Chapter 20: Diguised Dinner

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Disclaimer: This was written with shitty wifi in a hotel room so yeah sorry for any grammatical errors... after all we're all human.


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"My final Pokémon... Rayquaza!"

The world renowned green snake like legendary roared, causing the stadium to shake. Everyone seemed to have stopped talking. It was as if you could here a pin drop.

This brought Ash's attention, he stood up straight looking intrigued. "A rayquaza... huh. Well another challenge, finally!" Ash thought. The idea of fighting a legendary that he had met, pumped up Ash. His inner beast was now lurking inside him. However the reaction Ash gave, made Brock furious, how can he look happy? He thought.

"Why you so happy?" Brock called across.

"Well Ive been waiting for a challenge all afternoon, and your finally giving me one! The stronger the opponent is, the stronger we get... you should know that" After the last sentence Ash covered his eyes with his hat. He could not see the discontent look on Brock's face.

"Well now I'll show you my full strength and beat you!" Brock shouted back.

"We'll see about that brother, we'll see" As if in a movie you could feel now the camera zoomed in both competitors eyes.

This is where we will be tested Greninja. I believe we have the power. It's always our bond that makes us powerful. Yes they are powerful but the Pokemon is but not the trainer... so I'm going to have to take a gamble but our bond will help us make this pay off, Ash spoke to Greninja using their aura. He explained his plan in detail, however at first Greninja had concerns not for him but Ash, but Ash convinced him well.

"Well enough chatting now let's fight!" Brock called out.

"Bring it"


Currents escaped from the legendary's body and raced along the air towards Ash-Greninja. Ash didn't move a muscle or speak a word. However Greninja, tried to dodge but failed. The attack got him and the 1000 volts shocked Greninja. Ash felt the pain and held his body tight, clenching every muscle.

Gasps again went around the whole stadium. Ash's sudden pain had surprised the audience. Theories and conspiracies were going around the stadium.

Ash felt the pain relieve but that was short lived for,

"Dragon pulse now!" The dragon type released the attack at more pace, however Brock anticipated the Greninja to dodge and also had a counter attack planned.

"Dodge!" Ash said, although his Greninja seemed to be moving rather slower than before. And as result the move got a direct hit on Greninja, sending him flying backwards. Ash felt another lurch on his body and fell onto one knee.

Now there were more louder gasps, even the ref looked amazed at what was happening.

With the gang...

"What!? He's had two direct hits.. what's Ash playing at?" Max shouted.

"Yeah and Greninja doesn't look in shape either, also Ash hasn't even ordered an attack. Maybe the legendary is too much for him?" Trevor said.

"No way! This is Ash remember he can't lose to anything!" Clement said trying to raise the spirits.

"Clement... I don't wanna sound disheartening but rayquaza's movements are too much for Greninja to handle, it's quite evident from what we just saw" Alain stated.

"No your wrong, Ash beat a darkrai with his sceptile back in Sinnoh. And he hasn't attacked yet because he is playing with Brock's emotions. But it's a risky plan cause Ash may get injuries" Gary said a bit concerned.

Serena looked at Gary then at Ash who was struggling to stand up straight. "ASH PLEASE ATTACK!" Serena shouted hoping Ash could hear.

Back with Ash...

Patience... Serena don't worry, slow and steady wins the race, Ash thought.

Ash looked up and saw Brock with a huge grin on his face. His plan was working.

Greninja, just a bit longer, then we'll strike, Ash spoke via their aura. He then examined Brock's aura and it was mainly arrogance and overconfidence. He then stood on his two feet and smiled.

"Your strong, Brock... its a shame though" Ash whispered the last phrase.

Brock smiled at the compliment and Ash recognised that his confidence levels increased.


"Rayquaza, let's finish this! Use Solar beam!"

The suns rays were being engulfed in the legendary's body, and its colour changed to a brighter shade of green. After, it began to glow, until it released the suns energy straight at the 'beaten' Greninja on the ground.

