Chapter 13: A shock discovery!

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Note - Sorry for the really long wait! At the end of the chapter will be plans for what will happen in the future so make sure to read that. Anyways sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes.. now on with the chapter.


'Master, we should have stayed and followed them around' Greninja said. 'No Greninja, I kinda wanna win this for Serena, so she can enjoy her shopping' Ash said thinking of Serena. He deep down wanted to follow Greninja's advice but he knew that Serena would be alright. 'Well lets get going!' Ash said.

As they climbed up a mountain, Ash could see in the distance a red ship land in the depths of the forest. His eyes squinted towards it in curiosity. But he couldn't make out the logo on the wing.

Without noticing he had reached the summit of the mountain and spotted the stamp in the middle. As he went to approach, Lucario suddenly spawned in front of Ash making him fall back. 'Mother of Arceus! Lucario what news?' Ash asked as he got up and wiped the dust of his clothes. 'Serena and Pikachu have split up from the others.. and that ship over there has again breached the security of the island but it has gone unnoticed' Lucario said off the top of his mind. 'Ok, is that it?' Ash asked. Lucario nodded.

Ash made his way over to the stamp, but Lucario stopped him. 'You don't need to,' Lucario grabbed something from his fur, 'I already collected them all, so we can go finish' Lucario said, as he had sensed Ash's willingness to win all the time. 'I don't know if this is cheating but you are part of my team so.. who knows' Ash said to no one in particular. Lucario grabbed Greninja's and Ash's hand and teleported away.

They were transferred to just before the exit of the little course. They walked along and spotted Sycamore at the table, on his tablet. Ash handed over the stamp collection for him to examine. 'Very well.. we have a winner' Sycamore said rather reluctantly. He walked over to the microphone and announced that a winner had already been found. And asked for them to return immediately.

Once that was done, Sycamore came back down and handed Ash his stamp collector. 'Haven't used drags have we Ketchum?' He whispered. 'Tsk you wish' Ash said, walking off with his two Pokémon.

After they were a comfortable distance away from any local residents, they stopped to have a break. 'Lucario have a good rest for now' Ash said returning Lucario in his poké ball. They sat on a rock which over looked the beach and the stage where he will collect his reward. Slowly many of the contestants started to return. He squinted his eyes out for Pikachu, Zack or Serena but none of them had returned yet.


'Pikachu slow down, we've reached the exit!' Serena called out. To her dismay Pikachu kept on running on leaving her and Zack behind. 'Ohhh! He is just like Ash! Always running off and impatient' Serena complained. Zack looked at her in amusement and confusion. 'Well at least we can walk now!' Zack said trying to lighten her mood, which indeed it did.

They saw people gathering up at the stage as the winner will be collecting his prize, however the duo went on to search for Ash.

It didn't take them long, as they saw the figure of Pikachu and Ash, sat down on a rock. 'Well there he is!' Serena sighed, as she had to keep on walking. It took about five minutes to reach him. Serena expected a quite gloomy mood as she expected Pikachu to tell something, but it was rather normal.

'So, what did Pikachu want to tell you, because he made us run the whole way!' Serena said in a rather annoyed tone. 'Well it may seem quite abrupt but, I was an unwanted child' Ash said. There was no emotion in his voice or expression, which totally had Serena off guard.

'Is that it? Don't you have a reaction for it?' Serena asked. 'I was there when it happened.. as soon as I heard that concluded the fact I was unwanted, I went back upstairs without anyones attention' Ash explained.

'You really have had a troubled life..' Zack said looking at Ash. Ash looked him in the eye, and gave a slight nod off his head. 'Okay that's enough of this,' Serena said breaking the eye contact, 'we better go to the stage and see the winner!' Serena said. 'I'll join you guys, I just need to pee really badly right now!' Ash said. 'Alright hurry up then!' Serena said.

Zack, Serena and Pikachu all left for the stage, leaving Ash and Greninja by themselves. 'Greninja go collect the award, I might be a while' Ash said, Greninja could sense Ash was up to something. However he nodded and sprinted off towards the stage. While Ash walked over to the nearest toilet.

Up at the stage, mostly all of the people had returned and Sycamore had finished preparations for the reward. Serena spotted Clement, Max and Bonnie and walked over to them. 'So do you know who won?' Serena asked but the trio shook their heads. 'Ugh, why do you always have to be here' May said as she approached Max. 'Ugh why do you exist?' Max replied. Bonnie gave a little giggle, making May give her a death stare.

All of the other 'betrayal squad' but Calem joined Serena and the others. She noticed Calem's presence was not here. She had a really bad hunch in her mind, but decided to shake it off. 'Where is Camel? I mean Calem?' Serena asked. 'Oh he's gone to the toilet, why you missing him?' Misty said in a babyish way. 'Ew no just curious' Serena replied. She turned away and her gut wrenched. Both Calem and Ash have gone toilet! OMG what if something bad happens? Serena had the rush of thoughts in her head, as her earlier hunch seemed to grow in her head.

'Well let's get on with the winner!' Sycamore announced, bringing everyone's attention towards him. 'As you may know this adventure was cut short as the winner returned quite quickly' Sycamore spoke through the mic. Everyone gave hums of agreement. 'Well that winner is Ash Ketchum, so if he or one of his team could come up and get the prize, now come up' Sycamore said.

The audience didn't like the sound off the winner. Some groaned. Some booed. And some gave angry and quite disrespectful words to his name. Greninja calmly came upon the stage and received a card, that would allow the free access. 'Well there you have it, the winner Ash Ketchum!'


Ash threw water on his face and coughed a little, as water went up his nose. He looked at the mirror and saw two cubicle doors swaying slowly. He stood up straight and wiped all the wet patches on his face. He wiped his hands and cracked his knuckles. He did not turn around once. Two pairs off silent feet stood behind him.

'Greetings' Ash said calmly. Still not facing them. 'I see this time you have an ally with you, Lysandre!' Ash said. This time he turned around. He looked at Lysandre, who had a smirk on his face. He then turned to his ally and stopped dead. He took a step back in shock. 'Calem?'

'Darn right it is!'


Well yeah... terribly sorry for this absolute loooooonnnngggg wait.

I uploaded this chapter two weeks ago, and it was longer than this. It came with the message your chapter has been uploaded and all that shizz. So that's one reason for the long absence.

A week later I went to check the feedback, but i noticed the chapter was gone.. and then I got logged out. I tried logging back in but it did not work, so I sent an email to wattpad to get this fixed.

Turns out that I had been hacked as the reply email said, you have exceeded the amount of words that was in a chapter.. and there were only 2500 words. But now I have my account back and Wattpad have ensured this will not happen again, however few of my next chapters have to be short, until they can let me write more than this amount.

Yeah again seriously sorry!

Also a quick request, if you don't understand the story please leave a comment, and I will explain what parts you don't understand, if you do understand then if you don't mind, explain to those who don't understand what is going on. That would really be appreciated! And also leave any feedback as I find it really helpful and yeah.. hopefully this is now back on track!

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Instagram: _satosere_
Twitter: 7amour7
Main Wattpad: amourcanon

Amourshippingz out!

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