Chapter 21: Mother of Olms

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(After walking for a while, our heroes finally made it to the Mother of Olms when suddenly Sprig starts to repeatedly to hit a gong several times as Hop Pop trips into the gong again. The chamber starts to shake. They look underneath the chamber, seeing a strange creature coming out the underground that is huge.)

Mother Olm: "Who is it that summons me?"

Everyone: (amazed) "Wow!"

Anne: "Uh. Greetings, Mother Olm. I'm Anne Boonchuy. This is Sasha Waybright...."

Sasha: "Hey..."

Anne: "...My boyfriend Kevin and his Pokémon, Kanna."

Kevin: "Hello there..." (while Kanna waves)

Anne: "...and the Plantars."

Hop Pop: "Hello."

Sprig: "Hey."

Polly: "'Sup?"

Mother Olm: "Ooh. Frogs. Hasn't been here in about a thousand years. And, as for you four... how exotic."

Kevin: "Uh, yeah... (clears his throat) Please, Mother Olm. We need your help. King Andrias attacking Amphibia and-"

Mother Olm: "Wait. Hold on. Do you hear a flapping sound, like a million tiny little wings? No? Just me? Must be all in my head. Continue."

Anne: "So, Sasha and I and our friend Marcy got zapped into Amphibia by a music box and-"

Mother Olm: "Music box? I am the keeper of the prophecy of the stones and the music box, upon which the fate of all world rests. (the guards plays the drums) And that prophecy is... Wait. How did it go again? Hold on. It'll come back to me. Oh, okay. Here we go. The prophecy is.... gone... It's gone."

Everyone: "What?!"

Mother Olm: "Listen, kids when you get to be a certain age, things like your memory and body just stop working and abandon you like bad friends."

Hop Pop: (sighs) "Tell me about it."

Anne: "Well, is there maybe a way we could help you remember it?"

Mother Olm: "Nope. No chance. When it's gone, it's gone."

Kevin: (as everyone groans) "Damnit."

Mother Olm: "But there is one chance."

Sprig: "I thought you just said-"

Mother Olm: (grabs the cream) "Dr. Yohan's incredible Brain Cream. Dr. Yohan himself used to apply it when he went missing some years back. And ever since then, I've had (bring the container towards Kevin, Anne and Sasha) memory problems and intense migraines."

Anne: (grabs the container) "Okay. So we rub this gunk on your forehead?"

Mother Olm: "My forehead? No. No, no, no, no. This only works if you put it directly on my brain."

Sprig: "We're going inside your head? Cool!"

Sasha: (strained) "Uh, can we not? I kinda have a thing with ears."

Polly: "Suck it up, Sash!"

Kevin: "I would totally agree with Sasha, but unfortunately, we don't have a choice. We're going in."

Mother Olm: "It's incredibly dangerous in there, so be careful."

Hop Pop: "Hey, uh, kids. I think I'm gonna sit this one out."

Anne: "What? Is it because of what those jerk guards said? Listen, HP, you're not gonna slow us down."

Sprig: "Yeah!"

Polly: "You may be old, but you're still a killa."

Hop Pop: "Thanks, kids. But you go on a ahead."

Kevin: (shrugged) "Suit yourself. Come on, guys."

(The group enters in Mother Olm's ear canal.)

Sprig: "Oh-ho-ho. I am all ears, baby."

(Sasha tries to enter, but turns back.)

Kevin and Anne: "Sasha!!" (drags her inside)

Sasha: "But it's gross and I don't WANNA!!" (enters)

(Hop Pop sits down on the floor, all lonely.)

Mother Olm: (lends him a cup) "Care for some tea, handsome?" (giggles)

(Inside the canal, the gang was surprised of what Mother Olm's ear canal looked like inside.)

Sprig: "Whoa!"

Polly: (laughs) "Nice."

Anne: "Whoa!"

(Sasha groans)

Anne: "Ooh! The eardrum!"

Sprig: "This must be the way Dr. Yohan used to take." (hits the door and opens by itself)

Polly: "ECHO!" (echoes) "BIG WAD OF POO!" (echoes)

Mother Olm: "Hey! Language, young lady!"
(Polly laughs.)

Sasha: "Real mature, Polly."

Anne: "Sasha, look out!"

