Chapter 17

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We're see the plantars Anne and y/n in the kitchen as she's teaching them how to make pizza

Hop pop was steering the sauce while Polly was trying to pull off dough that was stuck to her hands

And y/n was carefully cutting pepperonis while hop pop would always check on him every five seconds...but he would also sneak eely some pieces when hop pop would look away

And Anne was teaching sprig how to toss the dough

Anne:there you go now you're getting it

But and the last toss sprig misses and the dough falls on his head


Hop pop:Anne wanna chop off some veggies for me?.

Anne:you got it hp.

She then grabbed a cleaver as she spun it in her hand and grabs a radish

She then tosses it in the air then as it's falling kicks it back up from behind her with her foot then smacks it back down with the cleaver

Then we see y/n slowly rise his head just a bit above the table as he watches with stars  and amazement in his eyes

She then proceeds to cutting the radish quickly as the pieces stack perfectly

Then sliding the cleaver under the stack and dropping them in a bowl

Y/n then starts to applaud at a rapid pace

Y/n:WOW you're so cool anne!.

Anne's face brightens up a bit as she turns away

Anne:heh you're acting like you've never seen me do that before.

Y/n:yeah buts it's always awesome when you do it!.

Hop pop:wow where'd you learn to cut like that?.

Anne:you know my parents actually owned a Thai restaurant back home.

She says as she pulls out her phone and shows them a picture of domino

Anne:ah whoops hold on.

She the swipes pass the pictures

Until she finds the right one

Anne:I used to work there all the time and help out.

Y/n then placed his hands on his cheeks as he closes his eyes with drool going down his mouth

Y/n:the food there was the best~...

He then shot his arms up into the air

Y/n:PLUS I ATE FREE! I don't know why though I'd offer to help but her mom would always just say it's fine but I'd help out anyways.

Anne:I hope they're doing ok without me.

Hop pop:well how about that? A restaurant.

Polly:pretty impressive Anne.

Suddenly there was a explosion next to them as the four cover their faces and try to not get blown back

They turn to see sauce and dough all splattered against the floor with sprig laying on the ground covered in ash

Sprig:...yep I blew up the pizza.

Hop pop:oh dang it sprig!.

Y/n then walked over to sprig as he picked him up from under his arms and raised him to eye level

Y/ sprig in other situations I would be impressed and proud that you blew something up...


A shadow then covered over y/n's eyes

Y/n:but since it's pizza...

He then raised sprig over his head as he marched towards the pot



Sprig then launched his tongue out grabbing on to something stopping y/n from walking as he was trying to pull sprig towards the pot

Hop pop:...well looks like this meals a bust who wants to eat out?.

Hearing this y/n widens his eyes as he turns towards hop pop

Y/n:eat out!?.

He said as he dropped sprig


He then reached down and picked up sprig and placed him on his feet

Y/n:never mind sprig you're my little buddy again!.

We now see our group walking towards a place called stumpy's diner

Anne pushes open the doors as she sees the inside

Anne:oh wow...this place is not to code...

We then see a frog at a booth as he's stirring his soup suddenly a possum climbs the table and starts eating his soup

But then even the possum spits out the soup

Then the other booth has a frogs skeleton as the skeleton drops a spoon

Our group then goes to sit at a table as anne notices the menus

Anne:oh man...the fonts on these menus is way too small rookie mistake.

She looks over to y/n who's face is literally smushed on the menu on the table

Y/n:*muffled*yeah but I think I got it!.

He said as he shot up a thumbs up

Suddenly a toad walks up carrying five bowls his name was stumpy

Stumpy:here you are five bowls of slop...

He places the bowls on the table

Stumpy:enjoy or don't makes no difference to me...

Sprig:thanks stumpy.

At the booth behind them was the newt that was the announcer at the firefly formal

He sat there staring at his slop unimpressed as he saw stumpy walking passed him

Newt dude:excuse me? Hello over here yoo-hoo!.

Stumpy comes walking back as he turns to the newt

Stumpy:there be a problem sir?...

Newt:um yes there's only one fly in my soup there should be dozens! I mean how hard is it to run a restaurant anyway? You just put food on tables A tadpole can do it!.

While back at our groups booth Anne and y/n are peaking over the booth watching what's going on

Y/n:oooh I remember that guy...not quite sure if I fully hate em yet...

Anne:*groans* who's that jerk? and why won't he shut up?.

Sprig also looks over the booth to see who the newt is

Sprig:That is Albus Duckweed he writes reviews for the paper they have comic strips sometimes.

Y/n:oooooh I might have to check that out!.

Polly:blah! He thinks he's better than everyone else just cause he talk good.

