Chapter 13: Hollywood Hop Pop

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(The episode begins with Kevin, Anne and the Plantars touring Hollywood on a tour bus.)

Kevin: "Welcome to Hollywood, where every actor comes to greet their fans and get their autographs written up."

Sprig and Polly "Wooow!"

Anne: "Impressive, right, HP?"

Hop Pop: (impressed) "Why, it's almost as if your world actually respects actors."

Anne: "Respects them? Ha! Around here people worship actors (with an intimidating tone) as gods."

Kevin: (excited) "I literally can't wait to meet Ben Schwartz who voiced my favorite hero: Sonic the Hedgehog in his first very own movie. I'm super excited like I'm gonna pass out for real!"

Hop Pop: (sees an actor welcoming his audience while he takes pictures of him and they applaud him) "If only that were me. I know my acting career didn't really pan out but maybe I'd have a shot in this world."

Anne: "Possibly. But Mr. X is after us and he's seen you, so we need to keep a low profile."

Kevin, Sprig and Polly: "He's gone."

Anne: "HE'S WHAT?"

Hop Pop: (running) "HOLLYWOOD, HERE I COME!" (laughs with emotion)

Anne: (is about to get off the bus, but changes her mind and sighs) "You know what? I do not have the energy for this."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin meeting Chibi Ben Schwartz in person as he gives him an autograph before handing it back to Chibi Kevin as he faints while Chibi Anne watches with a soft smile on her face, finding it cute-

(Meanwhile, Kevin, Anne, Sprig and Polly are looking at things for sale at a store.)

Sprig: (tries some cool glasses) "Yep. Can't see a thing..."

Kevin: "Well, I like mine (while looking in a mirror with Anne) and it would make a good disguise one day. I'd call it: "Hip Shades"!"

Anne: (smile) "Ooh, that's a good one. Definitely pick that one."

Polly: "Hollywood? More like... (turns around and is wearing a hat, a vest with long sleeves and a heavy gold watch) Pollywood!"

Anne: (sees Humphrey Westwood and gets confused with Hop Pop) "Hmm? There's Hop Pop. And it looks like he didn't even cause any trouble. (runs to him along with Sprig and Polly) Hop Pop! (Humphrey Westwood turns around) Whoa. Sorry. You look just like someone I know."

Representative woman (leaves the room while leading Hop Pop back. He is excited) "All right, this guy got the part. Everyone else can go home." (walks back into the room) (while Hop Pop returns with them) (the other participants leave while complaining)

Kevin: "WHAT THE...?"

Sprig: "WOW! Whoa!!"

Polly: "Way to go, HP!"


Humphrey: "Hey! (they shake hands) Congratulations, Hopediah."

Hop Pop: (shakes himself to regain consciousness) "Humphrey, wait. I just realized, I took your spot. Heck, I might've just stolen your opportunity."

Humphrey: "Aah. pishposh. It was one in a mil either way. I'm just happy it went to a nice guy. Plus, I've already waited 45 years for a break. (says goodbye and leaves) What's a few more?"

Hop Pop: "45 years? I know the feeling, Humphrey."

Anne: (sighs) "I still don't think this is a good idea, but as long as it's for something small that no one sees, maybe it'll be harmless."

(The next day, at the Boonchuy residence, Kevin and Anne are having breakfast together, as Anne was eating cereal and Kevin was eating an egg sandwich. But they find themselves with an unpleasant surprise when this commercial plays on screen.)

Hop Pop: (in TV) (points) "Do your elbows crack when you bend them?" (He does a broken arm mime; Anne gives a startled spit-take while Kevin's eyes widen in shock.)

Commercial advertiser: (while Hop Pop caresses his arm) "Try Cracka-Lackin' elbow cream."

Kevin and Anne: "HOP POP!"

(The Plantars go downstairs and watch TV. They are impressed.)

Commercial advertiser: "But wait, there's more."

Hop Pop: (along with his counterpart on TV) "SAY WHAT??"

Sprig: (jumps and approaches the TV) "WHOOOA!! HOP POP!"

Polly: (approaches the TV while holding the remote control) "YOU'RE ON TV!"

Hop Pop: (while Polly is changing the channels) "How did I get inside the picture box? And why an I saying lines from that play I did yesterday?"

Polly: "Bad news, guys. It's on every channel."

