Chapter 9: Mending A Childs Heart Part 1

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'Wake up for god sake!' Serena yelled at the snoring Ash and surprisingly Pikachu as well. However Pikachu managed to stir up from the noise and wake up. The mouse Pokémon looked confused at Serena but then her angry expression showed what needed to be done. Pikachu smirked and asked Serena to move away, 'Pika pi.' Serena looked at him confused, 'what are you d-' Serena was cut off when she saw Pikachu release thunder towards Ash's body.

Ash jolted out of bed and ran around screaming in pain. 'Owwwwwww' He screamed and ran into the bathroom and the commotion seemed to die down. Ash then came out with a grumpy expression. His eyes were fixed maliciously on Pikachu. Pikachu began to back up in fear. 'Why you little' Ash lunged at Pikachu but missed as Serena grabbed Pikachu away causing Ash to fly onto the bed. 'Hey, don't hurt this cute little thing!' Serena said and tickled Pikachu causing it to laugh.

Ash pouted, 'No fair he gets all the fun treatment' Serena looked at Ash and lunged at him and started to tickle him endlessly. 'Hey stop it tickles' Ash laughed. Serena stopped and looked down at his face. 'No shit Sherlock' She giggled. 'Sorry watson' Ash said and pulled her in for a kiss which went on for a minute and a half continuously. They broke apart when they heard a knock on the door.

'Hey guys, get ready we have Pokémon Orienteering today!' Bonnie said with excitement. 'Bonnie don't disturb them!' Clement shouted angrily. 'I'm just telling them to come down, they are doing it for sooo long!' Bonnie went downstairs complaining. 'Well that kiss was enjoyable!' Ash said getting up. 'We should do it more often' Serena winked before entering the bathroom to have a shower.

When she finished, she came out with just her towel. As Ash walked past her, he grabbed the towel. It loosened from Serena's body as she began to do her hair. Ash quickly lunged into the bathroom and locked himself before facing her wrath. 'Wasn't me!' Ash shouted from inside. 'ASH KETCHUM! YOU PERVERTED ASSHOLE! Watch what I will do to you!' Serena said angrily standing next to his door. 'Sorry' Ash managed to squeak in fear. 'Hmph, you better be' Serena said before going back to her dressing table to get ready.

After a few minutes Ash opened the bathroom door and peaked into the bedroom. 'Looks like she's gone downstairs' Ash said. He sighed in relief and stepped out of the bathroom with just his towel. 'Revenge is sweet!' Serena pulled the towel down and ran out of the room laughing. 'Fair play.. Fair play' Ash spoke to himself.

Ash quickly got into his clothes, then grabbed his hat and ran down stairs to see his gang waiting for him impatiently. 'Come on, we have lots to do today!' Bonnie and Max said eagerly. 'Alright then come on!' Ash shouted and ran out of the room, with everyone else following close behind.

They reached the main building in no time, however it was crowded out with people from the other hotels. They were all queued up to get inside the hall for the announcement from Sycamore. They had to wait half an hour before they were allowed to enter the hall.

'Finally we can sit down!' Ash said and instantly sat in a seat which was at the back. He seemed to have lost Serena and the others but spotted them a few rows ahead. He could see Serena looking around. 'Serena! Over here!' Ash shouted. Serena turned her head and was about to run towards him until a hand grabbed hers. 'Serena sit down with me, please?' Serena turned around and saw Calem standing there. 'No sorry!' She replied and got out of his grip and went to Ash.

Calem watched as she sat down next to him, she was smiling happily and so was Ash. 'That Aaron needs to know that I am the only one who can win her heart!' Calem gritted his teeth and sat next to Dawn who was on the same row.

'Whats his problem?' Ash asked annoyingly. 'Ash calm down he's not going to win me over in a million years!' Serena said and gave Ash a peck on the cheek which settled his nerves. Ash then turned to his right and saw a presence of a young boy with a similar red hat, who was standing in front of him with a piece of paper.