Sasha: "Huh?" (walks into a chunk of earwax. Kevin, Kanna, Anne, Sprig and Polly are disgusted)

Kevin: "You okay, Sash?"

Sasha: (wipes on her face) (furious) "Worst... Mission... EVER!!!"

(Afterwards, Kevin, Kanna, Anne, Sprig, Polly and Sasha come across a bundle of nerves blocking their passage way. The nerves periodically give off an electric jolt. The six start to carefully make their way around the nerves without getting shocked.)

Anne: "It's just like limbo!" (touches a nerve and gets electrocuted)

Kevin: "Anne!" (grabs Anne's arm and gets electrocuted as well)

Sprig: "Looks like you touched a nerve there, Anne--" (gets shocked from a nearby nerve)

Polly: "Ha ha!" (gets shocked and gets fired backwards, smacking into Sasha and causing them to both fall and get shocked)

Sasha: "I HATE THIS!"

Kevin: (as Kanna gets on top of Kevin's left shoulder) "You okay, Anne?"

Anne: "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks, Kev."

(Mother Olm spasms as the kids stumble through her nervous system. The kids fall through an opening and land on a soft, bumpy surface.)

Sprig: "What the heck is this?"

Anne: (gasps) "It's the brain!"

Sprig: "Finally! Race you to the other side!" (giggles and runs off, runs into a withered hand) "Oh, sorry about that Mr.-- AHHH!!!"

(The withered hand belongs to the corpse of a newt, holding a bottle of the brain cream the kids are carrying.

Sasha: (disturbed) "I think we just found Dr. Yohan."

Polly: "Eh. Old and gone. Let's move it along!"

Kevin: "Yeah, let's hurry before we end up like that old newt."

(Anne opens the brain cream jar. It's foul smell makes the kids gag in disgust. Despite the smell, they rub the cream on Mother Olm's brain.)

Anne: "Whew! Balm applied. Mission accomplished."

Sasha: "Oh, thank god. Can we please get out of here, already?"

Polly: "Hey! Do you guys heard something? Almost like flapping?"

(Anne turns on the flashlight on her phone. She looks up and wakes up a swarm of bat-like creatures with a bug-like mouth.)


Sprig: "BATSQUITOS!!!"

Polly: "RUN!!!"

(They all ran for it, dodging the batquitos. But one batquito flies down and bites Mother Olm's brain.)

Anne: "Well, that explains the migraines."

(They get chased into a small canal, and fall straight into a deep hole. Kevin, Kanna, Anne, Sasha, Sprig and Polly scream as they fall and land in a pool of green goo. They start sinking.)

Anne: "Ew!"

Kevin: "God, this is so disgusting!"

Sasha: "Ugh! What is this stuff? It's like quicksand!"

Sprig: "I think we're in Mother Olm's nose. Which means this must be..."

Everyone: "DON'T SAY IT!"

Kevin: (sighs) "So, now what?"

(The batsquito swarm fly out of her right ear.)

Hop Pop: "What the? Batsquitos? But what about the kids?" (He suddenly hears muffled cries for help)

Mother Olm: "You hear that, too?"

Hop Pop: (trying to swat away the remaining batsquitos) "Kids! Kids, can you hear me?"

Sprig: "Hop Pop! Help! We're stuck in Mother Olm's nose!"

Kevin: "And make it fast! Sasha is freaking out over this!"

Sasha: (disgusted) "Gross! Gross! GROSS!"

Hop Pop: "Quick, Mother Olm. Sneeze!"

(Inside, a strong gust starts to blow inside Mother Olm's nose.)

Anne: "What's happening?"

Sasha: "What is that?"

Mother Olm: "AHHHH...."

Sasha: "What's going on?"

Polly: "I don't know!"

Kevin: "Ahh, crap!" (Kanna hugs Kevin tightly) "You both better get ready! We're about to get out and it won't be a good thing!"

Mother Olm: "...CHOOO!"

(Mother Olm's mighty sneeze launches everyone out her nose and down the staircase. Everyone screams, still covered by the nose goo, until they slide back down to the floor.)

Anne: "Bless you."

Sasha: (stands up and groans) Worst... Mission... (throws her hands to clean herself) EVER!!!"

Kevin: (wipes off the germs) "You said it." (Kanna also wipes herself off while nodding)

(Sprig and Polly hug Hop Pop.)