Anne: "Hop Pop, that' wasn't a play, they were filming you for a commercial!" (gets frustrated)

Hop Pop: "You lost me, Anne.

Kevin: (calmly) "What Anne is trying to say... (serious) THIS IS NOT LOW PROFILE!"

(Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy slide downstairs.)

Oum: "Oooh! Do we live with somebody famous?"

Mr. Boonchuy: "Should we be charging rent? (whispering to Mrs. Boonchuy) Should we be charging rent?"

Kevin: (groans) "What if Mr. X sees one of these?"

Sprig: "Who?"

Anne: "Uum. The secret agent who wants to catch us."

Mr. Boonchuy: "Anne, he's a busy federal employee. I'm sure he doesn't have time for TV."

Kevin: "I certainly hope not."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Anne taking pictures of Chibi Kevin, who dressed up as Sonic the Hedgehog and striking a pose-

(Kevin, Anne and the Plantars take another bus ride through Hollywood. It is obvious that they are bored.)

Hop Pop: "I still think this is overkill."

Anne: "Sorry, but we need to get the commercials pulled before this gets out of contr-- (sees a big billboard from the Hop Pop commercial) HOLY CRUD!"

Sprig and Polly: (while see the big billboard from the Hop Pop commercial) "WHHOOOAAA!!"

(Kevin, Anne and the Plantars see that the Hop Pop ad is everywhere. Then they get off the bus.)

(Hop Pop sighed of contemplation)

Polly: "Awesome!"

Sprig: "Coooool."

Anne: "Terrible..."

Kevin: "Why do I get the feeling that we're not safe being around public right now?"

Hop Pop: "I can't believe all it look was getting trapped in another world to get my big break. But am I deserving? Am I living a dream and should've gone to Humphrey? Am I...? (looks to a local merchandise) ON A T-SHIRT? (runs to the local, watches it and giggles while pointing it out)
Sprig and Polly (while walking to the premises) (Anne freezes) OOOHH!!"

(Hop Pop picks up a t-shirt and looks at it, Polly tries on a hat, and Sprig picks up and looks at a mug.)

Sprig: "Whoa! They have mugs too!"

Anne: "You have a catchphrase? (facepalms) This would actually be pretty neat if it weren't so-- (receives an incoming call and answers it) Hello?"

Mitch Harbor: "Hi. This is Mitch Harbor, calling for Hopediah Plantar."

Anne: "Wait. Mitch Harbor? The Mitch Harbor? Director of-"

Mitch Harbor: "Fumagator I, II and IV? Yep. Now could I please speak to--"

Hop Pop: (pushes Anne and takes her cell phone to answer him) "Hopediah Plantar. It's me. I'm Hopediah. Not anyone else. Only me."

Mitch Harbor: "HP, I love your work! I want you to audition for a role in my lastest film."

Hop Pop: "SAY WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!"

(Hop Pop's scream causes an echo, drawing attention to a group of people.)

Woman: "Did you hear that? Hey! It sounded like that guy in the commercial."

Man: "Whoa. Is it really him?"

(The group gets close to Hop Pop, but it is noted that Mr. X is among the crowd. He sees Hop Pop and proceeds to approach him.)

Hop Pop: "Meet you at 10:00 a.m. at your office in the studio water tower? JUST SHOW UP AND I GET THE PART?" (gets excited)

Anne: (retrieves her cell phone, ends the call and notices that it is already 9:45 a.m.) "Hop Pop, don't even think about--" (notices that he is gone and then sees him running)

Hop Pop: "I'm sorry, Anne! This is too big to pass up!"

Anne: "NO! HOP POP! GET BACK HERE!" (was about to chase him, but Kevin pulls her, Sprig and Polly behind some garbage cans) "Kevin, what are y-"

(Kevin shushes her and points at something. Anne looked and gains a fearful look as she saw Mr. X is here and talking in his communicator.)

Mr. X: "Jenny, he's headed for the studio lot. Meet me with reinforcements. We got him for real this time." (starts chasing him)

Kevin: "We've got to get Hop Pop before Mr. X does. Come on."

(Kevin, Anne, Sprig and Polly start following Mr. X.)