'How may I help you?' Ash said with a grin. 'Can I have your autograph, Mr. Ketchum?' The boy spoke with shyness. Ash froze to death. Serena also froze. 'You recognised me?' Ash spoke in disbelief. 'Well duh! You are my hero! I've watched you since Kanto.' The boy said proudly. Ash was stunned, he was lost for words. 'And don't worry I think all those rumours are fake about drugs, and I know your disguise plan. I won't bait you out, I promise!' He said with a sweet tone. Ash and Serena couldn't help but smile at they young boy. He looked about 5-6 which amazed the couple even more.

'Here give me that' Ash said. He grabbed the pen and piece of paper and scribbled it onto the paper which made the boy blush and smile brightly. 'Thank you!' He said looking at the paper with sparkles in his eyes. 'What is your name?' Ash asked curiously. 'Zack' the boy replied.

Before Ash could speak Professor Sycamore entered the stage with claps emerging from the crowd. 'Sit with us' Ash said. Zack nodded and sat down next to Serena as Ash was on the end. 'Your the one who was in the tripokolan! You almost became Kalos queen, my si..sister loved you' Zack's expressions became low which concerned Serena. 'Are you okay Zack?' Serena asked. Zack looked up and quickly wiped away a tear drop. 'Sorry I'll get going!' Zack said and ran off.

Serena looked worriedly at the way Zack had ran. 'Ash I'm just going to the toilet, tell me what happens if I take my time' Serena said and got up. 'Okay, no problem' Ash said and turned his focus back onto Professor Sycamore.


Serena paced down the main entrance and towards the front desk. She saw a red hat on the floor and immediately recognised it from Zack. She ran towards the lady behind the main desk counter. 'Did you see a boy come across hee?' Serena asked worriedly. 'Yeah he went to the elevators, is he your son?' Serena blushed furiously, 'otherwise he wilzl be taken to another person' Serena began to panic, 'yes he's my son. Sorry for any trouble!' Serena said sweat dropping. 'Better hurry and get him before he causes trouble' The lady said.

Serena nodded and went towards the elevator and entered one with the hat clenched in her hands. 'Which floor could he have gone?' Serena thought out loud. 'Thats it! He loves Ash so he must have gone for fresh air! The top floor!' Serena said proud with herself. She then pressed the number 7 and the doors slid shut as the elevator ascended towards the 7th floor.

After an age, which Serena thought, the elevator finally stopped on the 7th floor. She exited and saw a sign at the end of the hallway saying 'roof^' Serena ran and opened the door and saw stairs. 'Oh come on!' She complained but ran up it anyway. By the time she reached the top she was exhausted. She opened the door silently and peaked out into the roof. She spotted Zack sitting at the edge with a Pikachu next to him.

'Zack?' Serena called out sweetly. She slowly walked towards the young boy. She sat down next to him and saw his face full of tears. The Pikachu was next to him leaning on his waist. 'I'm sorry for running away like that..' Zack managed to whimper. Serena looked concerned, 'are you okay? What happened?' Serena asked curiously. 'Oh.. um I just realised I had left Pikachu here alone, and felt guilty for it' Zack said, which totally caught Serena off guard. She knew he was hiding something. 'If there is anything you need or to tell, come to me or Ash. We will help you okay?' Serena then wrapped her arm around the boy and hugged him. 'Thank you.. I'm going back to my.. parents. Bye' Zack said and gave another hug to Serena and ran off with Pikachu.

Serena then headed back downstairs towards the hall, but saw everyone exiting, assuming the assembly had finished. She spotted Clement and Bonnie standing around the exit, and walked over to them. 'So what happened?' Serena asked. 'They moved it for tomorrow! Just because Sycamore slept in and forget to to arrange the course!' Bonnie pouted and complained. 'But it gives us more time to strategise on how to win' Clement said. 'Ughhhh thats long and boring!' Bonnie moaned. 'Anyways where's Ash?' Serena asked sweat dropping.

