Chapter 24: Fight or Flight

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(During a night in Amphibia, right near the Plantars' Residence, it shows food bins and food scattered around from the outside. On top of a big hill, Kevin & Kanna, Anne, Soggy Joe, Sprig, and Loggle are hiding behind a rock fence on a stakeout.)

Anne: "Okay, guys. We need to catch whatever's been breaking into our food bins at night."

Sprig: "Yeah. If this keeps up, we'll be out of food soon. Dibs on eating Loggle!"

Loggle: (chuckles) "You'll have to catch me first!" (runs away)

Soggy Joe: "It's gotta be a critter. With all the destruction of natural resources, the wildlife has been forced to find food from outside the forests."

Sprig: "Say that last bit five times fast."

Kevin: (see's Kanna staring to the woods and growling with electric sparks coming out of her cheeks) "What's up, Kanna, you see something?"

(A current has blew through the four of them. The lid from the food bins has been sliced open as a creature eats one of it inside.)

Soggy Joe: "Look! There it is!"

Sprig: "What is it?"

Anne: "Does it matter? Whatever it is, we're taking it down!"

Kevin: "Agreed! Let's move!"

(Red eyes glow and sees the three of them approaching to attack that creature. It flies away.)

Anne: "Quick! After it!"

(The creature starts to fly away while they chase after it. Once they arrive in the woods, Kevin & Kanna, Anne, Sprig, and Soggy Joe hide behind a huge rock.)

Anne: "This must be its lair. Okay. On my cue. One, two..."

(The creature turns around, waves its ear, revealing to be Domino 2.)

Soggy Joe: "Well, bless my bowie knife. It's a coastal kill-a-moth!"

Anne: (gasps) "DOMINO 2!"

Kevin: (lifted an eyebrow) "Domino 2?"

Anne: "I haven't seen her since she flew off months ago. What should I do? Should I approach her? Should I say hello? Is that too forward?"

Sprig: "SAY HELLO?! Anne, that monster tried to eat us! Heck, I would be surprised if she remembers my flavor."

Anne: "Don't hold a grudge, Sprig."

Kevin: "Are you sure that's even a good idea, Anne?"

(Upon, two frobots approach Domino 2. She waves her wings at one, but is netted around by another frobot. They take her away.)

Anne: "Domino 2! NO! No."

(Anne was speechless after Domino 2 got taken away by the Frobots. Kevin goes up to Anne and place his hand on her shoulder, dejecting. Soggy Joe and Sprig then approach her, cheering.)

Soggy Joe: (simultaneous) "Whoo!"

Sprig: "Whoo! Would you look at that? Problem solved."

Soggy Joe: "Up top."

Sprig: (high fives) Yeah! Well, let's get a move on."

Anne: "We have to save her."

Soggy Joe and Sprig: "What?!"

Anne: "Domino 2 and I still have a connection. I could feel it."

Sprig: "Anne, she's a vicious animal, not your buddy. She's been living in the wild for months now, and-"

Kevin: (covers Sprig's mouth) Shh. Do you hear that? (meowing sounds can be heard from a cave inside) "What the heck are-"

Anne: (gasps, makes an adorable face when she sees 6 kittens) "Domino 2 has kittens?!"

(It shows 6 kittens playing around inside the nest.)

Kevin: (surprise) "Whoa! I did not see that coming."

Anne: "Oho! Hey, little cuties. Come to your new grandma and grandpa!" (her and Kevin holds 6 kittens each) "Well, that settles it. We're taking these little babies back to Wartwood."

Soggy Joe: "What?!"

Sprig: "Absolutely not!"

Kevin: "Oh come on! They're sooo adorable!"

Sprig: "What about Kanna? I bet she doesn't like them."

(Unfortunately, Sprig was wrong as we see Kanna is laying with some of the kittens, having fun, as Kevin and Anne find it very cute.)

Kevin: "Kanna likes them to me. So, it's settled then. Besides, we can't just leave these defenseless little kittens in the wilderness on their own, it's just until we save their mother."

Sprig: "No way! No how! Not in a million years."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin and Chibi Anne each feeding and putting 6 kittens to bed-

(Back to base, the resistance has gathered around after Kevin & Kanna, Anne, Sprig and Soggy Joe returned.)

All of the resistance: "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!"

Sasha: "What even are those things?"

Hop Pop: "They're monsters. They're cute as can be, and once they've transformed into adults, THEY'LL EAT US ALL FOR BREAKFEAST!!