Ash simply smiled and he narrowed his eyes. The solar beam hit Greninja and a huge explosion took place, at least that's what everyone thought.

The grounds dust covered where Greninja lay. Everyone in the audience gasped, and expected the impact to affect Ash, but nothing happened to the trainer from Pallet Town. He stood in his straight and confident posture.

"Game over, Ash! Now I just have two of your other useless Pokemon to get through" Brock said, he turned to the dust, which slowly disappeared into the humid air.

"WHAT!?" Brock shouted, he expected Greninja to be laying there, but there was nothing. He looked at Ash and saw his eyes were glistening.

Greninja then appeared in front of Rayquaza, Ash nodded. Greninja used aerial ace and once again one of Brock's Pokemon we're getting smacked up. However this time Rayquaza managed to shake off the ninja Pokemon but had hardly any strength left.

"Now we'll show our true power, LETS PUT EVERYTHING IN THIS!" Ash shouted.

The shuriken on the back of Greninja doubled its size.

"Water Shuriken!"

Ash-Greninja jumped up in the air, his eyes were redder than ever. Both trainer and Pokemon did the same action as they reached their backs to grab the shuriken. Once Greninja grabbed it, it increased again and became more solid.

"Let her rip!" Ash screamed. Greninja threw the Shuriken with anger but accuracy and watched it spin towards the legendary.

"Quick thunderbolt!"

But it was too late, before Rayquaza could release the attack the shuriken collided with it, pushing it into the ground. This caused another explosion and the dust filled the whole battlefield this time, blocking the audiences view.

Once again the audience were awe struck and sent into silence.

Once the dust settled, Rayquaza was on the ground with swirly eyes.

Brock looked broken. He fell to his knees, completely stunned. "My legendary lost..."

Ash also fell onto the ground too, but was tired from all the energy used by Greninja. Greninja also returned to its normal self.

Ash noticed his hat had fallen off and was in the battlefield. He then returned Greninja and heard cheers from the crowd as the winner was announced.

"After an extremely amazing battle, our winner is ASH KETCHUM!"

Ash waved at the crowd as they cheered his victory. He walked up to Brock and extended an arm. "Thanks for the battle" Ash said without any emotions. Brock looked up and grabbed his hand to help him stand up.

"Wow Ash, your stronger than I thought" Brock replied.

"Just cause I disappeared doesn't mean I never trained..." Ash then walked back, picked up his hat and placed it on his head and headed back down the players tunnel.

"I'll get you back!"

With Serena and the others...

"Come on let's get too Ash quick!" Serena raced down the corridor with the others to Ash's changing room. Serena and Zack arrived first and entered the room. Serena saw Ash sat down on the couch with his head down. He looked to be in deep thought.

Serena didn't care and ran into his arms and gave him a tight hug. "Sometimes why don't you just leave the suspense out of your battles!" Serena said teasingly.

"I could say the same about your performances!" Ash replied and the two laughed.

"YES ASH, THAT WAS SO GOOD!" Bonnie said screaming and gave Ash a hug too.

"Always with the unorthodox battle strategies, even though Ive been with you for a long time" Clement said sweat dropping. "Yeah I agree with Clement, always expect the unexpected from you!" Alain said.

"The same old Ash..." Gary then entered the room. Ash had forgotten about him. And instantly rage filled his veins.

"What are you doing here?" Ash said angrily. He looked away from Gary.

"Um... I need to talk to you, it's really important!" Gary said eagerly.

"How can I trust you, after all you broke my trust completely all those years ago!" Ash said. Gary stopped for a moment, that struck him hard. But he looked up.

"Ash I didn't mean too..." Ash had enough, he grabbed Gary by the collar.

"What do you mean? Huh? You didn't mean it my arse!" Ash screamed in his face.

"Ash let him go! Here him out! Please no more violence!" Serena pulled Ash away from Gary. Ash looked confused at Serena.

"Serena!?" Ash was about to lunge at Gary again but Serena stopped him.

"Please Ash, just here him out then do what you want. This is important!" Serena said.

