Chapter 19: Commander Anne

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(The episode begins after the last chapter when Amphibia is in ruins as pollution is ruining the once beautiful landscape and Frobots are destroying everything in their path.)

Anne: "What happened to this place?!"

Kevin: "Is this place supposed to be like this?"

Sprig: "Not at all."

Hop Pop: "Quick! Back to Wartwood!"

(They all run to Wartwood and then see that it has been destroyed as well.)

Anne: "Oh no!"

Hop Pop: "Not here too!"

Polly: "Even the statue's gone!"

Kevin: (see's Kanna getting off his shoulder and gets into her fighting stance) "What's up, Kanna?"

(They then see a giant centipede wiggling. Its head comes up to face them. It has a glowing pink and purple collar, and its eyes are purple. It itself is gray.)

Anne: "Uh... nice giant centipede?"

(It roars at them. Anne screams in terror. Kevin goes in front of Anne in protective mode and yells out:)

Kevin: "Kanna! Use Thunderbolt!"

(Kanna nods as she jumps up and stuns a giant centipede with his thunderbolt. Then Polly jumps up from Frobo, yelling, and punches the centipede in the face. She then also kicks it in the face. It lands.)

Polly: "Now, stay down."

Sprig: "Polly, look out!"

Polly: "Huh? (looks behind) Uh oh."

(The giant centipede roars at her, getting ready to attack her. But before it can, it is hit with a red laser blast. This blast was by someone with a red helmet covering their face, accompanied by three people with different helmets. The laser gun shot the giant centipede in its collar, breaking the collar. This causes its eyes to stop glowing purple and for it to slither away.)

Anne: "What the- (turns around to face the four people that shot the giant centipede. She waves) Hey, thanks... whoever you are."

(Three of them take off their helmets, revealing them to be Wally, Loggle, and Mrs. Croaker.)

Mrs. Croaker: "Well, salt my slugs! It's you four!"

Anne: "Croaker! Wally! LOGGLE?! Is that you?!?!"

Loggle: "Yup! I've been lifting weights every single day since you've been gone! Who knew I had these kind of gains in me all along?!" (see's Kevin and Kanna) "And who are these two?"

Kevin: "I'm Kevin and this is my Pokémon, Kanna. Nice to meet y'all."

Loggle: (confused) "A Poké-what?"

Hop Pop: "What is going on around here?!"

Sprig: "What was that thing?"

Polly: "Loggle's buff now?!"

???: "I don't believe it."

(They look to see a person approaching and wearing a red helmet. Then they takes off the helmet, revealing to be Sasha.)

Sasha: "You're back!"

Anne: "Sasha!!" (runs and hugs her, surprising Sasha) "You're alive!! And in Wartwood?? What's going on? What happened?"

Sasha: "Follow me, and I'll explain every-" (see's Kevin) (gasps) "K-Kevin, is that you?"

Kevin: "Hey there, Sasha. Long time no see, huh?" (him and Sasha hugged) (when they break it up) (Kanna hops on top of him) "And this is my Pokémon, Kanna." (Kanna waves at Sasha)

Sasha: "Aww, what a cutie."

Sasha: (Salutes) "Chuck."

Chuck: (Tips his hat) "Tulips."

(Sasha opens the door. Kevin, Anne, the Plantars and Frobo enter the Plantars' now-ruined home.)

Sprig: "Whoa..."

Hop Pop: "Wait. Our house is your secret hideout?"

Sasha: "Only the basement." (she knocks on the picture above the fireplace, opening up an underground staircase.)

Sprig: "No way! The Plantar Family tunnels?"

Sasha: "Come on!" (She leads everyone down the stairs into the tunnels.)

Kevin, Anne and The Plantars: (in awe) "Whoa..."

Sasha: "Welcome to the Resistance!"

(The tunnels have turned into a makeshift underground Wartwood. Its citizens are carrying on with life while many of them prepare for battle. Grime is seen training a group of young frogs, including Bailey. Sasha leads the stunned newcomers around.)