Hop pop:it's true.

Anne:ugh a foodie say no more we dealt with snobs like him all the time back home just listening to him is driving me crazy.

Y/n:you want me to uhhhh...

He slides his finger across his neck


Y/n:it's a foodie!.

He says as he motions to albus trying to make his point

Meanwhile albus is still blabbering on in the back

Anne:ugh I can't take this anymore!.

Hop pop:Anne just ignore it and enjoy your slug gruel...Anne?.

He looks up to see Anne was gone while y/n was still there

Y/n then looks to hop pop then back to where Anne was then back to hop pop

Hop pop:...


Hop pop:don't you dare go too boy.

Y/n then quickly slide down underneath the table

Hop pop:HEY!.

Hop pop looks underneath the table to see y/n wasn't there

Hop pop:what!? How did he?...

Anne then walked over to albus while y/n was next to her

Albus:I mean seriously look at this place-

Anne:Hey lay off buddy running a restaurant is hard.


Stumpy:kids what are you doing?.

Albus:Ha! Well what does a creature like you know about running a restaurant?.

Y/n:oh snap he done it now.

Anne:well what does a little lizard like you know about anything?.


He laughed as he dramatically pointed his finger at albus

Anne:besides my parents ran a restaurant back home so I know what I'm talkin' about.

Y/n:BOOM if I hade a mic I'd drop it!...oh wait.

He picked up a spoon from a table and dropped it on the floor

Albus now had a look of irritation and anger

Albus:well if your parents are anything like you I'm sure their restaurant was terrible!.

Anne narrows her eyes at Albus while y/n leans towards Anne and whispers threw his clenched teeth

Y/n:I can still do the plan I said at the booth

She whispered back

Anne:not needed for now.

She then turned back to albus

Anne:oh yeah? Well tell you what then why don't you come back in...I don't know two days or something?.

She said as she started pushing him towards the door

Anne:and we'll have completely turned this place around.

Stumpy:I uh beg your pardon what?.

Albus:oh a wager is it? Fine I'll be back in two days looking forward to writing my review and shutting this place down.

He then roughly pushes open the doors and leaves

Stumpy:kids what have you done? That was the most popular critic in town! One bad review from him and we're finished

Anne:stumpy I know I got carried away but we can do this the boonchuy family pride is at stake! what do you say?.

Stumpy:I say! just put me out of business bound to happen eventually I suppose.

He then sadly walked off

Y/n:I mean at least he knew.

Hop pop then walked over to Anne

Hop pop:Anne did you just promise to save this restaurant?.

Then sprig drags himself over the booth and sits next to Anne while Polly also climbs over and lands on his head

Sprig:In two days?.

Polly:by yourself?.

Anne:yep that's uh...that's pretty much what just happened ugh me and my big mouth...

Y/n:nah you're not alone.

The group turns to y/n as he pointed his thumb at himself with a determined smile

Y/n:cause I'm gonna help ya!.

Anne:wait really? I was just gonna leave you out of this one.

Y/n:yup and one pretty sure you're gonna need all the help you can get.

He said looking around the restaurant

Y/n:and two I'm your friend Anne!.

He said as he offered Anne a fist bump she stares at his fist for a few seconds before she smiles and accepted

Anne:thanks dude.

Y/n:no prob bob oh! And three...I really wanna see the look on that guys face once we win.

He said with a smug grin

It was now early morning as we're outside stumps diner

Then we see stumpy dragging a mutated crocodile as he opens the back door and goes inside

He taps a blue mushroom on the wall as it lights up for a second until the light fades away

Stumpy:dang mushroom needs replacing.

He taps the mushroom again as it flickers two times then lights up

Stumpy:not that it matters anymore.

He turns and sees and standing in the middle of the kitchen under a lit up mushroom with a giant smile


Anne:Hey Stumpy!.

Stumpy:how long you been here!?.

Anne:all night couldn't sleep too excited!.

He then hears snoring as he looked to his left to see y/n laying in the sink...well only his bottom was his feet were on the counter and so was his head

Anne:so you ready to beat that critic?.

Stumpy then put the crocodile on a wooden table

Stumpy:ugh creepy kid...

Suddenly y/n quickly rises awake

Y/n:huh? Wha? My job!.

Y/n looks around as his eyes land on stumpy

Y/n:oh hey it's lumpy!.

Stumpy:it's stumpy...

Y/n:that's what I said?.

Anne:so what do you wanna start with? Change the menu redecorate...

Suddenly behind her slime falls threw the ceiling leaving a whole and slime covers some food

Anne:...burn this place to the ground and start over?.