"Control your emotions, discipline your mind" Ash heard the voice. He looked at the door and R stood there, in his disguise. Ash nodded.

"Okay fine... what do you have to tell me" Ash asked in a calmer voice and took a deep breath.

Gary then took out a small chip from his pocket and showed Ash. Ash looked at Gary rather bemused. "And this is...?" Ash asked.

"These are mind controllers!" Clement said adjusting his glasses in case he was seeing things. Ash looked at Clement and Gary. "Where'd you get one of these?" Clement asked.

"Calem has implanted them on all the others hence why they believed you do drugs" Gary said.

"But then how come your not being controlled?" Ash asked.



"Ow!" Gary held the back of his ear in pain, but he felt a strange object. He took it out and it was a small chip. He looked around. He went around to Brock and Drew and but they didn't have the chips.

Gary went back to his bed and grabbed his phone. He searched through the dials for his grandfather.

"Hey gramps, I need your help!"

1hr later...

"Oh my god Gary! This is a mind controller. They are extremely rare and there have been a few cases with them surrounding Team Flare and their leader Lysandre!" Proffesor Oak spoke.

"Also this was implanted last year so the battery is almost dead so it may need exchanging!" Oak added.

Gary then realised what was happening. I don't get how the others are hating Ash...

This means, ash never used drugs! Oh my god!

"Thanks gramps!" Gary said and cut the call. He then ran towards Ash's room. He stood outside but hesitated. All the good memories between him and Ash flooded in his mind. He shook his head,

"I can't... he'll kill me" Gary thought. He then walked backwards, that means Calem is probably replacing them tonight. If he sees me out of bed I'm screwed.

"Gary?" Gary stopped.

"Hey Calem..." he said turning around

"What are you doing here? Near Ketchum's room?" Calem said with disgust.

"Umm I was planning a prank on him but it won't work, so I was just about to get bed" Gary said with a nervous smile.

"Oh okay.. your battery must be the two year one" Calem spoke but instantly covered his mouth. Gary pretended not here that.

"Sorry did you say something?" Gary asked.

"Nope nothing... I'm off to bed, goodnight!" Calem said before hastily walking back to his bedroom.

End of Flashback

"Yeah and that's about it really, so from then on, Ive been trying to tell you this but you always disappeared" Gary said.

"And I'm really sorry, for everything, I should have known something was up earlier but I just let it control me!" Gary was close to tears and banged his fists against the wall.

"I think everyone should wait outside" Ash said. No one spoke. They silently obeyed and went outside closing the door.

Ash then walked up to Gary. He forcefully turned him so that he could face him.

"It's okay Gary... no need to apologise I know now you didn't mean all those things back then" Ash said.

Gary wiped his tears, "thanks Ash!"

The two childhood friends hugged, "well it's great to have you back, and I have some stuff to tell you but not now" Ash said, remembering those green eyes.

They both released each other from the hugs. "Well lets go back to everyone" Gary said but Ash didn't move.

They then saw one poke puff on the dressing table. They looked at each other and back to the table.

"Even though your back.. that's mine!"

"No Ashy-boy.. it's mine"


Outside with the gang, they didn't know what was going on inside the room.

"What if they start fighting?" Serena asked nervously. And just then there was smash and bang in the room. Serena didn't think twice and opened the door. She didn't see a fight but saw two boys on the floor.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked.

"No fair he took that poke puff!" Ash complained. Serena face palmed. And I thought they were fighting.

"Well it doesn't matter I'll make more for you later okay?" Serena said. At this Ash's eyes glistened.

"Your the best!"

Time skip...

"Hey Serena!" It was Calem, Serena looked around for Ash but he wasn't there.

"Yo Calem" Gary came to Serena's relief.

"Sup Gary, anyway Serena I wanted to invite you to dinner, the others will be there and I'm sure they're better company than Ash and his losers" Calem said.

Before Serena could speak, Gary intervened. "Yeah I'll make sure she's there but right now I have to take her to her pokemons umm toilet practice.. yeah" Gary said and he dragged Serena away.

