Chapter 23

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We're outside as we see a crowd of frogs sitting on stumps or logs in front of a giant stage

We see the plantars y/n and Anne walking past a sign that said theater night

Hop pop:ahh theater night the one night a month we come together watch out stories and forget all our horrible horrible troubles...

He said looking down as the rest sigh as y/n sighs too lately following suit

Hop pop:now who wants popcorn?.

Anne:Oh me!

Polly:me me!

Sprig:I do I do!.

Y/n:Extra butter in mine!!!.

We now see a bunch of frogs and tadpoles sitting on logs and stumps as sprig looks around

Sprig:oh right there in the middle! DIBS!.

Polly:That seat is mine!.

Polly yells jumping in front of him towards the seat

Sprig:not if I get there first!.

Sprig yelled as the two raced for the stump Polly was about to make it


until sprig face planted onto the stump


He said sitting up raising his hands into the air in victory as Polly crosses her arms in a pout

Polly:no fair you have appendages!.

Hop pop:tut-tut sprig give Polly the seat

Hop pop said walking next to the two as Polly gasped in a excited tone while sprig looked shocked

Sprig:Say what!? Come on hop pop I got here first!.

He grunts crossing his arms

Hop pop:that's what older brothers do sprig they look out for their little sisters now move that rump over to that stump

He points to a rotten looking stump next to y/n and Anne as its surrounded by flies and a centipede crawls out

Sprig gasps before glaring down at Polly who's looking back at him "innocently" as she winks

He angrily walks over and sits on the stump as it squished down like mud

Anne:...bummer dude.

Y/n:total bummer.

Sprig:*sighs* it's just not fair just because she's a little younger she always gets special treatment!.

Anne:I'm an only child to I can't relate all my parents attention was focused on me.

She says putting her arms behind her head with a smile

Anne:And it was awesome.

She said putting on shades

Sprig:*raspberry* lucky you...

Y/n:my siblings are older than me but I have a friend who's like a younger sister to me.

Anne:you talking about Marcy?.

Y/n:nah another friend I have turns out some other people do like my weirdness!.

Anne:oh? What's her name?...or do you not remember like those guys you went on a boys night with?...

Y/n:no I remember her names Molly we hang out from time to time but I've noticed sometimes she talks to herself which is a BIG ok in my book!.

Suddenly maybe toadstool shouts from the stage

Mayor toadstool:alright now everybody settle down I have some bad news the acting troupe had to cancel in account of...well being eaten on the way here.

The crowd began to boo

Mrs croaker:We need our story!!!.

Suddenly Anne stands up

Anne:hold up everyone! I have something that might work it's called a "movie" it's like a play but totally better

Y/n then stands up quickly


The crowd began murmuring in agreement and interest

Now we see Anne lean her phone against her other shoe as a frog pushes over a giant glass in front of it making it appear bigger

Anne:thanks tad local glass artisan.

Y/n:you the man tad!.


Tad gives a thumbs up before walking off stage

Anne then faces the crowd

Anne:ok so tonight I'm going to be showing the timeless classic Love Choice

Y/n:love choice.....

Y/n repeated whispering dramatically as he moved his arms around randomly while walking around the stage

Anne:which has always been one of my favorite because-

Mrs croaker:JUST START THE MOVIE!!!.


Anne only laughs nervously

Anne:ha ha you got it...

He quickly presses play as she grabs y/n arm gently pulling him off stage

The phone still shows the play button as Anne quickly runs back up

Anne:dang it!.

She presses it two times as it began to play as she quickly runs back down

Narrator:𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙨𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙮𝙚𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙨 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙣𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙜𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 𝙞𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙥𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙚

the narrator said as it showed three people

Hop pop:*whisper* wait how could they be both grounded and supernatural?.


She shushes him as she eats her popcorn with y/n wolfing his down next to her

In the movie we see Constance leaning on a car before she faces hunter the cyborg dude

Constance:oh hunter I know that together we'll make it through this nightmare

Hunter:Constance my cybernetic abs belong to you and you alone.