(Back in the studio, a guard lets Hop Pop through, and he runs back to the water tower. Mr. X arrives and with an expanding hook, goes over the wall and continues to chase him. Kevin, Anne, Spirg and Polly arrive, but Kevin sees a gentleman arriving in a golf cart, as he has an idea. The gentleman enters the study with his pass, but Kevin, Anne, Sprig, and Polly are shown hiding behind. Hop Pop stops when he sees two men carrying a long mirror, but he knows Mr. X from the reflection, so he goes under the mirror and starts running, gets into a golf cart and starts driving, Mr. X grabs another golf cart and starts driving after it. Kevin, Anne, Sprig and Polly look out and notice what happened.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Anne: "OH NO! HOP POP!"

Men: (gasps) "Who the heck are you people?"

Polly: (gets in front of him and grabs him) "NO QUESTIONS, EARTH MAN!" (pushes him)

(Kevin, Anne, Sprig and Polly get in front and Sprig takes the wheel.)

Kevin: "Follow that golf cart and step on it, Sprig!"

Sprig: "Oh my frog!"

(A quartet golf cart chase breaks out. Mr. X chasing Hop Pop and Kevin, Anne, Sprig, and Polly chasing Mr. X.)

(In a Stage, the performance of a fight between superhero and super villain is shown. Hop Pop is passing while Mr. X chases him. While a producer watches it on his side.)

Producter woman: (speaking into his headband microphone) "All right. Cue the pyrotechnics."

(Back to the stage...)

Hop Pop: "Hey, this is actually pretty realistic. (artificial explosions appear, so he dodges them while getting scared) Holy smokes!"

(The quartet chase goes up a ramp, exits the stage and enters stage 6.)

(On Stage 6, a fight performance appears on "Suspicion Island", so Anne, Sprig and Polly stop and watch.)

Sprig: "Wait, Suspicion Island is not real?"

Polly: "Doooooy!"

Anne: "Don't be so gullible, dude."

Kevin: (pops up from the side) "We're wasting time! Come on!"

(The quartet chase continues. In another stage, "Primthistle Manor"'s performance appears. The triple chase interrupts him, but Anne, Sprig, and Polly stop briefly to watch the actors, ending up landing on the table.)

Anne: "Primthistle Manor!"

Sprig: "Lord Frankerton!"

Polly: "And Lady Franklin!"

Lord Frankerton: (with his real voice because he's an actor) "What do y'all think you're doing? (points at the ground) This here's a closed set."

Anne: "Wait, your accent isn't real?"

Sprig: "Who's gullible now, Anne?"

Kevin: "GUYS!!"

(The quartet chase continues after leaving that last stage, until they end up at the water tower where we see Mr. X and his army entered the room, much to our heroes' horror.)

(Music stops here)

Anne and Sprig: "NOOO!!"


Kevin: (angrily) (clenches his teeth) "I don't think so!" (is about to put on his Speed Shoe, but he felt a hand tap on his shoulder.)

Hop Pop: "No need, my dear boy."

Everyone: (gasps) "HOP POP!!"

Sprig: "Wait... Then who did they catch?"

Hop Pop: "My good 'ol friend, Humphrey."

(The FBI army withdraws, Mr. X growls. After the army has gone on their patrols, Mr. X gets into the golf cart with Jenny at the wheel.)

Mr. X: "Jenny, I'm gonna need some ice cream, girl. A LOT of ice cream." (they both leave)

(Kevin, Anne and the Plantars come out of some bushes.)

Anne: "I don't get it. You abandoned the audition?"

Hop Pop: "I didn't abandon it. I just gave it to someone who's waited as long as I have."

Humphrey: (approaches Hop Pop) (smile) "Thank you."

Hop Pop: (winks at him) "I've already had a taste of the spotlught, kids. It's time for this old frog to stop pining after what he doesn't have (turns and looks at them) and start seriously protecting the things he does." (hugs them)

Kevin: "Bravo, Hop Pop. Bravo."

Hop Pop: "Besides, this whole experience has taught me that the real power is behind the camera."

Anne: (after she, Kevin, Sprig and Polly get into the golf cart and Hop Pop starts driving) (a Hollywood-style sunset sun background appears) "Wait... you don't mean..."

Hop Pop: "That's right, Anne! From now on, I wanna be a director!"

(Anne pushes Hop Pop. At the end she focuses on a text, where it says "The End". Fade to black.)

Chapter cleared.

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