Chapter 22: Lost

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A/N ~ Sorry for any grammatical errors or spelling errors, forgive me XD


Serena looks around and sees the other girls with her. Shauna was next to her while Dawn and Misty were opposite them. "You know this is your fault!" Misty shouted at Shauna and Serena.

"Yeah if it weren't for you two to ruin our testing then none of this would have happened!" Dawn shouted.

Again another argument kicked off, Shauna retaliated. However Serena was sitting there, in thought. What would Ash do? She thought. Calm the situation, and work as a team!

"Shut up!" Serena shouted. All the girls stopped and stared at her.

"Look, we may have issues with each other but now is not the time. Sometimes in moments like this you've got to take a step back and realise the situation before jumping to conclusions and thinking this is a joke. Look what I am trying to say is, we have been kidnapped and we are arguing amongst ourselves. This will make it easier for the kidnapper to manipulate us and do horrible things. So I'm asking a short favour. We work as a team to get out of this then once we are done we can argue. But now please look at the bigger picture" Serena said, she was almost out of breath. She slumped up against a tree trunk and sat down.

"Alright fine, you speak sense" Dawn said sitting down in defeat.

"Okay fine, we work together, so let's see where we are" Misty said and she got out a device. Serena went to her side and examined the map.

"We are on the east side, so not far from the main attractions." Serena contributed.

"So we should head west then if we were to go the attractions" Dawn added. The girls nodded in agreement but stopped. They realised they were barricaded into this area.

"You really thought, I would let you walk out of here?"

The girls turn and saw a man standing there. Serena swore she recognised those devilish green eyes. "Your the man in the lift!" Serena said. All the man did was smirk.

"Someone has a sharp brain, yes I am" The Man said. The other girls were to intimidated to talk.

"What do you want from us?" Shauna squeaked out.

"Ash Ketchum"

"Well we are not Ash so let us go!" Misty shouted.

"Oh I will let you go but you have to wait. Ash will come to me. Very soon" The Man said.

"Why do you want Ash!" Dawn asked.

"That's a personal matter, missy"

"Well I am his frien-.."

"No you aren't, and I have no intention on telling you because you will find out anyway" this time his smile grew wider.

"You will not harm Ash! I won't let you" Serena shouted in defence.

"Have you ever wondered why Ash wakes up in the middle of night or why he hides his wrists?" Serena now was quizzical.

"What do y— no way!" Serena blurted out.

"I am the devil, and he played with the devil so now it's my turn to strike back" With that the man disappeared leaving the girls speechless.


Ash used his aura and tried to sense Serena, but looks like she is off the scale. Greninja then returned, but had seen no sign of Serena or Shauna anywhere.

"Oi Ketchup!" Ash recognised the voice and walked away but his hand was grabbed.

"When I ask for attention, I want you to look at me!" Calem said getting annoyed.

"Oh well sorry 'Dad' but you are irrelevant and hella bent, so get outta my face!" Ash shouted.

"Damn that was fire" Gary said sniggering.

"I mean, um forget about it. We are trying to find Shauna and Serena" Gary said. Ash gave a him 'why would you tell him' look and face palmed.

"What! I am helping especially if Serena is involved!" Calem said and Ash unwillingly let him tag along. Just then Ash's Charizard flew and settled next to its trainer and spoke through telepathy.

"I found their trail, but we cannot fly, the area has been blocked"

"Which way?" Ash asked and Charizard pointed east. Ash nodded and told, mainly Gary, what Charizard said.

The boy set off into the dark woods.

Time skip

The trio walked in silence. The atmosphere had dampened as soon as they entered this forest. It was lifeless. The trees looked decayed and the no flowers in sight. The path looked almost like it was murdered with tracks of vehicles.

Greninja walked beside Ash, and sensed Ash's aura. This caused Lucario to come out of its poke ball.

"Master, are you okay?"

"I'm worried for Serena, I can't let her get kidnapped again. I can't bare a single minute without her" Ash confessed. He was feeling overprotective. He did not want to lose his love at any cost. He would die for her.

Gary and Calem stopped, which surprised Ash. He continued to walk until he was in front of them and his nightmares came to haunt him again.

A solemn looking, hooded figure stood there looking at the ground. His green eyes, light up the damp floor. His fists were balled up, revealing his veins. His stature looked lifeless, but his grin contrasted the whole thing.

"Finally... the boy who everyone used to adore. The one Arceus chose has come to the devil himself." The devil looked up and saw Ash, the other two slipped by unnoticed.

"Gary, Calem go ahead, I got this" Ash whispered. The two boys nodded and slipped by the Man. He noticed but he didn't care. He has got what he wanted all these years.