Hunter says as he lifts his shirt revealing his abs

As they began to flash colors as the crowd murmured in amazement

Polly:hmm Polly likey.

We then see Constance and Alastair on couch in the wilderness as Constance lays on Alastair lap

Constance:I know I said I liked hunter but I can't help be drawn to you as well Alastair

She told him as Alastair licks her tear

Alastair:may I sing you the traditional song of my people?.

He asked then immediately even though she didn't respond yet began to "sing"



Sprig:I like this Alastair he's ethereal yet approachable!.

Constance:it is now time for me to make my love choice I choose...I choose....

Suddenly a giant birds snatched her off the ground with its talons as she screams


Hunter screams as he shoots off flying after her

While Alastair pulls out and plays his flute before he backflips onto a deer he called and began riding after her as well as a herd follows

Alastair:we must go after her!!!.


Narrator:𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙

The audience gasps in shock

Mrs croaker:huh what!? that was the end?.

Wally:who did she pick I'm so frustrated right now!.

They yelled as anne walks up behind them with her hands behind her back with a smile before she puts her hands on their shoulders

Anne:believe me guys been there.

Y/n also walks up

Y/n:same man same...

Anne:they are making a sequel love choice 2 but it's not out yet.

Suddenly Polly jumps onto Anne's head

Polly:I'll tell you who she picks! HUNTER! He's a beefcake.

Y/n:pretty sure he likes wolves too

Sprig:what!? She should pick Alastair! He's a thinker a dreamer

The crowd of frogs then began to argue amongst each other who Constance should choose until Polly hoped onto the stage

Polly:listen up! I don't even want to live in a town with someone who likes Alastair.

She shouted as sprig narrows his eyes at her and began approaching the stage

Sprig:well I don't want to live in a town with someone who likes hunter

He said getting all up in Polly's face

Polly:that does it!.

She yelled before walking to the middle of the stage and turning towards the crowd

Polly:everybody who chooses hunter get behind me!.

A group of frogs with some familiar faces like Wally Felicia and loggle got behind Polly

Sprig:well anyone who likes Alastair can get behind me!.

Like with Polly frogs and more familiar faces like Mrs croaker mayor toadstool Maddie and stumpy got behind sprig

Hop pop then pushes most the crowd

Hop pop:excuse me pardon me.

Literally shoving Mrs croaker out of the way to the ground

Mrs croaker:HEY!.


Hop pop:sprig just let Polly win this one before things get even worse

Sprig:sorry hop pop but I've had it with this Polly dog and her special treatment!.


Sprig:we ain't backing down!.



Both crowds ran separate ways as Anne hop pop and y/n were the only three left

Anne:...I have a baaad feeling about this...

Y/n:I don't I shall watch and maybe join if it gets even more interesting!.

Hop pop:eh I'm sure by morning clearer heads will prevail

It was next morning and clearer heads did not prevail

Hop pop:or you know not.

Y/n:hmm...this IS pretty interesting hmm...

Anne:I don't believe it the town is split right down the middle

The purple side which is Alastair we see frogs wearing hoodies with antlers sticking of their heads bowing to sprig who's also wearing the same

Frogs:hail Alastair! hail Alastair!.

They then salute as sprig flares across from them

And on the other side red which is hunter we see frogs wearing red t-shirts and beards with metal sticks sticks out from the side of their heads

(I forgot what it's called)

While Polly sits and a wooden throne

Frogs:hail hunter! hail hunter!

Polly then glares back

Anne:this is just like a internet message board...But IRL!....

Hop pop:were things on this "internet" resolved in peaceful and civilized ways?.

Y/n:whoa irl so I can actually just PUNCH them in the face?.

He said punching the air before looking at them with a grin

Hop pop:......I'm gonna take that as a no from what he just said

Anne:well you could also see for yourself dude...

She motions towards the town

Frog:I gosh I forgot my house is over in Alastairtown...