He says as he excitedly jumped off the counter next to Anne as he lightly punches Anne's arm

Y/n:I'd knew you'd catch on.

Anne:only exception I'm making.

Stumpy:look kids you're on your own do whatever you want it's not gonna make a difference in the end anyway.

Anne:ho ho ho oh that is where you're wrong.

Y/n:big wrong!.

Anne then placed her phone against a dirty bowl and dishes as she plays "Hard Work Montage Playlist"

We see Anne and y/n both having mops as they each did a part of the floor

Anne then started swinging and slashing the mop around as if she was fighting while making fighting sounds


She stopped and dramatically turned to see y/n on one of the stools looking also dramatically back to Anne as they both pose

Y/n:it's over Anne I have the high ground!.

Anne:you underestimate my power!.

Y/n:don't try it!.


She swung at him but y/n jumped off the stool making her hit Wally who was sleeping at the counter in the face with the wet end of the mop

Wally:OH!? WHAT DAY IS IT!?.

The two continue as stumpy watches he groans and rolls his eyes before going back to cooking

Now we see a giant bag of trash being pushed out the entrance as y/n is carrying it from the back as anne has the front

But then as soon as they both were about to reach the dumpster the bag rips open and spills all the trash over their heads

The two grab the trash off their heads on tossed it in the dumpster as they both bent down to pick up the rest of the trash

But behind them the dumpster suddenly opens its eyes and stands up revealing it was what this world calls it a garbage lizard

Stumpy was now at the entrance of the diner as he was leaning on the door watching as the garbage lizard chases Anne while y/n was on its back biting the top of its head

Stumpy:heh heh I knew about that garbage lizard.

Now we're in the kitchen as anne was looking up at a giant pile of dishes

While behind her y/n was in charge of putting all the food in wooden crates and pushing them out the back

She sighs as she grabs a dish as she grabs a long eel like fish that was tied to a poll as it was to act as a sink sprayer

She grabbed it by the neck and squeezed making it shoot out water at the dish

But the eel like creature started putting up a fight wiggling everywhere shooting water in her face and around the room

It sprayed the stack of dishes as it makes them wobble and fall towards Anne

Y/n now walking in from the back door while wiping his sleeve on his forehead saw the dishes about to fall on Anne

But as he was about to rush over stumpy stopped all the dishes from falling on Anne as he pushes them back up

He then picks up a dish...or well balanced the dish on his spatula hand as anne smiles and nods

He then throws it in the air as anne sprays it in mid air as it lands in a rib cage acting as a dish rack

They continued to do this as stumpy would do some compliments to anne when she'd land the hits

While watching in the background y/n smiled knowing that Anne was safe and that stumpy was a cool guy after all

...and that he didn't have to eat h-

Now we see Anne and y/n wiping the counter clean as stumpy dusted off the mushroom stools

They all finished as they looked around the diner that was now sparkly clean

Stumpy:I gotta hand it to you kids this place looks great we even scrubbed the Wally out.

Wally:That's what you think!.

Wally yelled as he ran past the serving window laughing then we hear crashing

Y/n:what the heck Wally! Popping in out of nowhere is supposed to be my shtick!.

Stumpy:the critic is gonna be blown away.

Anne:blown away? Ha! No all we've done is mop the floors and clean some dishes this place is still a house of broken dreams!.

She says as she opens curtains to a window and looks out at the not so good looking building

Stumpy:harsh but on point.

Anne:if we're gonna impress that critic we've got a lot more work to do we need a complete and total transformation!.

Stumpy:what do you mean? like placemats?.

Anne then slams a blueprint on the table


Stumpy:oh I'm gonna. Red me hammer hand for this.

He then placed a hammer on his metal nub

They hear a long groan as they turn to see y/n walk over to a table and fall back on it

Y/n:mooooore work.....

Anne:don't get bored just yet dude because you're gonna get excited for this your gonna be...

She walked over to the table and leaned over next to y/n's head as she whispers

Anne:the demolition.




Those words repeated in his head for a few seconds as he slowly sits up with a grin

Y/n:why didn't you say that sooner~.

And then for all night from inside stumpy's diner you heard whirring hammering and even some things being broken

It was now morning as we see a crowd of frogs staring at something In front of them

Then miss croaker walks behind the crowd

Miss croaker:what are you all looking at?.

Female frog:stumpy's...changed over night

The frogs looked at all of the new things from a fountain

To a fancy sign

To the whole building itself

The frogs enter the diner as they were greeted by Anne


She said as she put her hands together and bows a bit

Anne:and welcome to stumpy's wartwood's first frog-Thai fusion restaurant now with napkins

She said as she pulled out a fancy folded napkin as the crowd awed and began chattering

Frog:napkins what are those?.

