Chapter 15: Monster Attacks L.A. (updated)

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(The episode begins in the next morning as we see our main savior gets out of the bed and walk to the bathroom. Once he entered there, he starts doing his business and brush his teeth. He then spits out the toothpaste out of his mouth and looks into the mirror, revealing Kevin as a Shotacon with a Saiyan Tail and smiling to see his tooth sparkling clean. But then, when he realized himself in the mirror, his eyes widen in shock and cut outside of the Boonchuy's residence, he screams very loud it make the birds fly away.)

(Back inside, Anne, her parents and the Plantars heard him screaming and ran up to the bathroom.)

Anne: "Kevin, what's wro-" (gasps)

Kevin: "W-What happened to me?! I'm a... I'm a shotacon and I... I have a Goddamn tail!?"

Anne: (with heart-shaped eyes) "Aww, you're so adorable!" (hugs him tightly) "You're so cute and your eyes are so beautiful! Oh, I hope this is what our kids look like."

Kevin: (groans) "Anne...can't...breath!" (Anne then releases him) (blushing) "Wait, DID YOU SAY KIDS!?!"

Anne: "Uhh, no." (looks away while whistling)

Mr. Boonchuy: "How did this happen?"

Kevin: "I don't know. All I know is that I woke up from my slumber, went to the bathroom and after I brushed my tooth, I'm like this!"

Hop Pop: "Well then, what happened to you last night right after you went back here?"

(Kevin began to have a flashback.)


(The flashback shows Chibi Kevin fighting an evil wizard who was attacking the city and Kevin got blasted by his magic staff, which didn't hurt him at all. So, Kevin finished the evil wizard off by hitting him with Whirlwind technique before kicking him upward to the skies, as a star appeared afterwards.)

-End of Flashback-

Kevin: "Wait a minute.. the blast!"

Sprig: "The blast?"

Kevin: "This wizard guy was attacking the city and while I was stopping him, he blasted me with his magic staff and it must've turned me into this. He reverted me back as a 6 year old."

Polly: "You think it's permanent?"

Kevin: "God, I hope not."

Oum: "Well, one thing's for sure, (picks him up) (smile) you are adorable. I can't wait for grand babies!"

Kevin: (reddened more) "WAIT WHAT!?!"

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Anne taking pictures of Chibi Kevin as a Shota-

(It was now the afternoon as we see our couples in the living room and watching television with Anne holding Kevin in her arms, much to his embarrassment.)

Kevin: "Uh, Anne, I know we're boyfriend and girlfriend, but can you please let go of me?"

Anne: "Nope."

(Kevin sighed in defeat)

Anne: (hears a knock on the door) "Oh, that must be Terri." (sets Kevin down) "Don't go anywhere, sweetie~." (Kevin blushes deeply) (goes up to the front door and opens it) "Hey, Terri."

Terri: "Hey, Anne. I came as quick as I cou- (see's Kevin) (gasps)

Kevin: "Hey, Terri. S'up?"

Terri: (with heart-shaped eyes) "OH MY GOD!!" (dashes to Kevin and hugs him tightly) "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!"

Kevin: (groans) "Yeah, I get it. I'm cute. Now please put me down. You're squeezing me." (Terri releases him) (sighs) "Is there a cure to turn me back to normal?"

Terri: "Well, I'm not a wizard expert. But I have a feeling that the effects only last for a short time."

Kevin: "How short?"

Terri: "24 hours to be exact."

Kevin: (eyes widen) "24 HOURS!?! You mean to tell me I have to wait 24 hours to get back to normal!?"

Terri: "Hey, it's like I said, not a expert."

Anne: "Well, at least everything's going to be okay from now on."

Reporter: (as the news turned on) "Breaking news! This just in, there's a monster attacking the city and the military are trying to stop it but to no avail."

Kevin: "Holy crap, that guy's huge! I better head over there and stop it."

Anne: (stops Kevin)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kevin: "Anne, move out of the way! I have to go over there and stop that monster."

Anne: "But you'll get hurt!"

Terri: "I agree with Anne, sweetie."