A hunter frog says as he tries to cross the rocks dividing them before frogs start to hit him with their tongues before he runs back quickly in a panic

Frog:take that you stinking hunterite!!!.

But behind them was Wally painting in red paint on the wall "hunter rulez" with a doodle of hunter before he hopped away laughing

Then another hunter frog throws a brick at a window before running in and stealing bricks as we see it was a brick store the whole time

Anne:if we don't do something fast this whole town is going to tear itself apart!.

Y/n:hmmmmm....*lip smack* hard choice...

Anne:dude come on....

Y/n:alright alright...

Hop pop:Polly and sprig are the ringleaders if we can just get them to get along we'll be fine

The first was to Alastairtown for sprig as he's standing on the same stump singing Alastair's traditional song as frogs sat around him listening

He finishes as the frogs clap

Female frog:amazing leader sprig!.

Frog:you have the voice of an angel

Stumpy:deer sprig you have visitors.

He says as he and Mrs croaker are leading Anne and y/n to sprig

Mrs croaker:should we throw them into deer prison?.

She said as y/n pulls out two sticks from behind his back and quickly begins to rub them together quickly

Y/n:*whisper* I said I ain't going back...

Sprig:no no no it's okay thank you deer stumpy and deer croaker take five deer friends!.

The frogs hummed as they all left them alone

Sprig:Anne y/n great to see ya are you here to join our deer choir?.


Y/n:maybe just seeing if it's worth it.

He said as Anne nudges him


He was nudged again


Anne:we're here to tell you this dumb feud with Polly is dumb.

Y/n:oooh she used dumb twice you know she's serious

Anne:and you need to end it just let her have this one dude.

Sprig:you're an only child Anne you don't understand! And you!.

He points to y/n

Sprig:you have a friend that you see as a "sister"! So that doesn't count! I'm always giving up things for Polly well no more! The only way to end this is if Polly submits to me!


Sprig:we're done here...

He blows his flute and mayor toadstool and Maddie jump out the bushes and grabs Anne's arms

Anne:oh come on this isn't cool sprig this-wait y/n the heck you go man!?.

She looked around as y/n was gone

They then started dragging her away

Sprig:that's deer sprig to you...

He says playing his flute once again

Maddie and mayor toadstool bring Anne to the line separating them as mayor toadstool pushes her over it into the hunters side

Mayor toadstool:and stay out of Alastairville!.

She starts to get up as hop pop runs towards her helping her up

Hop pop:Anne! Polly's not budging she won't even see sprig till he surrenders not only that they graffitied my Tim-tum!.

He says lifting his shirt showing the words "hunter rulez" in red paint

Hop pop:...wait where's the boy don't tell me he joined sprig do you know how much bloodshed there will be!?.

Anne:no he didn' least I don't think he did he just vanished when we were getting kicked out!.

Hop pop:oh so no luck on your end either huh?...


Hop pop:how are those kids supposed to make up if they won't even see one another!.

Anne:I know right? We've got to get them together...but how?....

She says putting her index finger and thumb under her chin

She glances at the two flags as she gets an idea

Anne:hey hop pop you ever play capture the flag?

We now see Anne suiting up into a black hoodie then putting on a bandanna then putting a mantis scythe on her back

Now suited up and prepared she hops across the roofs towards Alastair's flag before quickly stops and hides behind a building as two frogs pass

Frog1:so I named my kid Alastair last night.

Frog2:wow you're a good dad.

They walk over a sewer lid as Anne climbs out of it snickering

She finally makes it to the flags pole as she pulls out the mantis scythe

But sprig and Mrs croaker were walking by

Sprig:personally my favorite thing about Alastair is how he's not afraid to cry

Mrs croaker:AHHHH!.

She screams pointing forward towards Anne who's seen cutting down the pole

Sprig:NO! She's stealing the sacred flag! Quick sound the alarm!.

Mrs croaker pulls out a flute and plays it as a group of frogs start to approach Anne

She stops and starts panting for s bit before she sees the frogs coming towards her

Anne:uh oh...