And now quickly almost every seat was taken by frogs and their family's as anne would be the waitress to them as she went up to one table

Anne:need a refill on fly iced tea? On the house sweetie.

Then she served three frogs their food

Anne:order up! Enjoy!.

All three scooped some pieces up with their tongues as they all look to one another and nod complimenting the food

And now she was taking miss croakers order as she was reading a menu

Miss croaker:I'll take the maggot larb...did I say that right? larb?.

Anne:it's actually pronounced "laap".

Miss croaker:well how about that? One foot in the grave and still learning new things.

Now we see stumpy at the serving window as he rings the bell while looking around so shocked as anne comes up and takes the plate

Stumpy:I've never seen this place so packed what...what's this weird feeling in me chest?...

Anne:that is called hope I think we might actually pull this off dude.

Now we see the plantars at the entrance as sprig repeatedly presses the bell

Anne:please...please stop ringing that bell.

Sprig:Anne! This place is amazing!.

Hop pop:you weren't kidding when you said you were good at this.

Anne:oh yeah! Score one for Anne! But it was easier thanks to the help of stumpy and y/n

Hop pop:speaking of the boy where is he?.

Y/n:sup guys!.

With convenient timing the plantars turn to see y/n as their eyes widen a bit

(Look at this dude)

Sprig:wow! Looking good y/n!.


Hop pop:huh nice clothes boy where were you?

Y/n:around the other side taking orders and whew! That's a lot of frogs also thanks I kinda dig em.

Meanwhile anne was staring at y/n as her face slowly started to turn red until she shook it off

Hop pop:so table for three.

Anne:ohh sorry guys all the tables are full...

Suddenly a frog at a table clears his throat loudly

Then it unzipped itself to reveal Albus who was wearing a frog costume

Albus:they can have my table I am done here.


Stumpy:duckweed! He's here!.

Y/n:ohhhhhh so that's way I had the urge to just punch that frog in the face!.

The three start walking over to Albus as miss croaker tries to talk to them

Miss croaker:I have another question-




The three now stand In front of him

Anne:duckweed what's with the disguise?.

Albus:oh this? It's kind of a critic thing.


Albus:uh-huh it's to guarantee that we get a genuine experience you know?.

Anne:oh interesting.

Albus:if you knew it was me you'd probably zhuzh it up a bit make it a little bit better but in a disguise you're just gonna serve me like anyone else.

Anne:oh that's actually really clever.

Albus:thank you!.

Y/n:*whisper*I mean true considering I'd probably "accidentally" punched you...

Anne:so did you like the food?.

Albus:oh right...NO! I found the experience had no cohesion like one thing was clumsily grafted on top of another and when I publish my review your restaurant will be ruined! HAHAHA i love my job.

Anne:...will you uh...will you give us a moment stay right there!.

The three then rush to the back of the kitchen as anne was pacing back and fourth while stumpy was panicking and while y/n was sharpening a cleaver

Stumpy:that's it it's over we're finished! The second that review goes up this restaurant goes down!.

Y/n:welp I've made up my mind I hate em so time for plan b! We get rid of em!.

He says as he lifts up the cleaver

Stumpy:the boys right! quickly lure him out back!.

Anne then slapped stumpy while shaking him by his shoulders...also while y/n slowly put back the cleaver

Anne:pull yourself together man! We can do this it's time to bring out the big guns my parents squid and basil special no critic in town could resist.

Y/n:ugh the boring delicious! but boring plan c...

Anne:actually this was plan b yours was plan c.

Y/n:oh ok....wait-


She slapped him again

Stumpy:I already said OK!.

Anne:sorry sorry! I am amped!.

Y/n:oh wow...

His cheeks brighten as he slapped them again then followed Anne and stumpy out

Anne:hey we've got a special dinner just for you be right back!.

Stumpy:don't go anywhere!.

They both told Albus as they ran out but y/n stopped as he just stared at Albus narrowing his eyes as he slowly began to walk out the door

Albus:.....amusing all right I'll play your little game.

Hop pop:soo...this mean we can't have your table?.

We then cut to the back door as it's kicked open

We see Anne stumpy and y/n dragging in a giant squid

Anne:man squid are huge here!.

Y/n:That only makes em better!.

Stumpy:and it's not a squid it's a kraken.

Anne:eh potato tomato.

They put a huge pot over the fire and cut up some veggies

Now Anne was dousing the kraken in sauce as y/n slowly rises from the other side of the pot and slowly leans towards one of the krakens tentacles with his mouth slowly opening ready to take a bite

Anne:ah! Hey! We need this to be perfect so no bites!.