The Plantars: "Whoa..."

Sasha: "All right! Let's get you up to speed. Marcy has been taken prisoner. But she's still alive."

Anne: (sighs) "Oh, thank goodness!"

Kevin: "So, what happened to the town?"

Sasha: "What do you think? Andrias destroyed it. Now let's get you settled. Attention, Wartwood! I'd like to introduce some new recruits!"

(Kevin, Kanna, Anne and the Plantars pop up from behind Sasha and wave.)

Anne: "Hey!"

Sprig: "Hi guys!"

Everyone: (cheers) "It's Anne and the Plantars!" (Bessie chirps happily.)

Sasha: "The Plantars here came back to Amphibia just in time. To help us kick Andrias right in the big ol' tail! And they have brought more help along with them!" (Everyone cheers. Sasha hands the Plantars several sacks.) "Here, go find youselves a nice cave to inhabit."

(Hop Pop grabs his sack and takes out an old toothbrush.)

Hop Pop: (sighs) "I sure am going to miss the electric toothbrush."

Sprig: "Cheer up, Hop Pop! Maybe we can find a cave with some soft lichen to sleep on!"

(Hop Pop sighs as he and the rest of the Plantars walk off. Kevin and Anne stays with Sasha.)

Anne: (coughs) "So... About what happened before we got zapped to Earth..."

Sasha: "Listen. My days of toxic manipulation are over. And with Amphibia on fire and Marcy in trouble, I figured we could be on the same side for a change."

Anne: "Totally! We'll work out our own baggage later." (Anne and Sasha shake hands. Sasha's helmet suddenly closes. Anne giggles) "What's with the hat?"

Sasha: "Ah ha! The helmet of authority. Apparently, Wartwood busts this out during wartimes, so everyone knows who's in charge. Which reminds me..."

(Sasha hands Anne the helmet.)

Anne: "WHA?!?"

Sasha: "Wartwood has only been able to hold out this long because they were waiting for you, Anne. You stood up for them. You protected them. It's time for you to lead them."

Anne: "I don't know. Amphibia's changed a lot since I've been gone. Should I really be the one doing this?"

Sasha: "All in favor of Anne Boonchuy as your new leader!"

(The entire Resistance responds loudly, cheering Anne's name.)

Anne: "Oh, wow! Thanks, everyone! This is a huge honor!"

Kevin: "You deserve it, Anne. After everything you did for them and back on Earth, I'm sure you'll do great out there."

Anne: "Aww thanks, babe." (kisses him by the cheek, which made Sasha stunned)

Sasha: (thoughts) 'Wha?! Anne finally made her move on Kevin! Damn! I hope she doesn't mind sharing.' (smile) "Oh, that reminds me. We could use a second-in-command around here. What do you say, Mr. Gamer?"

Kevin: (shrugged) "I don't see why not."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin practicing his swordsmanship while Chibi Anne and Sasha watches with seductive looks-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Fade to the next morning. Anne is outside, wearing the helmet. She, The Plantars, Kevin & Kanna, Sasha, Mrs. Croaker, Wally, Loggle, and Frobo are at the factory where King Andrias is using mind control to brainwash the animals but were stopped by a pitfall filled with spikes.)

Loggle: "How do we get across, Anne?"

Wally: "Yeah! What's your Anne-tuition telling you?"

Anne: "Hmmm... Well... How about... we build a bridge. Out of ourselves!" (nobody reacts)

Kevin: "Or I could just teleport us over."

Anne: "Yeah, that'll work."

Kevin: "Grab onto me, everybody." (Everyone grabs onto Kevin) (uses Instant Transmission over to the factory) "We're clear."

Sasha: "Whoa, that was quick! How did you do that?"

Kevin: "Years of practice. Now, come on. Let's get before-" (when suddenly, the door opened up to reveal a giant mind-controlling snakes) "Trouble finds us. Jeez, what did the king do to you fella?"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Anne: "Everyone! Attack!!!"