She began to slice the pole harder and faster

With hop pop we see him climbing the hunter flag pole as a frog spots him

Frog:chief Polly an old man is climbing the flagpole!.

Hop pop reaches the top as Polly is below looking up angrily


Toadie:For hunter!!!.

Toadie shouts as he starts to climb the pole after hop pop

Up top hop pop ripped off the flag

Hop pop:ha ha! Got it!.

In the distance he sees the Alastair pole fall over as he laughs

Hop pop:Ha Anne you did it!.


Not paying attention toadie grabs hop pops jacket

Hop pop:whoa!.

He quickly turns and kicks toadie off him as he falls off


He screams falling down before hitting the ground

Hop pop:eh he'll be fine.

He casually says before jumping off the pole using the flag as a parachute

Back with Anne she makes it the the rocks with the flag

She stops panting looking back to see if the group is still chasing her

Anne:no hop pop yet! Oh man I hope he was able to get the flag-

Hop pop:Watch out!.

Hop pop crashes into the back of Anne sending her to the floor

But she quickly ignores it as she sees hop pop had taken the flag

Anne:Whoo! Both flags captured!....this would've been a lot easier if someone didn't ditch me!.

She shouted looking around knowing y/n is somewhere probably watching

Hop pop:now what?.

Anne:now this.

And at the right moment both groups arrived at the same time as both stopped at their lines

Anne:Haha! Tricked you all! Now that you're face-to-face how about discussing this like civilized-WHOA!.

She ducked dodging a pear that almost hit her head

Polly:So older brother you here to finally admit I'm right and surrender to the hunter tribe?.

Polly asked throwing a tomato up and down in her stub



The two groups aimed their vegetables and fruits at each other before


Voice cried out stopping the two groups as they looked up to the mayor building as a person wearing a cloak stood on top

Hop pop:huh? Oh now what!?....

Anne:wait a sec is that?....

The cloaked figure stepped closer to the edge as they could see they were wearing the same shirt and pants as Constance with the cloak over their head

"Constance" (y/n):stop this fighting for a sec!.

Sprig:*Gasp* it's!....


Anne:wait a minute I see what he's doing nice plan dude.

"Constance" (y/n):I've come to a decision about who I shall choose....

Hop pop:say wha...


"Constance" (y/n):the one I shall pick.....SHALL BE THE TEAM THAT DESTROYS THE OTHER TEAM NO MERCY!!!!!.

The groups riled up even more

Mrs croaker:YOU HEARD HER SHOOT!!!.

The teams began shooting Fruits and vegetables at each other with force as y/n watched on

"Constance" (y/n):mmmmm good~.....



Anne:What!? Why she's literally the worst and the reason this whole thing instigated!!!.


He looked up to the sky as he laughs insanely

The battle down below continues on as even hop pop and Anne got hit with fruits snd vegetables

Anne:I Swear your getting no more head pats after this!!!!.

Y/n quickly stoped laughing as his eyes widen and looked down


He yelled as he tried to remove the cloak and shirt


But unfortunately falls off the roof behind he building

Sprig:retreat my deer brethren!.

Sprig yells as his group runs back to their side

Polly:Ha ha! After those wimpy dear cowards!

Group:Hail Hunter!.

They shouted before chasing after them

They march down the street before they stop

Polly:wait...something's off...

Suddenly loggle and Felicia get hit with vegetables taking them down making Polly fully realize

Polly:ITS A TRAP!!!.

On top of the roofs were sprig and his group as they made vegetables rain down on them


Polly runs around a corner as they try to hit her only to get a dead end as she turns around to see she's cornered as sprig and his group stand in front of her

Sprig:you lose Polly looks like your special treatment couldn't help you this time now just surrender-

Mrs croaker:enough talk! let her have it!

Sprig:uh what?.