Y/n:aww...he better not eat all of it...

Now done they put the kraken on a giant tray and put a giant food cover over it as they rolled it out

Anne:gangway coming though!.

Albus who was looking at his wristwatch notices the shadow looming over him as he looks up to see y/n place the giant tray on the table in front of him

Anne:all right dude get ready to be blown away.

She takes the food cover off as steam flys out and the kraken is revealed

Albus:oh my...

Anne gives stumpy a thumbs up as they both wink to each other while y/n stands next to them with his arms cross

Y/n:lucky lizard scum...

Albus:what an exotic selection!.

He picks up his fork as he's about to stab into the kraken until it's eye opens as Albus screams until it interrupted him by wrapping its tentacle around his throat as it lets out a roar

Polly:assassinating your critics I love it!.

Y/n:oooooh so this was plan b nice one Anne!.

The kraken then grabbed the plantars as it tries to grab y/n Anne and stumpy but they were quick enough to run and hide behind the counter as the kraken roars in the background

Anne:OK this is a disaster! I never should have made this dumb wager!.

Stumpy:Anne calm down maybe we can't save the restaurant but we sure can save these people's lives what do you say?.

Anne:I say...let's crush this calamari! You in y/n?...y/n?.

They look around to see he's not there they then peek over the counter


Y/n was wrapped in one of the krakens tentacles as he was repeatedly punching it


While peeking over the counter Anne spots a mug that had a giant lemon placed on it

Anne:*gasp*I've got an idea!.

Back with y/n he bites down hard on the krakens tentacle at it screeches and throws him towards the counter making Anne and stumpy jump out as he crashes through it

Stumpy looks up at the kraken as it lets out another roar he glared at it as he takes out his spatula hand and replaced it with a giant meat tenderizer

He jumps at the kraken and hits it across its face making it yell in pain

But then it spits it's ink at stumpy pushing him up before hitting the ceiling then falling to the ground

He licks some of the ink off his face

Stumpy:mmm...oh that's good.


Y/n who's now back up and ready jumps over and runs towards the kraken with a cleaver as he laughs

He jumps up at the kraken only for it to catch him mid air and making him drop his cleaver

Y/n:dang it!.

Again he bites down on the krakens tentacle as it screams and loosened its grip

Y/n then pulls himself out and runs up the tentacle towards its face

He then jumps at its face landing on it then repeatedly punching its eye



But the kraken wraps it's tentacle on y/n's leg and throws him off again as he lands on a table next to Anne


Anne quickly looks around and spots the lemon right next to stumpy

Anne:stumpy the lemon!.

Stumpy sees his spatula hand is next to the lemon

Stumpy:coming right up!.

he then flips it to Anne as she catches it

Anne:pad see ew you later!.

She squeezes the lemon at the kraken as it lands in its eye

It screams in pain as it drops the plantars and Albus

While it tries to open its eye stumpy lands the final blow smashing the meat tenderizer directly on its eye

Everyone gathers around the grounded kraken as sprig pokes it two times

Sprig:...I don't think this things getting back up.

Everyone sighs in relief


He shoots his hands up then grabs one of the tentacles and rips it off and begins eating it wildly

Anne:so duckweed guess you got a bad review to write huh?.

Albus:bad? Bad!? That was incredible a food that tries to eat you!? The irony the ecstasy! I simply must tell everyone! To the message board!.

The crowd of frogs then began to applause Anne

Sprig:you go girl!.

Polly:go anne!.

Y/n:yes queen!.

Hop pop:she lives in my basement!.

Anne:wait you guys have a message board?.

Sprig:sure do it's a literal board.

He says pointing out a window to show Albus literally putting his review on a board

All of the frogs start to leave as anne turns to stumpy

Anne:well guess we better clean this place up again...stumpy I'm sorry about all this I took things way too far...

Stumpy:no way Anne this whole thing was a big success.

Y/n:*mouth full*I'll say!.

He says walking next to stumpy while still holding and eating the tentacle

Stumpy:you even convinced this old grump to actually care especially you boy I like ya attitude.

He says nudging y/n's arm

Stumpy:if your parents could see this I'm sure they'd be proud.

Anne:thanks stumpy put 'er there.

She shakes his spatula hand with both her hands

Anne:oh this feels nice what is this? Oak mahogany?.

Stumpy:it's carved from the bones of me missing hand.

Anne:oh come on!.

Y/n:oooooh can I touch it!?.

Stumpy turns to y/n as he begins to rub his finger tips on the spatula


Sorry if there's probably a lot of miss spells in this one I was kinda rushing since as you know it's the big day

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