Chapter 36: War Part 1

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Sorry for any mistakes!
As Ash collected his trophy, many things behind the scenes began to happen. Calem had disappeared from the pitch and Ash seemed to notice this as he got of his podium. Alarm bells started to ring in his head. He done a photoshoot for the media before hurrying off to his changing room. Surprisingly it wasn't hogged by any reporters but Ash knew danger was brewing. It was quick and fast. As he shut the door he heard a large blast from the battlefield. Ash rushed out of his changing room.

He ran to the battlefield and saw a large machine in the middle with part of the stadium ripped apart. There was chaos everywhere. "Oh no where is Serena and the others!?" Ash said out loud. Him and Pikachu dashed out of the stadium to find Serena and the others but there was no luck. Just then more explosions were heard and he could see 4 pillars erupt from the ground and surround the stadium and over look the island.

Before Ash could run any further Lysandre's men landed in front of him and Pikachu. They all closed in on Ash. "Pikachu thunder!" Ash shouted. Pikachu jumped into the air and released a thunder attack at the grunts but it was deflected by another Pokemon. A Greninja landed between the grunts and Ash. Ash seemed confused.

"Ash it's no use..." Red wheeled himself in on his wheelchair towards the scene. Ash almost fainted at what he was seeing. "Dad what are you doing here?" Ash asked hoping he was dreaming. "Ash you must give in... Lysandre has won, with the power he can do greater things for the world you have to trust me!" Red said. Ash lowered his hat and tears started to form. He began to chuckle a little. "I should've known... you can't trust anyone in this world... I'll only trust you when hell freezes over! Pikachu use quick attack!" Ash said commanding Pikachu to attack Red but Greninja transformed into its pure form and stopped Pikachu with ease. And sent it flying back into Ash.

Ash was winded from this and buckled to the floor in pain in his ribs. "Son, we could have done this the easy way but you've chosen the hard way... so you will suffer. Greninja knock him out!" Red said and he wheeled himself away. Greninja used cut and smashed Ash's head. "I-I trusted y-you!" Ash said before collapsing onto the ground. Team Flare grunts then put on devices on his hand and feet and it locked in place.

"Take him to the field!" A grunt shouted.


With Serena and the others they searched for Ash everywhere but they could not find him. And by luck they ran into the traitors who looked rather pale and lost. Serena approached them angrily but then noticed their weary faces and stances. "Serena is that you?" May said rubbing her eyes and she stood up. "Yes it is May... what do you want?" Serena replied in a harsher tone. "No Serena, you must understand that none of us meant to betray Ash it was Calem! He did something to us!" Misty said looking at Serena, Bonnie, Clemont, Zack and Gary with guilt in their eyes.

"Of course! Their chips have run out! Serena they are right! We have to believe them" Gary said and then he showed an example on dawns neck that the chip came of easily. Serena and the others nodded and spent a few minutes taking of the chips on the others and soon they all felt fresh and fit. Then Serena explained what was going on and the former traitors felt deeply guilty that this has all been caused by them.

"Look if you want to make it up for Ash we have to fight for him because he is missing ever since the trophy ceremony!" Zack said with urgency. The group nodded and rushed towards the scene of crime. They then saw the huge pillars that surrounded the stadium perimeters. It almost created a force field with energy that was emitted from each pillar. "we cannot get in by force we must find the control room! Brock said. Examining the pillars.

"Me Paul, Max, Clemont and Zack will head to the control room, I've located it already" Brock said looking at a building that was a neighbour to the biggest pillars. "Okay, Me, May, Misty, Dawn, Iris, Cilan and Gary will check the front entrance and take out any front guards stationed so going in will be made easier." Serena said. The group nodded and headed in opposite directions.

The boys that headed to the tower quickened their pace and released their Pokemon's bar, Zack and Max who lagged a little behind for cover. "Okay so there a three floors... so Brock take first floor and wipe out any grunts... Clemont you take second floor and I'll take the two boys with me to the third and try and get to the machine." Paul said.

Paul and Clemont took out their flying types and flew up to their floors and busted in while Brock barged his way through the first...