Cap. Grime: "I lost my uncle Magnus to one of those things. Found his bones in a giant pellet."

Polly: (after she jumps onto Grime's head) "Read the room, Anne. This is a hard no."

Anne: "Guys, I get your concern, but their mother is Domino 2. She was my baby precious and she's been captured by Andrias's frobots. All you gotta do is watch these kittens for a couple of hours."

(The resistance are in disagreement)

Kevin: "Come on, guys. Anne has done so much for all of you and we're helping your get your world back to normal. So the least you can do is simply do this one thing for us." (Anne smiled at him)

(The resistance changes their minds because they can't resist tenderness.)

Mrs. Croaker: "Ugh, fine! We'll do it." (while receiving a kitten) "But you better hurry back, young lady and young man!"

Hop Pop: "Yeah, (while recives a kitten) we don't wanna take care of these little savages any longer than we have to."

Sasha: "I'm more of a dog person, so..." (while recives a kitten, but it scratches her face) (screams) "MAKE IT QUICK!"

Anne: "Thanks, everyone! I just have to bust her out of a mountain-top fortress, so I shouldn't be gone long."

Kevin: "I'm coming with you!"

Sprig: "Same here!"

Anne: "Thanks, you guys! Let's go!"

(Back outside, we see our heroes in front of a giant cage filled with killer moths.)

Kevin: "Whoa, that's a lot of killer moths."

Sprig: "They must be using them to generate power."

Anne: "And look! Mind-control collars." (the killer moths are indeed wearing mind-control collars) "Okay, here's the plan: We'll wait for the moths to fall sleep, and then we sneak in and free my baby precious."

Sprig: "But guys, there are dozens of moths. How are you gonna find--"

Kevin: "She's right there." (points at Domino 2)

Sprig: "Oh. Huh. Nice."

Anne: "Now come on. Let's motor."

(They quietly sneak in passing multiple moths until they reach Domino 2 and for some reason, she woke up, much to our heroes' dismay.)

Kevin: "Ah crap!"

(Domino 2 attacks them, but they soon dodged out of the way. But Anne tries to reason her.)

Sprig: "Anne, get out of there!"

Anne: "No. She'll remember me. I know it." (closes her eyes as Domino 2 goes to her and examines her before nuzzling her, making her laughed)

Sprig: "I don't believe this. She does remember you!"

Anne: "Domino 2, you didn't forget me." (begins petting her) "Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?"

Sprig: (happy) "Wow. This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in my--" (the moth is then seen behind him) (annoyed) "I'm about to get eaten, am I?" (gets eaten by the moth)

Kevin and Anne: "SPRIG!!"

Anne: "Hang on, buddy!" (She frees Domino 2 and gets on her back) "Come on, Kevin!"

Kevin: "You go on ahead! I'll catch up with you after I'd free the other moths here."

Anne: (nods) "Okay!" (finds a way to fly) "So, how do we do this?" (Domino 2 starts flying) "Whoa!"

(Kevin see's them go before drawing his sword out and jumping from moth to moth, slashing the mind-control collars and the ropes off of them, freeing the killer moths from King Andrias's control. After freeing the moths, Kevin saw Anne and Domino 2 have rescued Sprig before opening the door, as they flew out.)

Kevin: (nods at the moths) "Good kitties!"

(When they arrived back to base, the resistance had their weapons at the killer moths as Kevin, Anne and Sprig stopped them.)

Anne: "Hey, everyone! Put your weapons down. They're with us now!"

Everyone: "Huh?"

Sasha: "With us?"

Kevin: "Yeah. They were mind controlled by King Andrias's frobots and we've rescued them. That means they can help us stop the king by air."

Sasha: "Hmm... Good idea, Kevin. Well, guys, looks like we just got air calvary!"

(Everyone cheers when suddenly one of the moths fly over to Kevin and lands behind him, nuzzling it's head against him.)

(Kevin decided to place her hand on its beak and pets it gently, making the moth purred.)

Anne: "Aww! I think she likes you, Kev."

Kevin: "Yeah?" (the moth nuzzles him by the cheek) "Well, you do look pretty cute. Don't you have a name, girl?" (the moth shook its head) "Hmm. What about I call you.. Aruna?" (the moth purrs) (looks at Kanna) "Hey, Kanna. Looks like you're getting a sister to hang with."

(Close-up to Kanna smiling in happiness as everything fade to black.)

Chapter cleared.

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