Sprig asked in confusion as all the frogs began throw and shooting their fruits and vegetables at her as time seems to slow down

The fruits and vegetables slowly come closer to Polly as sprig sees her frightened face

He then starts to remember what hop pop told him

"That's what older brothers do sprig they look out for their little sisters

Polly braces for the shots to land as sprig looks down at his hands

Sprig:wha....what have I done?.....

Suddenly sprig runs and jumps in front of the on coming fruits and vegetables taking the hits as he lays on the ground groaning

Polly quickly hops over to sprig

Polly:why? sprig I don't understand....why....

She says crying

Sprig:....because seeing you in danger....made me realize it doesn't matter what's fair what matters....

He weakly reaches up and wipes a tear off her eye

Sprig:is that I'm here to take care of you...we surrender Polly...*coughs*...we...surrender....

He finished as he closed his eyes!!!.

Mrs croaker sadly starts playing her flute as the rest looked on sadly from team Alastair to Anne to a shirtless y/n

Suddenly sprig sits up

Sprig:Hoo! All right folks pack it in we're done!.

Polly:yeah this thing is pretty played out

She said ripping off her beard as the crowd cheers while Anne looks on in confusion

Anne:wait what?...

Y/n:huh...thought you actually passed for a sec

The crowd began walking away

Frog:glad I finally got a chance to use this bad boy.

A frog says pulling a wooden crafted mini gun

Mrs croaker:now that was exciting!.

Anne watches as they all leave still shocked

Anne:you guys were at each other's throats just a second ago are you seriously over this already?...

Hop pop:oh that's just the way we are Anne you two should have seen lasts years avocados versus almonds fiasco we almost tore this place to the ground.

Y/n:huh man I'm going to love it here even more.

Mrs croaker:whew good thing it's over I don't even remember what we were fighting about.

She says walking back with sprig

Sprig:I can't believe we almost killed each other over a work of fiction.

Polly then jumps onto his head

Polly:I know right?...can we watch another one?.

We cut back to where it all started the stage the logs and stumps only this time the sign said "moovy night" instead of theater night

Sprig was holding a bag of popcorn as he looks for a seat before a voice calls out for him

Polly:hey sprig over here I saved you a spot!.

Sprig:and I brought you some sweets

He said walking over and handing her the popcorn before sitting on the stump with her

Polly:your a good older brother sprig.

She said as sprig hugs her

Hop pop:aww well ain't that scooch over I need a seat

Anne:hello everyone!.

Anne shouts from the stage as her phone was set up again

Anne:for tonight I've picked a conflict-free independent film called "my dinner with anders" but before we start a little context-

Crowd:just start the movie!!!.

Anne:ha ha you got it!.

She presses play and quickly rushes down to her seat

Suddenly y/n down next to her as she slightly looks away

Y/n:hey boonchuy-


Y/n:come on please?.

He faces her more as he clapped his hands together


Y/n:please with cherry on top even with whipped cream?.


She turns away from him crossing her arms

Y/n:I said sorry.

Anne:sorry isn't gonna cut it this time.

Y/n:come on boonchuy you're all I got I can't have ya mad at me....

He scooted closer before suddenly hugging her from behind as he lays his head and her shoulder making her jump a bit while blushing

She slightly turns her head towards him looking at his face as he looks back smiling a bit

Y/n:please?...I'll be better?....

She stares at him before sighing a bit before turning to face him

Anne:I can't stay mad at you...

She says as she pats his head making smile and relax

Anne:I don't need you to be better I just need you to think sometimes.

Y/n's eyes narrows at her a bit

Y/n:you know that's a hard one for me A.

Anne:at least give it a shot now let's watch this movie!.

She says picking up popcorn before turning back towards him bringing a piece to his mouth as he happily accepted

And done four chapters as promise two with wholesome endings sorry again for taking to long stuff just keeps on coming outta nowhere and classes are a lot to deal with

I'll try more to get some chapters out if nothing gets in the way

Also quick question for a future chapter I need you to randomly pick which text to comment under for a decision



And on that note have a good day or night and hope you have a good Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas still have a wonderful day I'm knock out now

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