Chapter 11: The Start Of Hate

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'Where is Ash?' Serena had her worried face on as she searched the crowds for Ash. Max, Clement and Bonnie were also doing the same but there was no sign of the raven haired boy or Pikachu. 'Well hello beautiful' Calem said, he grabbed Serena's hand but Serena pulled away quickly. 'I don't have time for your failed love attempts, please!' Serena said angrily as she continued to scan the large crowd. 'Calem she has a point' Gary came laughing. He then smacked Calem on the back, making him lunge until Clement broken it up. 'Well have you guys heard.. Ketchum is in town. How can that loser show up after the things he has done. Even to his mother' Gary said. Serena was about to scream at his face until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Ash standing there telling her to back down. 'It's okay..' Ash said in a calm voice before looking at Gary and Calem with the usual distaste.

'Serena get away from him, don't make the mistake as you did those years ago!' Calem said. Serena wanted to bust his eyeballs out but kept her calm. She looked over to Ash, who had his eyes fixed on a young boy beside him. 'Go wait inside, this isn't for you to mess around with' Ash said in a calm but instructive voice. Zack hesitated but entered inside the hall looking back before the door shut. 'Great father you make, but it's a shame you've let your own well, actually your mother down' Calem said. Serena expected Ash to act and lunge but she saw his face. It was smiling and it looked at ease. 'I don't know what your talking about.. I have no mother' Ash simply said. He grabbed Serena's hand and took her into the hall followed by Max, Clement and Bonnie. Calem and Gary stood there shell shocked. 'We need to inform this to the others!' Calem said angrily before walking towards another entrance to the main hall.

With the gang...

As Ash entered the hall with Serena, all the pairs of eyes were fixed on him. Gasps and snarls were thrown his way as the crowd showed their displeasure at his presence. Ash took himself and Serena to the back row, where Zack was sitting. Clement and Bonnie approached the trio and took a seat next to them. Eyes were still fixed on them, Ash could feel the temptation to shout but held it in as he felt Serena's grip tighten on his hand.

To his fortune, Professor Sycamore had appeared on stage causing the heads to swivel in his direction. 'Ahem, can I have everybody's attention,' Sycamore gazed around the room to see the pairs of eyes until he locked with Ash's, 'thats better. As you may know Ash Ketchum has kindly joined us at the tournament. No matter what you think of him or whoever he is, hatred and abuse will not be tolerated at this place, is that clear?' Sycamore once again looked around and saw each head apart from Ash and Calem's head nod.

'Okay on that note, the orienteering arena has all been set up, so at 12:00 head over to the beach for further info and to get the hunting underway. Dismissed!' The professor called out and walked back off the stage, behind the curtains as people filed out of the doors.

The snarling had not stopped as Ash was forced out by security this time. They took him to a private room. He had been separated from everybody else during the process. He looked around, it was some kind off office room. He then took notice of an image he had seen earlier. It was his greninja, but in Ash Greninja form, then followed by an arrow to the image of the Greninja the man had the other night. The image was circled and had words written in bold letters: On this island!

Ash looked confusedly at the picture. He then found a note sticking above it. He could see his name written on it but not the rest, as he was about to take the note Professor Sycamore came bursting through the room. 'Why are you here!?' He shouted and dropped his files onto the desk. Ash didn't react, and he had no answer. 'What do you mean?' Ash asked.

'Listen, if I find out that you cheat during any of the battles or activities, I will call the police' Sycamore glared at Ash, which really didn't intimidate him. 'So even you believe the rumours?' Ash said in a disgusted tone. 'Well all the facts are against you, so there is no denying' Sycamore replied. 'What Facts?! There are no bloody facts that prove me wrong!' Ash said his anger levels rising. 'Thats not the case.. you have got my warning. So you better be on your best behaviour!' Sycamore said in a cocky voice. 'You people are ridiculous!' Ash said and stormed out the room, smashing the door on the way.

Once he was away from the office, he checked the hallways for any people. It seemed empty so he decided to walk out. He looked at the clock, which read: 10:45. 'I have about an hour to kill, first I need to find the others' Ash thought and rushed out the building. He searched for a good few minutes before heading back to his hotel. In the lobby he spotted Serena, Greninja, Pikachu and Zack standing. However the sight of Calem dampened Ash's mood.