"What do you want" Ash said, trying to keep calm. But he couldn't he's always felt intimidated.

"I propose a task, and this will either benefit you or I will bring my devils lair to you. So choose wisely"

Ash could feel the tension in the air. He felt the cold wind brush his raven hair, that stuck out beneath his hat. He stared at the man's eyes.

"What is it"

"Well, I've kept a close eye on your beloved. And I'm all I'm going to say is, either you die or I'll make you watch the torture of what i will do to the blonde girl"

"You wouldn't dare touch her, I will kill you!" Ash shouted, anger was getting the better of him.

"Hahahaha, then die... tomorrow morning you will jump of your hotel roof top. Then I will vanquish myself and make sure no harm gets to your beloved. But all I want is your death."

Ash was in deep thought. Is there a way he could cheat death?

"Just because I'm going to die first, doesn't mean you will live. If you don't jump I still have my man ready for the torture. Only if he and Serena sees you fall will he disappear. The choice is yours; Live and watch your love suffer. Or die"

Ash was frozen, nostalgia kicked in. He reminisced all his memories with Serena. From Camp to Kalos to now. She's always been a great person and she deserves better. Heck I even left her for two years, Ash thought. He knew she deserves to live more than him. All he wanted was to make sure people around him had a good life, wether it be enemies or friends. He never wished for the worst for them.

Ash could feel tears forming but he forces them to stay inside. His heart had been shattered since the day of betrayal. He felt guilty.

"I've always taken the lime light away from my friends, so now they can enjoy their successes" Ash thought.

"Made your mind up?"

Ash looked up, he felt lifeless he looked at those green eyes. He remembered Serena's smile. This wiped away his fears, now a short smirk was on his face.

"I choose death" Ash said. He took a huge breathe and looked properly at the man.

"Very well then, I'll see you in hell" with that the man decayed and died on the spot and disappeared into the ground. Ash stared at the skies.

"Well Greninja it's been great knowing you" Ash said and tears got the better of him.

"Master you surely aren't" Greninja replied in a bone crushing hug. Lucario didn't speak a word and looked into Ash's aura. Ash and him made eye contact, although no words were spoken they knew what had to happen.

"Good luck Master..." Lucario and hugged his trainer.


The fours girls sat down, they felt helpless. But suddenly the barriers around them broke and in entered two boys. Serena saw a red hat and blue jacket. She didn't think twice and tackled the boy in a hug.

"Ash I knew you'd come to save us!" She was about to peck him but the voice of the boy made her jump back.

"Woah chill Serena, it's Calem. And I would always help my Kalos Queen!" He said and leaned in for a kiss but Serena backed away.

"I have a boyfriend!" Serena shouted.

"Well where is he? He didn't save you I did. I had the heart to come here!" Calem shouted back.

"Are you mad, there was a man, and Ash decided to deal with him. He was coming until then!" Gary said angrily.

The four girls gasped.

"Oh no, he's got Ash! We need to find him now!" Serena shouted. The other girls nodded.

"Hold up, why? What's happening I'm confused"

"We met the man and he was only doing this to get Ash!" Dawn said panicking now.

"We need to find him, I can't lose him." Serena said now tears streaming down her soft face.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere" The sound of that voice made Serena have butterflies in her stomach. She looked up and saw Ash standing there. She ran and literally floored him into a hug and kept kissed him on the lips.

Ash felt guilty. He didn't want to do this but he knew he had too. He released first and stared into her ocean blue eyes. They always radiated calmness into him and did so again.

Ash then picked her up bridal style and carried her away. Leaving the others to follow close behind. She fell asleep in his arms. "I'm so sorry Serena, but don't worry as I said I won't be going anywhere! "Everything happens for a reason, and once it happens just open the door and the answer will appear" Serena heard the last phrase and opened her eyes.

"What's that meant to mean?" She asked sweetly.

"Tomorrow night, when your hear three knocks open the door without hesitation. That will answer your question" Ash said, he was trying to hide his guilt.

"Okay... but what will it be? I mean how will it answer my question, also where will you be?" She asked. Ash froze on the spot he mentally sighed but put on a determine face.

"I will be in your heart... always"


Chapter 23 - Loss of Sanity or a Master Plan?:
Death... Ash always wondered how long till he dies. He always wondered how he would die. But now he realised it would be him taking his own life. There he stood on top of Shuriken hotel. Awaiting the drop that would cascade an illusion to the 'devil'. And stun the Pokemon world...


I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like. Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

Please show your support to my friends fanfic, it would mean a lot to me and to her if you showed her the amazing support you guys show me. Her fanfic is brilliant in my opinion and yeah, please check it out and follow her! : amourcanonz

Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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