Chapter 8: A Not So Good Start?

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It was currently in the middle of the night as the gang had taken a break at the start of Route 13. Serena was awake but had her eyes shut. She couldn't believe that Ash kissed her. He must like me, Serena thought. She turned her head and looked at Ash. His face was covered with sweat. This confused Serena as it wasn't that hot, in fact it was more cold than hot. She decided to leave it and go back to sleep.

Ash kept tossing and turning in his sleeping bag.

"This is a powerful Pikachu, but it's a shame that I have to end Pikachu." Giovanni said looking straight at Pikachu. He then slowly turned his head to Ash.

"See Ketchum, look what you have made me do. You are worthless. It's a good thing you didn't join Team Rocket, it would have ruined our good reputation of succeeding." Giovanni said. He then moved closer to Pikachu raising the sharp knife in his hand and thrusted it forward.

Ash woke up with a shock. He was sweating like he had ran the country. He checked beside him to see if Pikachu was there. To his relief he was. He looked around the tent. Everyone was fast asleep.

"I need fresh air" Ash whispered to himself. He got out of his sleeping bag and grabbed his jacket. He unzipped the tent slowly, so it didn't make a noise to wake the others up. However, Pikachu and Greninja sensed movements and saw Ash exiting the tent. They also got up and followed.

Ash walked a bit into the forest and sat upon the edge of a tiny hill. He was then shortly joined by his two faithful companions.

"Oh hey guys" Ash said.

"Master are you alright?" Greninja asked.

"No it's those dreams again, I couldn't sleep. It's driving me crazy" Ash said trying to explain.

"Hmm I see. Maybe for now it will take time so try not to think about it too much." Greninja said.

"I don't know, we'll have to wait and see" Ash said.


Back in Ash's tent, Serena was now tossing an turning. She was having a really bad dream by the looks of it.

"Ash!!!" Serena shouted and woke up. She was breathing heavily. She looked to her side to see if Ash was there but he wasn't there. Tierno woke up from the shout.

"Serena are you okay?" He asked.

"No I had a really bad nightmare. Ash got really hurt by Team rocket and.. And" Serena was sobbing.

"You want a hug" Tierno asked hoping it was his moment.

"No I want Ash" Serena sobbed.

"Fine go search outside" Tierno said grumpily. Ketchum I'm going to get you, Tierno thought. Serena got out of her sleeping bag and exited the tent. She went searching for Ash hoping he was still there. She could here mumbling a bit ahead. She went straight towards the noises hoping it was Ash. To her great fortune she saw his familiar presence perched upon the edge of the tiny hill.

"Ash!" Serena exclaimed. Ash turned around and saw serena panting heavily.

"Serena?" Ash asked. Serena ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug.

"Serena are you okay, looks like you've seen a ghost" Ash said.

"Please don't leave me alone" Serena sobbed into the trainers chest.

"Our group were there, so no need to worry." Ash said trying to reassure her.

"Yeah but you're the only one who I get most happy with and you always cheer me up" Serena said.

"Okay fine, what happened to you though" Ash asked.

"I had a nightmare that you got tossed around by Team rocket then.. Then.." Serena was sobbing hard. Ash grabbed her by the soldiers.

"Hey, look at me. I'm fine so don't cry, it's ruining your beautiful face." Ash said. Serena stopped crying and blushed.

"Aww thank you Ash, see I told you, you could cheer me up. And what are you doing out here" Serena asked.

"Uh well, Giovanni somehow managed to get a device in me so he has some control of my mind so he gives me bad thoughts at times. That's why I sweat and fainted earlier." Ash explained to Serena.

"You won't leave right. You'll not get hirt right?" Serena asked frantically.

"No don't worry I'll be with you till the end kay?" Ash said.

"Kay!" Serena said blushing at the same time.

"You better get sleep" Ash said.

"But what about you?" Serena asked.

"I'm staying out here for a bit" Ash said.

"Then I'll stay" Serena said. Ash shook his head.

"No it's best for you to sleep, I'll come with you" Ash said.

"Okay" Serena said. Ash got up as she did. Ash started walking but Serena grabbed his arm.

"Are you okay" Ash asked at Serena's actions.

"I just feel comfortable and safe like this." Serena said. She held Ash's arm tightly. She's become edgy, I might have to get used to this a bit now, Ash thought as he took Serena back to the tent. Ash tucked Serena in bed and went to his sleeping bag. Serena wrapped her arms around Ash.

"Umm Serena what are you doing?" Ash asked.

"I told you I feel safe and comfortable, so please." Serena said as she rested her head on the warmth of Ash's body.

"Okay" Ash said before falling fast asleep. I need to ask him soon, Serena thought before also falling into a long sleep.