'He's just gone to the toilet. He shouldn't be long' Clement responded.

Meanwhile with Ash

'What do you want?' Ash asked angrily at a blonde haired man. He had huge muscles and a reasonable tan. His body was well built and his look was intimidating. 'What do I want!? Do you know who you are talking to?' The man shouted at Ash angrily. Ash didn't seem to be intimidated which angered the man even more. 'I am John Yvonne! The leader of the resistance!' John announced proudly.

'Resistance?' Ash asked somewhat confused. ''A group which organises in the defence against evil!' John bellowed out in his deep voice. 'Okay.. can I go now?' Ash asked impatiently. 'Whats the rush?' John said grabbing Ash's arm tightly. 'I have friends waiting for me' Ash said getting annoyed. He got out of the grip of John but felt a force push him against the wall. 'Is Serena one of those friends?' John said holding Ash by the collar. Ash stopped struggling and stared at the man. 'Answer me!' John shouted in his face. 'Yes' Ash replied.

Ash then managed to release himself from the grip for about a second before getting pin backed. 'I know who you are.. Ketchum!' John spat at Ash. Ash froze. His muscles were loose. He felt like collapsing. He looked at his body and realised he forget his disguise jacket was gone. 'Oh crap, i left it in the hall' Ash thought.

'I want you to stay away from my daughter.. I don't want a drug addict near my girl! Your just like your father, lazy! Arrogant!' John started. 'Don't say a word against my father!' Ash raged and grabbed John by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Ash seemed confused as to what he had done. He instantly let go and fell to his knees. John looked at him in disgust and gave a him push. 'I'm keeping an eye on you..' John said before walking away.

Ash looked up at the ceiling in confusion. 'Why did I defend my father?' Ash said out loud. 'Pika pi?' Pikachu looked up at Ash with it's ears low, showing concern. 'Don't worry buddy, I'm fine... let's head back then' Ash said. He felt Pikachu jump onto his shoulder before walking back towards the entrance.

Rejoin the gang

'There he is' Max pointed to Ash exiting the main hall doors with his coat back on. 'Hey Ash, that was a long pee wasn't it?' Max whispered so no one could hear. Ash gave a weak smile which Serena caught on. She then noticed his arms were red. 'As- Aaron what is this?' Serena said in concern holding out his arms.

'Serena!' The gang turned around and saw a blonder haired man, familiar to Ash, standing behind Serena. Ash quickly pulled his sleeves down and covered his eyes with his hat. 'Dad?!' Serena said happily and embraced him in a hug. 'What are you doing here?' Serena asked overflowing with happiness. 'Came here to see you in the performances tournament. And to see the battles!' John said. 'Who are you supporting in the battles?' Max asked. 'Ah.. remember the boy who helped me with work... Calem thats it! A bright boy he is!' John said. Ash seemed to move away from the group. Serena noticed and grabbed him back. 'No! Don't go' She said pleadingly.

'Oh sorry, I'm John Yvonne, and you are?' John looked at Ash, clearly buying the disguise. 'Aaron Nakamura' Ash said with no emotion in his tone. 'Brighten up lad! Your in the presence of the Kalos Queen!' John said holding Serena closely. 'Oh stop it dad!' Serena giggled.

'Anyways, we have invited Calem over to where me and your mother are staying, so I have come to get you. Also your friends are welcome' John said. 'Mom's here too?!' Serena said. 'Yeah! I'll be waiting outside in my car' John said and with that he left the building. 'So are you guys coming?' Serena asked looking around the group. 'Yeah we'll come!' Clement said. 'I'm going to pass' Ash said covering his eyes.

