Chapter 32: Off to Boiling Isles

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(It was the next peaceful day and Kevin are seen with the Calamity Trio and Aerith watching TV together in the living room. But then, a portal opened up, catching their attention. Then, Turbo arrives in the scene.)

Kevin: "Hey, Turbo. What's happening?"

Turbo: "Thank heavens I've found you guys. Something bad is happening."

Anne: "What's up, dude?"

Turbo: "A place called the Boiling Isles is being attacked by an unknown enemy."

Marcy: "The Boiling Isles?"

Sasha: "Who's the enemy?"

Turbo: "I do not know. But I can tell you that he has a tail that might choke you to death and can shoot lasers from his fingertips."

Aerith: "How strong is he?"

Turbo: "Like he could destroy a whole planet with a single blast if he wanted to."

Aerith: "I see."

Anne: "And you want us to stop him from doing so?"

Turbo: "That's right."

Kevin: (with determination) (turns to the girls) "What do you say? Care to go on another quest to save the world?"

Girls: "YEAH!"

Turbo: "Excellent. Here's the map." (He hands Kevin the map of the Boiling Isles.) "This will help you roam around the island and find some allies along the way if you both need anymore help. Good luck to you all." (He leaves by going through the portal and it closes.)

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kevin and his Harem are traveling and walking to the Boiling Isles-

(Kevin & Kanna, Anne, Sasha, Marcy and Aerith found a way to get to the Boiling Isles thanks to the map Turbo gave Kevin and they examined the place, in awed.)

Anne: "Whoa... This place reminds me of Amphibia. Hopefully they don't have giant bugs like-" (She then see's a Gryphon flying over.) "Okay, that was weird..."

Marcy: (with excitement) "Weird?! That was a Gryphon! I thought they were only a myth, but I guess not! This is amazing!" (widen smile)

Kevin: "Stay focus, guys. I know this realm is cool and all, but we gotta stay focused on stopping this unknown enemy."

Sasha: "Kevin's right, guys. Remember, we have to keep an eye out for-"

(Soon enough, an unknown figure hits the ground, catching the team's attention.)

Sasha: "This unknown enemy."

???: "Hohoho! Well, well, well, seems like the King was right. They are pesks in this world, as well."

Marcy: (lifted eyebrow) "The king?"

Kevin: (glaring) "And who the hell are you?"

???: "Well, seeing as you all are about to die, you may call me..."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(As the dust clears away, this unknown enemy reveals to be the Emperor of the Universe: Lord Frieza [Final Form].)

Frieza: "Lord Emperor Frieza!"

Kevin: "Frieza, huh? Aren't you the one who's been defeated by this Saiyan? Who was it... Son Goku, was it?"

Frieza: "You mean that monkey! I've been trying to find a way to have my revenge on him for some time now! But I was recruited by someone who we shared the same goal and that is... Ruling the entire universe!"

Kevin: "Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but..."

(Using the gemstones, Kevin, Anne, Sasha and Marcy transformed into their Calamity forms while Aerith draws out her staff, before posing into their battle stance.)

Kevin: "We're not about to let you do that."

(The battle starts with Kevin charging at Frieza first while Aerith covers him by firing blasts from her staff while Kevin delivers a powerful punch. Frieza evaded Aerith's blasts and wrapped Kevin's fist with his tail, before throwing him aside. Anne, Sasha and Marcy all start to attack Frieza, as well. But then, Frieza send them away by slapping them with his tail attack.)

Kevin: "Okay, you sure are tough. But can you handle this?"

(He then charged at Frieza, while drawing out his Buster Sword, converting it with his Calamity power, and starts attacking Frieza with flurry of slashes before sending him flying by blasting him with a Ki blast. As the dust clears away, Frieza was a little damaged and glares at Kevin.)

Frieza: "You pesk! That hurt! That really hurt!"

Kevin: "Yeah, so what?"

Frieza: "Hmph. Very well. It would seem you and your allies have grew an interest to me. We will meet again." (His purple aura flows around him.) "Farewell."

(And with that, Frieza flies away, leaving Kevin and his Harem alone to watch him depart.)

(Stop music here)

Kevin: "Well, that was something." (He turns around and looks at the girls.) "Are you girls all right?"

Anne: "Yeah, we're okay."

Sasha: "Where's Frieza?"

Kevin: "Got away. But we'll worry about him later. Right now, let's get a move on before we get attacked again."

(The girls nodded at their boyfriend in agreement before they all continued on their journey.)

Chapter cleared.

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