Kevin/Anne: "SWEETIE!?!"

Terri: (blushing) "Um, I-I said I agree with Anne, Kevin! You can't go out there in this concussion. Just let the military handle this."

Kevin: "Ugh, okay fine!" (See's Sprig with Anne's phone in hand) (gasps) "Hey, look! Is that Sprig with your phone, Anne?!"

Anne: "What?!" (Turns to see Sprig with her phone in hand) "Sprig, what did I tell you about using my phone without my permission?!" (goes to him)

Kevin: "And now for you Terri... (gives Terri a puppy-dog look) Can I go outside for a bit?"

Terri: (with heart-shaped eyes) "Aww! Well of course you can, sweetie. (Kevin exits out the house) Just be careful out there."

Kevin: "Oh, I will. Hehe. I can't believe that worked. Now to take care of that monster." (takes off flying to Times Square)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Meanwhile, we see the monster is attacking and destroying buildings as the citizens run away in fear. Kevin then arrives and confronts the huge monster.)

Kevin: "Hey, big guy! Stop attacking my city!" (The monster roars at him) "You don't scare me! Prepare to be beaten... (Transforms into his first Super Saiyan state) Super Saiyan style!"

(The battle begins when the monster tries to smack Kevin away with its big tail, but Kevin evades away and punches the monster's nose, earning a painful roar from as he covered its nose. Then he performs a furry of punches in the monster's gut before hitting it with the uppercut, sending the monster flying to the air before falling down. Then he finishes this off by using his Sling Ring to create a portal to the unknown location and the monster fell through it, ending the battle just like that.)

Kevin: (sighs) (reverts back to normal) "And that's the end of that."

(Music stops here)

(Afterwards, Kevin went back to the Boonchuy's residence and walks in front of the door. As he was about to open it, the door suddenly opened and Kevin was pulled inside. Once he was inside, Anne and Terri were glaring at him while Kevin forms a nervous smile on his face knowing that he's in trouble.)

Kevin: "Heeey, girls. What's up?"

Anne: "What's up? WHAT'S UP? Is that all you gotta say for yourself? You could've got hurt out there!"

Kevin: "But I didn't. I was being careful just like Terri said. I mean, come on. I'm the savior of this world and I don't want to see our city get destroyed by that monster." (sighs) "Look, I'm sorry if I'd disobeyed you two. If it make you two feel better, (blushing) you two can cuddle me if you like as my punishment."

Anne and Terri: (with heart-shaped eyes) (grins) "DEAL!!" (takes Kevin to the couch and cuddled him)

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin sleeping in the middle of his bed while Chibi Anne and Chibi Terri sleeps with him at the sides-

(Kevin wakes up in the next morning as he walks to the mirror and looks at himself, revealing to be back to his normal self, much to his happiness.)

Kevin: "HEY! I'm back to normal." (looks to see he still has a tail, which made him sighed) "Well, I don't mind having a tail. It really looks cool, anyway."

(He then goes downstairs to the kitchen with a happy look and the others looked at him.)

Hop Pop: "Well, someone looks happy."

Kevin: "You got that right. I'm back to normal, baby. I don't have to be treated like a little kid anymore. Today is going to be good day as long as nobody reminds me of yesterday."

Anne: (from o.c.) "I wouldn't say that~."

(Kevin turned only to gasped in shock when Anne holds up her phone showing off pictures of Kevin sucking his thumb while he's asleep, wearing a Ryu outfit while he was training, and singing in a bedroom with a toothbrush as a microphone.)

Kevin: (completely reddened) "Anne, what the hell!? Get rid of those!"

Anne: "No way, babe~! You're so cute in one of these! I'm keeping them!"

Kevin: "But they're embarrassing!"

Anne: "So what? My dad send you my pictures and you said you'd like them. What's the deal?" (with a smirk look)

Kevin: "That's... (tries to say something, but couldn't.) (pouts) Ugh, whatever! I'm going to take a shower!" (goes upstairs)

(Anne giggles and walks away with her phone as everything fades to black afterwards.)

Chapter cleared.

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