"Have fun! I'll make sure Serena hates Ash!" Calem whispered as he put a certain chip in his pocket.

"Really? A toilet practice?" Serena said giggling.

"Well yeah! I need to take a pee so first thought in my mind, gotta run" Gary said before dashing to the toilets.


"Ive got a plan, Gary you take Serena and make sure you sit in between her and Calem, and don't let him touch her!" Ash said. Gary nodded.

"I'll be in the back with a hood covering my face and Shauna can be my pretend date" Ash continued. Serena didn't like the idea of that but she trusted Shauna.

"Don't worry Serena, I know he's yours" Shauna spoke.

"Thanks Shauna!"

"Clement you stay in the hotel with Zack and Bonnie. Trevor, Alain, Tierno and Paul you just watch Calem.. I have a feeling he may try and get a chip to Serena. And Gary get every bit of info out of him." Ash said

Everyone nodded, at their roles, "okay guys lets do this" Ash spoke.

Dinner time...

Gary, Serena and Lucario walked in a line, but as they entered the restaurant Lucario went into his invisible mode. They were closely followed by Ash who was holding Shauna's hand. His hood was covering his eyes, which had now turned blue as he was seeing through Lucario's vision. He saw Lucario settle under the table Gary and Serena were sat at.

Ash's eyes returned to normal and he sat down opposite Shauna and waited to order and waited for Calem and the others.

"My name is now Ryan... don't want to get baited especially when they are all here" Ash spoke to Shauna.

"No worries, Ryan!" Shauna said giggling.

After a few minutes Calem and the traitors arrived, and joined Serena and Gary at the table. Ash could hear through Lucario. However they were chatting about normal stuff.

Ash and Shauna began talking to each other, with Ash explaining the story of how him and Pikachu didn't get along at the start.

"It is so hard to believe that, you and Pikachu have such a special bond! And well your Pikachu is so damn cute!" Shauna said.

"So Serena, how come you hang out with that loser Ash!" May asked. Gary felt Serena's temper rise.

Control Serena, let them abuse me, your the better person just act casual, Ash contacted Serena through their aura.

The sound of Ash sure helped Serena. Brock felt Serena's tension decline.

"Well I don't actually know, he is a good person!" Serena said a bit nervously. They gave her an odd look.

"Well we don't think he is good, he probably cheated against Brock!" Drew snarled.

"Yeah he probably used drugs as he did all those years ago!" Dawn added.

"No he didn't!," Gary shouted. Serena then gave him an alarming look, "what I mean to say is that I checked the drug reports not a single scratch" Gary said quickly. The traitors then nodded.

"Well looks like he beat Brock fair and square but he still has Barry and Calem to face, he has no chance!" Dawn said.

"That's what you think" Gary muttered which made Serena giggle a little. Luckily no one had noticed as they continued to munch down on their food.

(Back with Shauna and Ash)

After eating a couple of bites of his food, Ash began to feel nauseous and a lot dizziness started to take place. Ash held his head and lowered his hood. He grabbed his hat and made sure he covered his eyes.

This sort of brought him air but he could feel his scar was on fire. His eyes shifted towards the entrance of the restaurant and spotted a hooded figure. It obviously covered his eyes, but there was small green light coming from his hood.

"Oh no..." Ash whispered. He turned to Serena and Gary who were eating their food. He put his hood back on and got up.

"Shauna, I'm going to the toilet. Also if anyone asks if Ash was here say he lives on the others side of the island" Ash spoke quickly and was in a hurry.

"But why, and who would...?"

"Sorry but please do as I say, gotta go!" Ash cut her off and waited till the man moved out the way. Then he hurried off out of the restaurant.

"That's weird, I wonder what's happened to him?" Shauna continued to eat until a shadow appeared over her.

"Why you eating alone?" The hooded figure asked.

"My boyfriend Tierno um he's gone for a walk and should be back soon." Shauna replied, she was getting nervous, the green eyes were spooking her out.