The next morning had dawned upon the gang as they were still asleep in their tents.  Ash had been up for an hour but hadn't moved as it would wake Serena up. He slowly tried to move her off his body but her grip tightened. Serena then woke with a start.

"ASH!!" Serena looked around and to her relief he was still there.

"Pheww your still here." Serena said.

"Yeah well let's wake up and get things ready for breakfast" Ash said as he got out of his sleeping bag. Serena followed him outside.

A few minutes later Gary and Paul came out of their tents to see Ash and Serena setting up the breakfast table.

"Good morning guys" Gary said as he let out a huge yawn.

"Morning" Ash and Serena replied.

"Do you mind waking up the others" Serena asked.

"Sure" Paul said as he and Gary went into different tents waking up everyone. Soon everyone came out of their tents and had a quick wash up before settling down for breakfast, which was being served by Clemont and Brock.

"Everyone had a good sleep" Calem boasted to the groups surprise. Everyone nodded in response as they ate their food.

"Me and Bonnie both saw your and Ash's talk last night, you to make a great couple" Shauna teased Serena. Serena was blushing furiously.

"Shhh no one should know just yet" Serena whispered back.

"Awww the weather says there's a snow storm coming soon" Misty said as she checked her tablet.

"We better get moving quick then" Ash said as he got up.

Everyone soon got up and headed back to their tents to pack up and be ready to set off to Cyllage city. They all grabbed their thick coats in preparation of the storm and packed up the tents.

"Hey Ash can I hold your hand while we go I don't want to be separated when the storm comes" Serena said.

"Yeah sure" Ash replied to Serena's delight. Everyone then soon came into Ash's view.

"Everyone have their stuff?" Ash asked and saw all of them nodding their heads. "Okay then, lets go." With that the group set of and finally started their journey through route 13 and to Sinnoh.

Serena grasped Ash's hand, to everyone's surprise looking at them. They started whispering about the scene and decided not to bother their moment.

They had been walking for about half an hour happily talking to each other. Then suddenly a snow drop fell on Bonnie's nose.

"Brother dear, look a snow flake" Bonnie said happily.

"Looks like the storm is coming." Clemont said.

"Everyone where their coats now" Ash said and everyone obeyed and slipped their warm coats on.

After 10 minutes the storm had picked up pace and the vision ahead was becoming difficult to see.

"Everyone grab ahold of someones hand so we will be with someone if we lose each other." Ash said. Everyone grabbed someones hand. Miette grabbed Ash's and Calem grabbed Miettes. They kept on walking and decided to stop to take a breather.

"Hey where are the others" Serena asked.

"Oh no we lost them." Miette said.

"Lets go searching and keep ahold of someone" Ash said.

"Are you sure the weather is too bad let's camp in that cave over there" Calem pointed to a small cave.

"Okay let's go." The 4 of them rushed to the cave and all sat down freezing cold except Ash.

"Lets wait until the storm dies" Calem said. They all sat around a fire which was made by Serena's braxien.

Greninja and Pikachu were talking with Braxien while their trainers were talking to eachother and Calem and Miette.

"What should we do meanwhile" Miette asked.

"I don't know just talk I guess" Serena said. Miette and Serena started talking about clothes and stuff.

"So have you ever competed in a league before." Calem asked.

"Yeah, I got knocked out in the Kanto league but then I won the orange island league. I beat Sinnoh's champion, Cynthia and pretty much it. What about you" Ash said.

"Ive only done Unova, I got knocked out in the Semifinals to a strong charizard. Ash remembered that it was him and recognised Calem from before. It also gave Ash an idea.

"Calem, that may have been me" Ash said.

"Ohh wow no wonder I lost" Calem replied causing both trainers to laugh.


It had been a few hours but the storm was still ripping through route 13. Ash had now been talking with his Pokémon as the others fell asleep.

"Master I can sense something" Greninja trying to catch what it was.

"Somethings in danger" Greninja said. Then a howl of fear could be heard, which confirmed Greninja's hunch.

"Oh no let's go check it out quick" Ash said. Ash and Greninja rushed out of the cave and into the depths of the forest. Serena and the others woke up because of the noise. She saw Pikachu but no sign of Ash and Greninja.

"Oh no where did he go." Serena said. She then saw Ash and Greninja's figures disappearing in the storm. She rushed out but Calem grabbed her back.

"Let me go, Ash is in trouble" Serena said.

"It's dangerous, he'll be fine and Ash wouldn't want you to get hurt so stay. I'm sure he'll come back" Calem reassured Serena.

"Ash" Serena said almost in tears


Thanks for reading this chapter. Let me know what you think, opinions help. Yeah and I don't think I'll upload tomorrow, I'm not sure but anyways cya!


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