Meanwhile with Serena and the others they had encountered a flock of grunts at the front gate and were engaged in serious battles...

The war had begun!


In the pitch of the stadium, it was more silent but more malevolent. The large pillars over looked a little podium and a large machine in the centre. Lysandre was stood there in the middle adjusting the settings on the large machine and as if on queue, entered his grunts carrying Ash's limp body along with Greninja who was also fastened tightly at the arms and hands. Lysandre almost laughed at the sight of this.

"Over confidence is sometimes people's downfall!" Lysandre said and now he began to laugh. That's also when Red wheeled in to the field. "Ah... Red your help has been so immense... I will be sure to reward you in this new world" Lysandre said while patting his machine with a devilish smile. Ash was then made to hover in the sky along with a Greninja next to him.

"Shall I begin?" Lysandre said before flipping a switch and then red beams emerged from the 4 pillars and shot directly onto Ash and Greninja's body which awakened them. Ash could barely keep his eyes open but he saw two figures staring at him. He made out his dad but screamed in pain as the beam intensified on his body. It was squeezing Ash, trying to take out any air from his lungs.

"DAD I TRUSTED YOU!" Ash managed to shout but once again he screamed and Lysandre laughed. "Fool! You will make it quicker for me if you keep on shouting! All the talk you did that you will end but here we are as you beg for mercy" Lysandre said and then he turned up the voltage and thus more screams erupted into the red skies.


Once the beams had struck Ash it caused the whole island to shake... Serena and even the grunts looked as the red beams activated. A few seconds later they could here a bone chilling scream and Serena could have sworn it was Ash. "Was that Ash!?" Serena said now getting pissed off. And out stepped Calem, "yes it was, and this time his death won't be fake!" Calem said and laughed as did the other grunts.

"Delphox use flame thrower on these runts!" Serena shouted but Calem took out a Raichu and blocked the flame thrower from hitting him.

"Oh you wanna play miss Yvonne... then let's go! Raichu use thunder!" Calem shouted.

"Delphox use will o wisp!" Serena countered and the two attacks met and caused an explosion which shook the surroundings around them. And thus a battle commenced between the other grunts and Serena's friends resulting in simultaneous attacks being bellowed out at the same time and more explosions and battle scars being inflicted. "Raichu use quick attack" Calem said and his Raichu sped and bashed into Serena's delphox.

"Delphox hang in there! And use flame wheel!" Serena shouted and the move also caused a direct hit which caught Calem off guard.

With Gary, he had his blastoise fighting a charizard, "You think your shitty charizard is a match for my blastoise?" Gary said laughing but the grunt had a blank expression written on his face, causing Gary to cringe a little, "Jeez you'd find more cheer in a grave yard" Gary said looking at the grunt who finally went angry. "Alright kid enough talking let's battle! Charizard flame thrower!" The grunt shouted but Gary laughed.

"Use water gun and then rapid spin!" Gary said and his water type easily got rid of the flames with the water it shot out and then it spun quickly and smashed into the belly of Charizard who let out a roar in pain.

"I talk the talk and walk the walk mate!" Gary said looking the grunt straight in the eye.


Well well, the battle has begun, our heroes are battling to find Ash while he struggles with Lysandre draining his powers before Ash's father. What will happen? Will more Betrayals Occur? Will it be too late by the time they reach Ash?

Find out next time...


Chapter 37: War Part 2:
Will it be too late for Ash?

Sorry about another long delay, had a lot of exams and other work come in the way for too long - also went on a holiday where there was zero WiFi. Anyway I have vacations now so look out for more regular uploads! Sorry once again! Hopefully this 3000 word chapter makes up for it XD...

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like. Comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes. And leave comments on which book should I update more frequently, this one or my main account.

Please show your support to my friends fanfic, it would mean a lot to me and to her if you showed her the amazing support you guys show me. Her fanfic is brilliant in my opinion and yeah, please check it out and follow her! : amourcanonz

Also for main account story...

Make sure to check my main account: amourcanon and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: The curse that lived on. The sequel to amourshipping: a broken boy.

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