'No! You are coming! I don't want to spend time with Calem without you again!' Serena said and grabbed his arm. 'I don't see eye to eye with Calem, and I will just create a drama instead of peace, it's best without me tonight' Ash said and started to walk away. 'Please Ash!' Serena pleaded. 'I'll keep Lucario with you, and I'll text you wherever I go, kay?' Ash said before handing over a poke ball. 'Okay but please come back tonight! And I mean tonight!' Serena said accepting the PokéBall.

Ash just waved his hands in the air before walking out of the building.


Now Night time..

Ash was sat upon the edge of a pier looking out into the ocean with Greninja and Pikachu either side of him. 'Their probably having fun together right?' Ash said out loud to no one in particular. He kept thinking about Serena after his encounter with John. He was in fear.. sure he didn't show it but inside.. he was shook.

'We need to win this tournament for sure and show the people we aren't druggers!' Ash said with determination. He then turned around and was about to head back to they hotel. However he saw his mother with a man. They were at a stall buying some fruits or something. Ash decided to go closer towards them.

'This has been a wonderful evening Jake!' Delia said happily. 'Anything for you honey!' Jake said. Those words made Ash cringe inside but his attention was fully focused once more. 'Didn't you have a son.. Ash?' Jake asked. Delia's facial expressions became dim after the name was mentioned.

'He was a sweet little boy.. until he changed. He became addicted to bad habits just like his father. It ruined him! He disgraced the family name. Those two lunatics!' Delia said her tone rising each sentence. 'Hey he is not a disgrace!' A boy shouted. Ash looked and saw that it was Zack.

'He was nothing but a disgrace!' Delia shouted at Zack. 'No!' Zack ripped off a bit of Delia's skirt. Jake's fist came into action. 'No!' Ash charged and jumped in front of Zack. Ash felt a pain rise in his left eye. He felt a patch of blood on it. He opened his eyes and saw the two adults looking on in shock. Ash turned to Zack who was cuddled up in a ball of fear.

'Get out of here! How dare you attempt to hurt a child!' Ash shouted angrily. 'Especially you.. I expected better of you as a mother!' Ash said in anger at Delia. Those words hit her hard and made tears swell up in her eyes. Jake angrily waved Ash away and took Delia away, consoling her.

Once they had gone, Ash sat down and out his arm around Zack. 'Hey bud, it's okay now!' Ash said motioning Zack to get up. Greninja and Pikachu rushed towards the duo. 'Pika!' Zack instantly got up as his Pikachu also came running. 'I'm sorry Ash' Zack said.

'What for? You defended me! I should be sorry I put you in this situation' Ash said trying to cheer him up. 'I hate it when people insult you! It's not right!' Zack said. 'Well sometimes I do some bad things' Ash said looking up at the sky. 'Like what?'

'I remember burning my sofa with Charizard and then Infernape two years later' Ash said recalling the memories. 'They were one of the strongest you had' Zack said with sparkles in his eyes. 'Yeah but my strongest with all my respect to other Pokémon is Pikachu!' Ash said looking at his partner.

'I can tell. Your close bond reflects the way you too are. It shows what an awesome trainer you are!' Zack said. Ash ruffled through the boys messy hair. They were sat in silence until their stomachs grumbled in hunger. 'Well what do you say we get food eh?' Ash said getting up. 'I'll do anything for food!' Zack said.

With that, the duo along with their Pokémon ran off in search of a restaurant to fill up their hungry stomachs.


Well another chapter on this book. Sorry for these constant delays, I'm having troubles with trying to upload as I am being set loads of tasks from shitting school. But anyway I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a like. A follow would be awesome and comment your opinions and thoughts on this chapter as well as how it is going so far, so I can understand if you guys want any changes. I love your feedback as it really helps me as an 'author' to make any required changes.


Make sure to check my main account: amour_7 and my two books over there, I have started another book over there called: Amourshipping: Ash Ketchum and The Jewel Thief! Make sure to check it out!

Social media:
Instagram: _satosere_
Twitter: 7amour7

Thanks and peace ✌️

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