Sprig: "Hop Pop! You saved us!"

Polly: "You're the best, Hop Pop!"

Mother Olm: (chuckles) "Guess you're not so useless after all."

Hop Pop: "Thanks, Mother Olm." (his back suddenly snaps) "OH! But this back is totally useless."

Anne: "Hey, Mother Olm. Think you can remember that prophecy now?"

Mother Olm: "The prophecy? Oh, Yes! Oh, the prophecy. Yes, yes." (clears throat) "Behold! The great prophecy of the music box that plays the songs between the worlds is... (everyone tenses in anticipation) ...Nope. Still can't remember it."

Kevin: "OH COME ON!!"

Sasha: "We went through that whole ordeal for nothing?!?"

Sprig: (holding the brain cream jar) "Hey, did anyone notice the label on this brain balm says it expired 70 years ago?" (Kevin, Anne and Sasha facepalms in disbelief)

Hop Pop: "Wait, Mother Olm. Did you perhaps write it down someplace? That's what I do when I wanna remember something."

Mother Olm: "Oh! Well if I had, it might be... up here on the ceiling!" (points out ancient text written above everyone) "Hop Pop, you cleaver dear."

Kevin: "Oh finally, praise the heavens!"

Anne: "What's it say? What's it say?"

Sasha: "Quick! Before you forget how to read." (as Kevin elbows her) "What?! We've been through a lot today!"

Kevin: "Just let it be."

Mother Olm: (a purple glow shines as she speaks) "Three stars burning bright. Come from beyond to expel the night. Should they fight or embrace the fall? Their choice will determine the fate of all."

Sasha: "Four stars? Is that us?"

Mother Olm: "Do you burn bright with the power of the stones?"

Anne: "Well, I have powers."

Sasha: "Wait! Do Marcy and I get cool anime powers too?"

Kevin: "If you three do, then you're not the only ones that have anime powers." (transforms into his first Super Saiyan state) "I can go Super Saiyan all the way from 1 to 3 anytime I want." (reverts back to his normal state) "I'm still mastering my other forms for later as well."

Mother Olm: "Yes, my dears! All of you have anime powers and can defeat King Andrias together!"

Anne: "But I can't even control my powers. When King Andrias stole the music box from us, I couldn't--"

Mother Olm: "Stole it? Huh. Then King Andrias has stolen the powers which are rightfully yours. But so long as you retain a piece of the power, you can restore it to your friends.

Anne: "Mother Olm, what's this prophecy for? What are the stones?"

Mother Olm: "The olms believe they serve a greater purpose, and should be left alone. While others believe their powers should be used for conquest. These conquerors, with their arrogance and greed, created an unnatural thing that does not sleep and will not die. The prophecy is our one shot at salvation, and we believe that you three were summoned to save us from what we've become: the worst version of ourselves."

Anne: "Unnatural thing?"

Sasha: (shrugs and mumbles) "I dunno."

Kevin: "And what about me? I was told that I am also apart of the prophecy as well?"

Mother Olm: "Ah yes. Lemme see here. Ah, here it is. It says: "A lost child with a great gift will rise up and lead our world to victory and become the Ruler of Amphibia"."

Kevin: (confused) ""A Ruler of Amphibia"?" (his eyes widen) "Wait, are you saying that-"

Mother Olm: "Yes, honey. After you'd saved our world from King Andrias, you will become the King of Amphibia."

Everyone: "WHAT?!?" (looks at Kevin, who was also in shock)

Kevin: "Me...becoming king...this-this is crazy!"

Anne: (place a hand on Kevin's shoulder) (smile at Mother Olm) "Thanks, Mother Olm. You've given us a huge piece of the puzzle."

Sasha: "Now all we need are showers. Happen to have one of those?"

Mother Olm: "Yeah-- Oh sure, girl! Just hold right there." (grabs a teapot and takes several big gulps. Kevin, Kanna, Anne and the Plantars innocently side step away from Sasha)

Sasha: (confused) "What are you guys-- (sudden realization) Oh no! NO!"

(Mother Olm swishes the liquid in her mouth and splashes Sasha.)

Sasha: (while setting to some stalacites) "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO--Ooh, is that jasmine?"

(Fade to black.)

Chapter cleared.

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