"Okay, have you heard of Ash Ketchum and do you know where he is?" The man asked.Shauna's eyes widened, what the heck.

"Um why" she enquiried.

"Oh, I am an old friend!" The man said rather cheerfully but still had that evil intent in his voice.

"Okay... he is on the completely opposite side of this island, but I don't know which hotel" Shauna said.

"Oh right, thanks!" The man said and walked back towards the entrance.

Once he was gone, Shauna breathed a sigh of relief. "That man is scary, I wonder what he wants with Ash" Shauna thought and continued to eat her food.

(Back with Serena)

"So Serena..." Calem lent past Gary and held Serena's hand. Serena reacted and took her hand away.

"Ooooo she is feisty! I like her!" Misty said teasing the pair.

"Hey come on, I'm sorry if that was a bit to forward there" Calem said looking her in the eye. Serena looked straight back but they did not have the calming effects that Ash did.

"It's okay" Serena replied.

"Well what I wanted to say is umm, since your here with us. Yeah so do you wanna be my girlfriend. Please, I'm way better than Ash! Give me a chance and I'll prove it!" Calem said with desperation.

"No sorry, I'm happy the way my life is going!" Serena replied with a smile.

"Don't worry Cal, plenty more fish in the sea" Gary added hoping he would divert his attention away from Serena.

Serena smiled at Gary, then looked underneath the table and couldn't see the outline of Lucario's body. She swivelled her head and saw Shauna sitting on her own. She then nudged Gary,

"Where is Lucario and Ash?" Serena whispered.

Gary turned around and his eyes widened. He then looked under the table and nearly choked on his rice.

"Thank you for the meal guys, but I have to go meet my Kalos friend with Gary" Serena said looking around the table. They looked surprised but nodded letting them go.

"Wow they are really dense!" Serena said trying not to laugh.

"Well I had to put up with that for these last couple of years" Gary replied sweat dropping.

They walked up to Shauna's table and sat down with her. She looked up from her phone and smiled. "Hey guys how was your dinner?" She asked quite happily.

"Good but we had to sit with them, so it kinda brought the ratings down" Gary said.

"Anyway, where is Ash? He was here earlier." Serena said. Her tone significantly changed to a more worried one. Also the look on Shauna's face did not boost her confidence.

"Well he sort of left in a hurry for the toilet, and told me 'if anyone asked who I am or where I was tell them that I live on the other side.' That what he told me. Then funnily enough a man with some scary green eyes came and asked me the questions" Shauna explained in very fine details of the cvents.

Green eyes? No way! Gary stood up but Serena made him sit back down.

"Woah, they're still here, and what happened?" Serena asked.

Would Ash tell her? Nah I don't think he would.

"Basically I put my chair on my toe and it really hurt" Gary said with a nervous chuckle. The girls looked at him as he were a child.

"Come on every one has their moments!" Gary said sweat dropping.


Ash rushed along the crowded streets, trying to find his way back to the restaurant. His hood covered his eyes so it was difficult to see through this enormous crowd. He was quite surprised there was a crowd at this late of night.

As he walked along, he bumped into a man, relatively bigger. Actually 3 times bigger than he was. Ash half glimpsed up and saw a shade of green escaping the man's hood. Ash quickly covered his eyes and looked down.

"Watch where your going kid! It's dark so I'll let you off but next time" Ash heard the man crack his knuckles before walking away. He turned around too look and as the man turned the corner Ash took down his hood.

"Phew!" Ash said. Lucario then spawned next to him.

"Ash that was way too close" He spoke.

"Yeah I know, anyway let's get back to the others and see what they're up too"

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Next Chapter: Deception

Serena, Dawn and Misty may be enemies but all get tricked into a forest and have to work together to find help. But the mastermind behind this deception is man well known off his murderous green eyes. His main goal is only one thing; Ash Ketchum.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like. Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.



Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

Social media:
Instagram: _satosere_
Twitter: 7amour7
YouTube: _SatoSere_

Thanks and peace ✌️

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