'well Giovanni let's finish the way we started... Just the two of us' Ash said and pushed himself and Giovanni of the edge...


Ash weakly opened his eyes and looked next to him and found Giovanni dead. He could feel hard to breathe and started to take heavy breaths but felt a sharp pain. He looked at his body and saw a knife sticking just above his heart. 'You killed my master...' Ash looked and saw Mewtwo hovering over him. 'You will never be forgiven' Mewtwo spoke angrily. He then kicked Ash's face knocking him out cold.

Back at the top of the tower; 'hey are you guys alright?' Gary asked as he untied Misty. No one spoke a word to anyone. 'What happened?' Diantha asked. She then looked over at Serena who was looking over the edge in fear. 'Serena? What happened' Diantha asked. Serena didn't give eye contact, 'Ash.. H-he j-jumped off' Serena felt as if a lump was in her throat.

There was silence for a few minutes. No one dare spoke, 'he could be alive.. We must have hope' Cynthia said looking around but their faces were down. Ash's Pokémon were the only ones determined he was alive. 'Let's go down and Check! I'm certain he is alive' Greninja spoke. The group then quickly went to the bottom floor and searched for Ash's body.

'There!' Serena shouted. She ran over to his body and quickly felt his pulse. 'He's alive!' She said. 'Just about.. We need to take him to hospital now!'


Pain. That was the only feeling that was present at this time. He heard a soft beeping sound. He slowly opened his eyes and squinted as his vision returned. When his line of sight was no longer blurry, he looked around. He found himself lying in a cot in the hospital, he noticed the multiple tubes that were inserted into his arms and realized that they were connected to an IV. He heard the beeping noise, turning to his right, he saw his pulse was displayed on a monitor. He slowly sat up, ignoring the pain thwt surged throughout his body and felt a smile melt onto his face when he saw Serena and Kaylin resting their heads on the sides cot.


"What?" Ash murmured. He looked down and saw his faithful partner looking at him straight in the eyes. "Hi Pikachu" Ash said.

"Pika Pi!" Pikachu cheered as he leapt into Ash's arms and nuzzled his cheek causing the latter to chuckle.

Stirring slightly, Kaylin looked up and when she saw Ash awake she screamed "DADDY!" Kaylin's cheer woke Serena, alarmed that something may have happened. She groggily opened her eyes and felt tears cascade down her cheeks at the sight of her beloved holding Kaylin and Pikachu.

"Ash-" Serena whispered in disbelief.

'Morning sleepy head' Ash teased. Serena didn't care and tackled Ash into a hug. 'I can't believe your alive! Oh my god, I don't know what I'd do without you!' Serena was sobbing. 'Shhh, it's okay calm down, I'm perfectly fine' Ash said but remembered every moment that happened in his parents death.

'How long have I been out for?' Ash asked rubbing his eyes. '3 weeks' Serena whispered. '3 weeks! Wow! Where are we?' Ash asked as he noticed these type of rooms weren't in Sinnoh. 'We are in Cerulean' Serena replied. 'Oh.. So where are the others?' Ash asked.

'At the gym.. I think, because I've been here all the 3 weeks' Serena said. 'Wow, thank you so much!' Ash said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

After another day, Ash was released from hospital and was back on his feet. 'Take it easy, no need to rush' Serena giggled as she watched Ash stumble while walking. 'Are you going to laugh at me for the whole week for my walking abilities?' Ash asked. 'No... Maybe' Serena giggled. 'Wow' Ash laughed.

'Can I get ice cream?' Kaylin tugged Serena on her skirt. 'Okay!' Serena said. 'You go I'll wait here' Ash said. He then sat down with Pikachu And Greninja. Ash then looked in front and saw a figure. It looked familiar but it vanished into thin air. 'Strange..' Ash said. Few minutes later they Serena and Kaylin returned with Ice Creams.

'Well let's go back to Pallet!' Ash said eagerly. It took them a few minutes to reach Pallet Town. The town had changed it had been acquired with more houses, but his residence stayed where it was. 'Why are there new houses?' Ash asked. 'Those are our friends house.. Isn't it great!?' Serena said happily.

'Well guys that is it.. This our home' Ash pointed at the house in the middle. 'Well come on.. Let's go see it!' Kaylin said and started running towards it, 'hey slow down!' Ash and Serena shouted and ran after Kaylin. 'Maybe the time is right..' Ash thought.

Who would have thought? Two chapters in quick succession. Well I had all of this planned before so yeah it made things easier for me. Anyways this isn't the final chapter.. There is one more to come and is most likely coming tomorrow so stick around! Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I have writing it for you guys!

Leave comments on your thoughts on this chapter and let me know if you liked it or if there were any issues, so I can tackle them in my new series! And yeah tomorrow is the last chapter!

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Thanks and peace ✌🏻

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