Loggle: "What kind of attack?"

Anne: "Just whatever feels right!"

(The frogs rush in to attack, but get easily swept aside by the snake. Kevin rushes in with his Mega Buster and fired multiple shots at the giant snake, making it furious as it roar at him. The giant snake then tries to hit Kevin with its head, but Kevin evades by rolling away. Anne rushes in with her racket, but she gets swipped aside too. Hop Pop suddenly screams in terror.)

Anne: "What happened?!?"

Hop Pop: "I got a grass stain on my pants!"

Sprig: "Oh! I have Mrs. B's stain remover pen."

Polly: "Soak it in water first!"

(The snake chomps on the Plantars, then Loggle & Mrs. Croaker, swallowing them whole.)

Kevin: "NO! Sasha, what do we do?"

Sasha: (nervously) "Uh, you and Anne are in charge. Whatever you think is best. You've got this!"

Anne: "But I don't know what I'm doing. Please, just take over!"

Sasha: "I... I can't!"

Anne: "Why not?!"

Sasha: "Because the last time I was in charge, I ruined our friendship!"

(Anne is stunned into silence. Behind her, the snake eats Wally. Anne looks down at her reflection on the helmet. With a newly determined look, she throws the helmet to the ground and rushes to the snake.)

Sasha: "Wha... What are you doing?!"

Anne: "Putting my faith in the real commander!"

(Anne leaps into the air and allows herself to get eaten by the snake.)

Kevin and Sasha: "WHAT THE HELL, ANNE/BOONCHUY?!?" (draws out their swords and readies themselves)

Kevin: "Anne told me you do swordplay?"

Sasha: "Yeah, you too?"

Kevin: "Yep. (grinning) What do you say we slice and dice this giant snake together?"

Sasha: (grinning also) "I'd like the sound of that!"

(Both Kevin and Sasha began to work together to slice and disc the giant snake as a team before one of them sliced the snake in half while Anne and the others are free from the snake's insides.)

(Music stops here)

Kevin and Sasha: "SCORE FOR KEVSHA!!" (both of them fist bumps)

Anne: (approaches them) "Kevin! Sasha! You did it!"

Kevin: "Anne, what the hell was that!? You'd almost gave me a heart attack, you know!"

Sasha: "Seriously, you could've died!"

Anne: "I'm sorry. It's just... Sasha is clearly the better commander."

Sasha: "But after everything I did to you, I don't deserve it."

Anne: "Sasha. Not too long ago, you would have fought to keep the helmet. Besides, you and Kevin saved us from that snake and the fact you don't want it now proves you changed."

Sasha: "Yeah, maybe."

(Anne raises Sasha's hand)

Anne: "All in favor as Sasha Waybright as your new leader?"

Mrs. Croaker: "Oh yes!"

Wally: "Oh frog! Please, Sasha!"

Loggle: "We need you!"

Kevin: (smiling) "Well you hear them, boss. What do you say?"

(Sasha blushes and puts the helmet on.)

Sasha: "Listen, guys. Even though I'm calling the shots, I want you all to know that this is a partnership."

(Sasha holds out her hand for a handshake. Anne obliges, and with a squeal of delight, she pulls Sasha in for a hug, which Sasha returns. When they separated, Sasha turns to Kevin.)

Sasha: "And Kev, you gonna show me how you'd do those moves."

Kevin: (when Kanna hops on top of his right shoulder) (He nods) "Sure, no problem."

Sasha: "All right, everyone. Back to base."

(The Plantars sigh in exhaustion)

Anne: "Looks like this is our new life now, guys."

Hop Pop: "House guest to Resistance grunt is a harsh transition."

Polly: "Yup!"

Sprig: "You can say that again!"

Kevin: "Um, Anne, did you lose a shoe?"

Anne: "Oh! You've got to be kidding me!"

(Fade to black)

Chapter cleared.

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