'Oh for god sake.. what is Ketchum doing here?' Calem said quite annoyed. Delia then stood up and walked over to the group after the mention of Ketchum. Ash immediately grabbed Serena and Zacks hand and started to drag them away. 'Ash Ketchum, how dare you snatch my girl!' Calem boasted in anger and yanked Serena back to him. Pikachu jumped out her arms onto Ash's shoulder. Zack and Greninja turned around with angry faces. Ash stood still for a moment. Serena loosened out of Calem's grip and ran to Ash. 'Serena stay with him' Ash whispered with a hint of regret. Serena looked bemused and was taken aback.

'Serena come back here!' Calem said and pulled her once again towards him. This time Ash turned around, his heart took a bullet as he saw Delia reassuring Calem. Ash kept his composure and stood up straight. 'Why would you take his girl? You've turned into that way as well?' Delia looked sad and angry at the same time. 'Clearly your facts are wrong' Ash said, Greninja sniggered. 'Calem you go ahead, I want a little chat' Delia said. Calem nodded and grabbed Serena by the hand and took her away. She looked back at Ash, who gave her a wink. It completely through her off.

'Clearly you aren't a well behaved boy, and no son of mine...' Delia was cut off.

'Who's your son?' Ash asked looking around.

'Your my son, my oh my the drugs are really harming you!' Delia said holding her head.

'Why would I want to be your son. A mother who gave up on her own son? That doesn't sound like my mother.. in fact I have no mother!' Ash said. He then felt a righteous hard slap across his face. He looked up and saw Delia glaring at him with devil eyes. 'How dare you talk back in such manners to elders! You are the one who gave up!' She shouted.

Ash felt a surge of adrenaline slither across his body. Greninja felt the same. Their actions became synchronised until the water around Greninja disappeared and turned into a shuriken off his back. Greninja grabbed the Shuriken, Ash doing the same motion and swung at Delia but stopped just before impact. 'I never give up! And you should know this, as you call me your son!' Ash shouted in her face. His mothers face quivered as tears started to form in her eyeballs. As Ash saw this he backed down. Greninja returned to his normal self.

'Y-your right.. you are no s-son of mine' Delia said through her tears and rushed upstairs. Ash stood there motionless, for some reason he felt broken, his heart shattering into pieces. He remembered about Zack and instantly straightened his posture and turned to the little boy. 'Oh um.. sorry about that, we should get ready for the Orienteering' Ash said and took Zack upstairs.

Once again he checked the hallways for any sign of his betrayers. It was all clear. He ran up to his room door and rushed inside with Zack and his two Pokémon. As soon he shut the door he felt someone grip onto him tightly. He looked down and saw Serena hugging into his chest. 'Why did you make me go with him?' Serena said.

'Sorry but you will have to stick with him' Ash said.

'Why can't I stay with you! There is no way in hell Im going with him!' Serena said angrily.

'Look, I can't let you receive all the hate and abuse that I receive. I don't want anyone getting hurt for me' Ash said looking down.

'No Ash! I can't leave you alone, I will forever stand by you' Serena said holding her ribbon. Ash was moved by this.

'Okay but you still have to be on his side if he sees you with me' Ash replied.

'What!? No!' Serena Said hitting Ash on the shoulder.

'I can't let you feel the wrath of Delia, that is only between her and me. Please understand.' Ash pleaded.

'No you understand, I don't care what happens as long as I'm with you! Cause I always feel safe around you than anyone else' Serena said and grabbed Ash's hand.

'Fine, but try and stay on their good side so we can at least get some hindsight into what they are doing' Ash said.

'If they say any bad things can Lucario do some kind of harm to them?' Serena asked.

'As long as you promise to what I have said' Ash replied. Serena nodded gleefully. 'Very well then, and don't worry I won't disappear.. hopefully' Ash said. Serena looked at him shocked. Ash started to laugh, 'I'm joking' Serena hit him on the arm playfully.

'Guys we have 30 minutes to get to the beach!' Zack said looking at his watch. 'Shoot we better hurry up!' Ash said. He then grabbed Pikachu and rushed upstairs to his bedroom, followed by Serena.

Zack stayed at the door, until Clement, Max and Bonnie came through with a bunch of bags. 'Just bought supplies for the rest of this week.' Clement said as he set a couple of bags down. 'Hey where is Ash and Serena?' Max asked looking around the room for the duo.

'They have gone to get changed, we only have half an hour left!' Zack said.

'Oh yeah shoot, Pokemon orienteering!' Clement shouted.


Sorry for the 2 week delay, i have been really busy with school and football, and haven't got the time to upload. But anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like. A follow would be awesome and comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

Social media:
Instagram: _satosere_
Twitter: 7amour7

Thanks and peace ✌️

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